#mad rambles


I’m so great at executive dysfunction, I’ll organize and charge my decks, iron (press out) my tarot cloth, clean my desk, answer several messages…….


I need to do real work, now….


please brain

Working on new tarot spreads for the shop, I’m planning to reinvent my top 5 sellers & then slap the current spreads (and a lot more) into a PDF that I’ll put up for sale….

Idk how much 20 tarot spreads is worth???? Maybe like 50c ea? That’d be $10, though, and that seems a fuckton for a PDF…. Maybe like half of that, like 4.99 or something?

hey y'all, sorry for the inactivity, its been nearly like 6 months. This year has not turned out in any way like I had hoped it would in January when I set out. It’s been very hard, and very rough. The divorce is taking a lotout of me and work has become almost as much an escape as it has a prison- it’s a strange feeling. There was a death this month in the family and that’s probably adding to my dramatics right now, anyway, I’ll try to be more active.

I miss doing the free readings, everything was so simpler.

So it looks like the dumb Texan Heat Power Outage Wave is over and I can get back to work

But can we just like check that perspective and remember that it’s only June….. and peak summer heat is during July & August? I fucking hate this state and I wILL FIGHT HOT WHEELS SO HELP ME IN THE NAME OF HIS GREAT JESUS CHRIST I WILL FIGHT HIM

I come back after a few weeks of needing space and find 420 followers for Pride Month???? You guys ♥ Y'all always know just how to make me feel better ♥

four days into this month and i realize i’ve still been dating everything FUCKING APRIL god i am an IDIOT

Hi there, witchlings & arcanites, this is not a witchy post.

This is, instead, a post about me, and the fact that I need help (financial help). Hopefully not a lot, I am still working, but I am very worried. Does anyone remember any of the times I have mentioned being a birthmother? No? Ok, cool. If you’re ready for the story, it’s under the cut, if not, no sweat just keep on doing you, I know not everyone has the time, money, or mental energy for these posts.

Well, here we go, this is about to be a messy story.

The reason it was easier to use the term “birthmother” is so people would not ask me about my children, and I would not enter many conversations that revolved around the development of children. The truth is my marriage got rocky AF, and I left. The ExH and I attempted co-parenting for a while but I woke up with him in my bed, kissing my back, and rather than being his victim again, I decided to start planning a move out of state where I would keep in contact with the children via all the wonderful ways we can keep in contact thanks to technology.

ExH would not have this, apparently. He decided if I moved out of state that I was “abandoning” them (him+children), despite how I have always said I left him, not the children. So before I had finalized my plans my ExH decided to take the children, abduct them, and drive 5 hours south with them to his family. I missed work and called him every hour that day because I knew what he had done (not that he had told me, I just knew, like a witch does sometimes).

Well, my move takes place and his reaction is to call me and tell me that they (he+children) do not need me, my support, my gifts, my funds, anything. He cuts me off. For four years.

I proceed to text him every single day at the same time about the children and their welfare until I dropped my phone and it broke and his number was lost with it.

So let’s fast forward to now, about 4 years later. I have attempted to contact him through Snapchat and other social networks where I have found traces of him, and still get back nothing. Instead, on April first, I get divorce papers served to me, so now I am in the middle of a divorce. The only good thing about this divorce is he is seeking child support for both my children, which means they are both alive. The bad thing is he’s attempting to control the narrative and erase any reason why I left and say that I simply abandonedhim and the children without any effort.

I need help with legal funds, essentially, and I have a fundraiser established here.

This is a man who

  • Fought with me when I wanted to fill a prescription for antidepressants
  • refused to let me take said antidepressants
  • would not let me make eye contact with strangers if we were outside the home
  • would not allow me outside the home on my own
  • boarded up the windows from the inside
  • when I refused him and he would have me anyway, he would say he thought I was “playing hard to get”, and he would also make jokes about how “it’s okay, because we’re married” – so you can understand why I reacted so violently when he was in my bed, I was not going to be “playing hard to get” again.

& it’s like this until April 11th. Just wall to wall readings (& spells).

Good god, I am swamped right now and actually quite stressed about it. There are so many orders coming in and I don’t want people to get mad at me for taking a long time but I’m just one person…
