


Just a daily reminder, shipping Lunter doesn’t make someone anti-Lumity! It’s called the wonders of ✨ multi shipping ✨.

And for someone like me, a Lunter shipper who is indifferent with Lumity, doesn’t mean I’m anti-Lumity! I don’t hate it, I don’t love it, but I AM happy that it’s canon for much needed representation! And I AM happy that a lot of people love it! I just happen to find Lunter a bit more interesting! (Wow, so horrid)

Thank you for coming to my ted talk, have a good day


people: you can’t ship that


title:second chances (chapter three)

ship: goldenlight (luz x hunter)

notes: takes place sometime after ‘reaching out’ but before ‘hollow mind.’ (set in my standard canon-divergent AU where everything’s the same except no L*mity)

other chapters:chapter one chapter two

summary: Hunter’s doing his best to get the hang of having Penstagram friends, but there’s still one person in particular he’s hoping to reconnect with.

content warnings: I headcanon Hunter cusses on occasion so there’s a few swears.

So that was how Hunter and the human struck up a tentative friendship for the first few days. Hunter continued to receive and exchange texts with the Emerald Entrails students on occasion, which was also enjoyable. But he would be lying if he claimed that he didn’t feel an extra bit of excitement when he checked his scroll and saw it was her name. (Well, technically the Owl Lady’s name, but Luz was still stealing her account.)


hey, I keep meaning to ask


are you really a fan of Ruler’s Reach?


yeah. have you read it?


ummmm. eheheheh. well.


you could say that.


why are. you being so weird about it. what does that mean.


haha well funny story


King and I kinda co-wrote Ruler’s Reach


or, well, not exactly co-wrote, more like co-wrote the first half and then he took over the whole project like a hypercontrolling jerk and finished it without me but


we’ve talked it over and resolved our differences. and mostly the whole thing’s just kinda funny to me now.


anyway, I guess you didn’t realize he and I were the authors?

Hunter stared at his scroll.


you’re just messing with me, right?


no, I’m actually serious


haven’t you ever checked the ‘about the author’ section?

He was still fairly confident Luz was just messing with him, but he started to feel uneasy.


hold on, give me a minute.

Digging through his bookshelf, it took him a while to locate the heavily-earmarked novel shoved in the middle of a stack of books on wild magic. With some trepidation, he flipped to the back of the book and checked the dustjacket.

Oh. Oh, no.

There was no mistaking it; the weird little demon had a face that couldn’t be confused for any other demon on the isle.


ok so you. might be right about. that.




man this is so cool.


this is WEIRD.


so what did you like about the book?


i don’t know if I wanna talk about it


oh come on! please? I could tell you a bunch of juicy behind-the-scenes info!

Hunter fidgeted, feeling very awkward and conflicted.


you promise not to make fun of me?


of course. pinkie promise.


I dont know what that is.


I swear, okay?

Hunter sighed. He tried to think of how to talk about the book without embarrassing himself.


okay, okay. well i..I don’t read a lot of fiction usually. I’m usually just researching different subjects. but I was browsing and it caught my eye and the description seemed kinda interesting.


so I got it and I was surprised at how much I liked it.


the battles were so visceral and raw. and general bonecrusher’s backstory was. really interesting I guess. kinda relatable?


all the backstabbing that took place in ruler’s ranks was really exciting too, always kept me guessing


gotcha. that makes sense, I can see why you’d enjoy that.


So is Bonecrusher your favorite character then?

Hunter hated how exposed he felt talking about it, but it was also secretly thrilling to actually talkto somebody about the book. Not to mention somebody who was partly the author?


actually my favorite was luzura. I know we don’t see a lot of her in the story but she felt like the character with the most depth, it made her really compelling to me.


and I dunno, she was just. really cool. kinda weird but had so much energy about everything. so much passion, I mean. and wasn’t afraid to show it. I liked it.


and even with all the crap that happened to her she stayed so bright and hopeful.


I was kinda devastated when she died

Hunter winced after he’d sent the text, wishing he could erase it and backpeddle a little, “devastated” was a little too honest.


ok I’m smiling so big right now


this makes me so happy. luzura was one of my characters


hehehe, this is so cool

Right, this was definitely weird. But … also kind of neat? Apparently the  little demon dog and the human sure knew how to spin a yarn.


hey so. if luzura didn’t die, do you think that. she and prince auric would have , become a thing?


I got the feeling she was into him


that one scene where they had to stay at the lodge in the goblin village and


there was only one bed


that scene was

Uhhh shit uh wait, titan damnit he really needed a way to delete these texts.



He watched the messanger warily as she composed a reply.


I absolutely did not predict you would be a fan of shipping but I gotta say I’m thrilled




I have a wide and wonderful world to show you, my friend.


fear not, I shall show you the ways of shipping, and it shall be glorious


o …kay?


and to answer your question, I hadn’t decided yet whether they were gonna get together


buuuut I do have some additional scenes between luzura and auric that King cut from the final draft


in case you’re interested~


oh. thats, ok. you dont need to do that.


I’d be happy to share. it would actually be cool to hear some feedback.




I mean I guess if. you want me to, I could give them a read.


if it would be helpful to you, I mean.


awesome! I really appreciate it, thanks.

He sat there on the floor of his room, smiling and wondering what the deleted scenes would be like. So distracted with his conversation with Luz, he almost didn’t notice that time was slipping away and he was going to be late to training.


shti i gotto go


talk later

Unfortunately for Hunter, his day went downhill after that morning. Belos had turned up during training to monitor Hunter’s progress and to badger him about his flaws, which was very stressful. Then he had to work with Kikimora on an assignment with the junior coven scouts and that went, well, terribly. They bickered constantly and the assignment took three times as long as it should have and it ended with Kikimora threatening to have him thrown into the Conformatorium for criminal negligence and possibly high treason. All in all, a pretty awful day.

When he finally got to take his lunch break, it was almost 4pm and there was nothing but cold leftover intestines casserole. He didn’t eat much and mostly just drank a carton of apple blood.

When his pocket buzzed, he retrieved his scroll and saw it was Luz again.


so how was your day?


I realized I still kinda have no idea what it is you actually do all day


ugh, it was terrible


fucking kikimora won’t leave me alone


she’s like a small yapping dog who won’t stop biting your ankles


oh god I’m sorry, I know I shouldnt be laughing but thats such a perfect description


sorry about having to deal with her though


I spent some time with her during the coven day parade. and I don’t envy anyone needing to deal with that on a daily basis


that conniving little gremlin actually made me feel sorry for her for a while


then she basically sold her own mother out for a promotion!


and well, not to mention tried to kill me after everything I did for her. I even gave her princess back after taking such good care of her!


tbh that part didn’t shock me as much as the part where she didn’t even want to visit her own mom.


kikimora would sell her mother out for a bag of hex mix




 you ok?




whyd you write 'asdfghjkl’


what does that mean


oh haha that’s just a keysmash


whats that?


it’s like uhh. I dunno how to explain, I guess it means you’re having difficulty coming up with a coherent reply? you have some sort of strong emotional reaction.


so how do you do it


just press any key




no, it…you need to press a lot of keys.




well, you don’t need ALL of them, but um that’s good enough


ok there seem to be a lot of rules about this




oh hey, talking of kikimora! somebody on penstagram was recording the parade and they caught footage of kikimora and somebody else did a little … creative editing with it


hold on a sec,lemme find it

Hunter was slurping the last of his apple blood as he waited for Luz, not really eager to finish up his lunch break and get back to work. He still had paperwork to do, part of it thanks to Kikimora because he had to write up a formal reply to her stupid allegations. Ugh.


here it is!

A link popped up. Hunter pressed it. It took him to a post on Penstagram. A slightly shaky, zoomed-in video showed Kikimora walking along a street of Bonesborough, looking sort of glum and dejected. She was so distracted that she tripped over a stray wooden board with a startled yelp, instantly going down and eating pavement. The moment she did, an upbeat dance song started to blast and the editor had looped the footage of her flailing on the ground, as if she was moving to the rhythm of the music, while multicolored lights flashed.

Hunter immediately burst out laughing. The cafeteria was mostly empty, but a few employees glanced over curiously. He didn’t care and continued to cackle gleefully, hitting the button to replay the video. It was even better the second time and he laughed harder, gasping for breath as his eyes began to water. Giddly, he replayed it again and again. This was the best damned thing he’d seen in his life.

Eventually, a group of coven heads wandered by in the hall and one of them stuck their head into the cafeteria, curious.

"Hunter? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before, you feeling all right?”

He looked over to see Darius staring at him like he’d grown a new head. Excited, he waved him over.

“Darius! C'mere, you need to see this.”

The Abominations Coven head looked a little leery but he came over anyway. Hunter replayed the video and pointed the scroll at him, giggling. He watched as Darius’ expression shifted from mildly annoyed to curious and then amused. As Darius chuckled, Hunter beamed at him.

“I see you’re putting your new scroll to good use.”

The older man’s gaze flicked back over to the hall.

“Just, perhaps try to be discreet about who sees you sharing posts that slander our . . . 'upstanding’ coven members, hmm?”

Hunter nodded and tapped his nose, then gave him a thumbs-up. Darius chuckled again and then left to rejoin the group.


did you watch it?

Hunter pulled the little digital keyboard back up so he could reply.


yes, it changed my life, this is the most beautiful work of art to exist


thank you for showing me


oh, no problem! I thought you might like it.

Hunter knew his breaktime was over and he needed to get back to work. He clicked on his scroll, returning to the video Luz had sent him.

He’ll go in just a few more minutes.

Once Hunter had finished his obnoxious paperwork and got himself his first proper meal of the day (a very late dinner), he was feeling a lot better. Especially since he passed Kikimora in the halls on the way to his room and showed her the video to mock her, which was absolutely satisfying. Incredibly petty, yes, but still satisfying.

Back in the sanctuary of his bedroom, he ended up absorbed in re-reading Ruler’s Reach, since talking about it with Luz that morning had put it on his mind. It was fairly late at night when the scroll sitting on his bed buzzed with a new message.


umm, hey hunter. dunno if you’re still up but I kinda had a question


I’m trying to finish up my potions homework for tomorrow and I kinda got stuck and well, I thought maybe you might be able to help


sorry if I’m bothering you

Hunter set his novel aside and picked the scroll up.


nah, it’s no trouble, go ahead.


oh, great, thanks! ok so we’re making energy potions this week, but I’m messing something up. I was gonna ask Eda but she’s already asleep.


I’m following all the steps but the final potion is supposed to be bright green and it just comes out a really gross brown instead. I can’t tell what I’m doing wrong.


hmm. ok. well, it’s kind of hard when I’m not there, but I’ll try to help. I guess describe to me everything you did?


okay. well, I got the pickled springtoad’s legs and diced them. added 2 tablespoons of powdered blazewort, then ¼ teaspoon of manticore venom.


got the 4 ferretcorn horns and ground them with the mortar and pedestal until very fine and added it slowly while stirring.


I kept everything at a gentle boil the whole time. Then I added the moonshroom extract, the book said just 1 tablespoon but I feel like maybe that wasn’t enough? Because it was supposed to turn green after that, but it didn’t.


no, that should be more then enough moonshrooms, they’re fairly potent.


oh. well I dunno then, maybe I didn’t grind the horns finely enough? I wonder if that matters. it said 'very fine’ but I’m not sure how fine I did.


it’s not that imperitive, so long as they aren’t huge chunks, it kind of dissolves anyway


oh ok




the moonshrooms, did you use a tincture or an extract?




there’s a difference?




hold on lemme double-check


ok the bottle says 'extract’ on it. but I thought a tincture is an extract?


yes, it is.


what. you just said they’re different?


yes, but. Ok, so, all tinctures are extracts but not all extracts are tinctures


there are lots of kinds of extracts, it depends on the solvent you’re using. tinctures are extracts that use alcohol as a solvent. there’s also extracts that use vinegar or water or glycerine as a solvent.


ooh. so tinctures are better?


not always, it just depends on what you need. alcohol can do a better job extracting the components when you’re working with something very tough and woody. it also has a much longer shelf life.


okay… so. I need a tincture?


yes, for an energy potion, it’s much better. moonshrooms are very tough.


darn. I don’t think we have any moonshroom tinctures.


do you have any fresh moonshrooms? and griffin’s blood?


uhhhh. I think so, yeah. can I add fresh moonshrooms?


no, but you could make your own tincture with them, if you have griffin blood to accelerate the process.


oh, hmm. ok. we weren’t supposed to really cover making our own extracts for another month. I kinda have no idea how to do that.


that’s okay, I can guide you through the steps.




are you sure? it’s pretty late already and I don’t want you losing any sleep because of me.


don’t worry, there’s no risk of that. I don’t usually go to bed for another few hours.


oh. okay then! thank you, man, you’re really a life saver.


don’t say that until we manage to actually brew a potion.



It turned out that Luz was indeed able to find enough fresh moonshrooms among Eda’s potion supplies. Hunter spent the next hour guiding Luz through the process, and after that, helped her brew a fresh new batch.

When Luz sent photos of the bright green boiling liquid in her little cauldron, she looked estatic.


oh my god it actually worked, it looks perfect, look!!


thank you so much hunter. I think you saved my grade.


I didn’t really do much, you did all the work.


yeah, thanks to your guidance when did you learn so much about making potions?


well. I went through a lot of training about magic from all the covens.


kind of always enjoyed potions a lot, though. guess because it was magic I could actually do myself.


that makes sense.


it’s a coven with really ancient roots, too.


and, I admit I use energy potions a lot so I’m very familiar with how to make them.


oh, I see.


is that why it seems you’re always so….yknow?


always what?


mmm … high-strung?




no offense my guy but you usually seem strung up tighter then a violin


I assumed it was the stress from being head of the emperor’s coven and a solider at age 16


and having to deal with kikimora, of course

Hunter frowned at his scroll for a while, but he couldn’t exactly deny what she was saying. Sometimes he’d down 4 or 5 energy potions just to get through the day, and usually without having eaten anything but a bit of breakfast.


it’s possible I sometimes drink more energy potions then the reccomended daily amount



with the kinds of shifts I have, it’s pretty hard to make it through without it


ugh. I’m sorry.


sorry about what?


I dunno. that you’re in that situation, I guess. that you feel pressured into doing that and sacrificing your health for work. it shouldn’t be like that.

He stopped texting for a bit, because he had to stop and think about her last message. It wasn’t really something anyone had ever told him before, and it seemed odd. To him, his daily routine had always been completely normal. Of course he’d sacrifice his health for his duties. He was expected to sacrifice pretty much everything for his duties. Didn’t everyone do that?


I mean, it’s not that big of a deal. my duties come first.


I get that you take your responsibilities very seriously, but it isn’t something you should be killing yourself over. taking those many potions can’t be good for you. you’re important too, not just work.


I can handle it fine.


that’s not what I mean …


look, never mind. maybe it’s none of my business. I just. worry about you sometimes.


there’s nothing to worry about.


like I said, I know a decent amount about potions. I know how much a lethal dose is, I’d never take that much. my body can handle the amount I use.


yeah, your body can handle it, true


but for how long? are your duties worth burning yourself out over? are they worth giving abolutely everything you have? don’t you deserve to have something in your life other then just your work?


you’re being ridiculous, human.


maybe hexside students have time to goof off, but it’s a little more serious in the emperor’s coven


this is just how things work here.


ok, look, I’m sorry I brought it up. it’s late and I’m tired and. I should get to bed.


thank you for all your help tonight. I really do appreciate it.


I hope you have a good night.

Frustrated and annoyed, he puzzled over her words for a while, but eventually he left her with a simple reply.




May I offer. Royal Au: lunter.

The au actually has lore and such, but for now I’ll simply post the art and make a separate text post for the info.

Messy refs for these designs (aka, the young baby versions for the au. The older versions don’t have a ref)


Neither of them is a morning person


title:ships that pass in the night (part 2)

ship: goldenlight (luz x hunter)

notes: Ok I added on a new scene because I cannot stop. The first part can be found here. Set after Eclipse Lake, except L*mity never happened

tags: angst, fluff, friendship, crushes, canon divergent

word count:~3k

It’s several weeks later when Luz hears the knock at her window again, in the dead of night. She’s dreaming, and at first she thinks the sound is just a part of her dream; but as she’s pulled from sleep she’s hit with the realization that it’s very much real, and it was coming from the window above her.

Her heart began to pound immediately, adrenaline dumping into her system. She was struck with a million questions at once. Is that really him? Why did he come back? Was this an assassination attempt? Why the hell would he knock then? What was he doing?

She lit a candle and grabbed a few glyphs she kept nearby as self-defense, in case it was needed. She then paused to draw in an anxious breath, before unlatching the window and easing it open slowly.

Shining in the light of the candle was the familiar golden mask.

Keep reading

Oh my God, this is so good. 


title: ships that pass in the night

ship: goldenlight (luz x hunter) 

notes: got inspired when I saw this comic, so I used it as an opening prompt. set soon after “hunting palismen”  

tags: angst, fluff, discussion of magic lore, friendship, crushes

word count: ~10k

Luz yawned as she ascended the stairs. That had been one too many episodes of that violent, gory show that King had been watching on the magic ball, on top of an already very busy day, and she was beat. As she opened the door to her room, she called over her shoulder,

“Eda, tell King I’m very tired and if he doesn’t hurry up he might miss his goodnight kisses.”

When she entered her room, however, she froze in place. Across from her, the stained-glass window was pushed wide open, and the Golden Guard was hanging halfway through her window, having wormed his way in on his stomach.

Luz blinked. He stared up at her, completely frozen. He held the bookbag she’d left sitting on her sleeping bag, one of his hands inside it.

“It’s not what it looks like,” he blurted.

Luz wore a very unamused expression as she stepped closer.

“Man, I wish I knew what it looks like.”

Keep reading


tfw your gf is prime nuzzling material

roxannarambles:astrolavas:realized i hadn’t posted my favorite ship dynamics/tropes on here yet lol roxannarambles:astrolavas:realized i hadn’t posted my favorite ship dynamics/tropes on here yet lol roxannarambles:astrolavas:realized i hadn’t posted my favorite ship dynamics/tropes on here yet lol



realized i hadn’t posted my favorite ship dynamics/tropes on here yet lol so…… tag your ships?

wow my Legault/Heath is just exactly #4

Lunter … *devil emoji* 

Post link


tfw your gf is prime nuzzling material


Royal au: lunter prt 2 (+ lore/info)

(I don’t know how to do the cut thing, so this..is kinda long. Really sorry)


The clawthornes are royalty over bonesburough. Lilith is rulling monarch, while eda is known as the “rebel” sibling. They are a family known to adopt, as such, eda has adopted king into the family and he is heir. Lilith is fine with this, as she believes her sister has good judgement and she herself does not wish to have or adopt children. That definitely doesn’t stop eda from adopting more.

Lord belos is a ruler who wishes to join the kingdoms in a falsehood of “peace”. So. He sends his only living family, as a gift to the clawthornes. A sign of good faith.

Lilith is quick to accept the young child into bonesburough (he is quickly adopted by a family who are friends to the royals), and allows him to pick his path. He chooses to take on the role of a knight. (Though he is given every chance to be a child.)

Enter: Luz Noceda. A human girl who had shown up at the young age of 8, and found by Eda. She is also brought into the clawthornes fold, though raised simply as herself, not a future ruler, simply a human who wants to be a witch.

Luz has a big problem though. The rest of the isle is never safe for her. She has the habit of getting hurt often and easily, so at 9, they assign her a guard. Hunter. A the age of 11 he’s shown great promise and is very adept at keeping Luz out of trouble. Reality, is Lilith and eda need someone to watch out for the young human.

Cue the pining young knight and his clueless charge who treats him as her best friend.

Info on Belos: his kingdom is mostly powerless witches who have found a way to create artificial magic. The titan still speaks to him, and he is hoping to invade bonesburough to take the witches magic.

Info on the clawthornes: their “kingdom” is filled with witches and demons who have natural magic, but tend to use it only for mundane things. None are really striving to be a witch, it’s simply a thing they have.

Info on Luz: she witnessed eda using magic and wanted to learn even at 8 years old. By the time she turned 9, she had found how to use a light glyph. She now strives to learn more with the help of king, eda and the history of bonesburough. When given her own personal guard, she uses that to the fullest! Now that she has someone helping her full time, she takes more risks in order to learn.

Info on Hunter: a young boy who was “sent away” but given a chance in the new world. He was adopted by a family in bonesburough that are friends of the royals, though he spends a majority of his time working and training with the “royals” guard. He has no magic, but has learned how to use others magic against them. He is adept and brilliant. But his social skills are rather lacking and he’s a bit snarky. Of the clawthornes he talks with Lilith the most. He’s a perfect knight in training.

Lunter/goldenluz info:

Hunter at first found Luz annoying. He’s a knight in training. He wants her to take him seriously. He doesn’t realize he’s grown rather find of her, till she almost got hurt, and he took the danger to the face. His scar is something Luz is sorry for. Hunter..is not. Because when he got it, he realized exactly how important she is. And how much she values him as a person.

Luz from day one had absolutely adored him. Her own knight! How exciting is that?! She treats him like a best friend, always making sure he has some kind of fun. Even if that fun is her having to be saved from a slither beast cause she was playing with its babys. (That’s how he got his cheek scar) When she realizes her crush it’s rather mundane. He had said something, and she just knew. For them both, Luz was 14 and hunter 16 though hunter’s known about his own crush since he was 13.


Just some colored soft babys.

It’s been a while since i’ve done some lazy backgrounds.

I just like the idea of hunter being able to doze off cause he’s comfy.

And finally, no idea why he’s embarrassed?? The thought was that maybe he now rushes to grab her hand anytime she tries to shake his hand cause if the first time she made him embarrassed over missing it. That, or he doesn’t trust her hand shakes anymore? Who knows. I just wanted to draw embarrassed hunter face.

Old newlyweds …

(It’s been a while since I draw adult lunter…I’ve been wanting to draw them but it seems that not alot of people like them enough, but oh well v’_‘v)

“You’ve grown up, Geo” .

Scrawny and Rebellious to Strong and Selfless (same age)

Finally using reference lol…I’m so lazy in using them even tho it’s essential -_-

I tried to combine Geo’s glyphs and potion making but I didn’t figure out how the result would pan out lol. Anyway here ya go.
