

quick theres no time go watch mp100

finally caved and put some powdered detergent in my mouth

dont do it. it was worth getting rid of the impulse but DON’T do it

my mouth instantly got foamy and it was. an exprience. dont do it

me watching biggest-gaudiest-freaks lose their mind because people arent letting this grown ass adult get away with everything anymore:

i know im not active anymore but i pop on from time to time so please dm me or tag me in your stimboards or anything youd like me to see, especially if you use my gifs!! i love to see your creations

stay safe everyone

how yall doin tonight

but in space

minecraft but steve is dummy thick and the clap of his asscheeks keeps alerting the creepers

For the sake of the argument let’s say that we back in the mine, and, hypothetically, we’re swinging our pickaxe from side to side

Haters will see you being non-binary and be like they can’t afford a gender

straight friend groups are like: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy* 

 gay friend groups are like: *steve* *alex* *herobrine* *enderman* *creepe-

You’re in his DMs I’m in his minecraft let’s play we are not the same

When you’re throwing away stuff you don’t want into lava and you throw away the 4 diamonds you found

i jus wan be cube

Minecraft bees….

Are shaped like friends :3

I can’t listen to a song that has a Minecraft parody because then I start mixing up the lyrics

The villager, watching me die to phantoms while remembering I stole his crops

“Then hrrng”

Me, playing mimecraft: *gestures vaguely*

The baby zombie waiting for me to leave my house

Me, sliding God 20 dollars: tell me why villager zombies and zombies look different


Zombies, sliding God 25 dollars: shhh

God, with 45 dollars: what zombies lmao

119 more to go…..

Whenever I play minecraft it activates my primal urge to do arson

Don’t you ever just want to go ape shit

How Illagers are made

Everybody gangsta till eerie noise or disc 13 starts playing
