#greg abbott



Roe v. Wade Will Functionally Cease to Exist in Texas

This country hasn’t seen this kind of dystopian legal bullshit since Salem.

Access to almost all abortion has just been cut off for millions of people. The impact will be immediate and devastating.

The law bans abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy — before many people even know they’re pregnant. The result is that many Texans will be forced to carry pregnancies against their will.

Private individuals — including anti-abortion activists with no connection to patients — can now sue ANYONE who they believe is providing abortion or assisting someone in accessing abortion after six weeks. 

This could include: 

  • Health care workers
  • Clergy
  • Rideshare drivers

The law doesn’t just allow these lawsuits — it actively encourages private individuals to act as bounty hunters by awarding them at least $10,000 if they are successful.

This is a racial and economic justice catastrophe. Decades of racism and structural inequality within the health care system have left Black and Latinx people and anyone trying to make ends meet with few alternatives to the cruel reality that Texas politicians have created.

This is a full-scale assault on patients, our health care providers, and our support systems. This abortion ban is blatantly unconstitutional. We won’t stop fighting until it’s blocked.

If you’re pregnant, we want you to know there is a network of abortion funds and support networks that will do everything in their power to help you get the information and care you need. Go tohttp://needabortion.org to find out more, including how to contact an abortion fund.

He was a Texas surgeon. Performing operations while reportedly using cocaine. Two patients died…. others were paralyzed. Doctors spoke out, but the hospital did nothing to stop him. Families and victims sued the hospital. Then weeks after accepting a quarter million dollar campaign contribution from the hospital’s chairman, Greg Abbott got involved. Using his office to go to court, against the victims. Greg Abbott. Another insider. Not working for you.

#greg abbott    #austin    #dallas    #san antonio    #houston    

Bald-faced lies are not exactly the best method to CYA, but this one simply exudes a complete and utter audacity

The fucking gall of this man

these 13 year old antis act like activists over their precious fictional ships and characters

meanwhile texas and the UK need it more than ever where’s your activism at then?

Abbott’s really criticizing Biden for a program giving baby formula to undocumented immigrants when he’s the one insisting people carry fetuses to term when they don’t want to. Then again, given his politics, it’s not surprising he thinks life begins at conception and ends at the border.

Since I haven’t seen any posts about it and it’s been two days now…

To summarize:

+ The date board of social workers decided to follow Greg Abbott’s recommendation and take away protections for LGBTQ+ people

+ And disabled people.

+ Both groups are vulnerable already but with COVID-19 this change puts disabled people and queer people’s health at more risk

+ They are facing backlash largely from the queer community. I haven’t heard much from disabled people but that could honestly be my ignorance and me not being in the loop of that info

+ The national board of social workers condemned the Texas chapters actions

+ Abbott said that the Board took his recommendation because “the board’s nondiscrimination clause went beyond the state’s policy on social work”

“It’s a mental health issue!”*Proceeds to destroys any means of getting help for mental health issue

“It’s a mental health issue!”

*Proceeds to destroys any means of getting help for mental health issues*

Post link

Hey y’all as some of you may know, I used to work security at an abortion clinic about 10 years ago. There was an anti choice religious dude who would show up there every saturday for years. He would harass patients, chase them, throw “holy water” on them etc.

One morning I decided to troll the troll, I had a carboard vulva costume I had made for another protest still in my car. So I put it on (cut out for your head where the clit would be because trollololol), and I chased that fucker out of the parking lot and away from the clinic. He never came back.

If y’all are looking for a way to counter the assholes surrounding the clinics in texas, I highly recommend this. Turns out antichoice protesters don’t like being chased by giant vulvas. 

ACLU: “Attorney general Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s letter have no legal effect, can’t change Texas law, and can’t override the constitutional rights of Texas families. No court anywhere in the country has ever found that gender-affirming care can be considered child abuse.”



“to parents of trans kids across the country, if i can recommend one thing to work on today (besides hugging your babies harder than ever) it’s to start building a "safe folder”

a safe folder contains important items like your child’s medical and legal records (vaccination records, court documents/passports/etc showing their legal name if it’s been changed).

also include letters from trusted people like neighbors, your child’s principal, clergy, etc that talk about what a wonderful parent you are.

photos (including self portraits your children have drawn!) that document your trans child’s transition are also helpful. if you have a social media account & are considering deleting, download all your pics and posts first to use as evidence of their persistent gender identity.

one year my son drew me the LOVELIEST mother’s day card. he told me how much he loved me & how safe he felt when he was with me. the 1st thing i thought was “this is the sweetest thing he’s ever made me.” the 2nd (heartbreaking) thing i thought is “this goes in the safe folder.”

include report cards, too. medals/awards that they’ve earned from their accomplishments.

i pray you will never need to rely on your safe folder. but if someone calls CPS on you for doing nothing more than loving your transgender child and supporting them in the ways that they need, then you have evidence to back you up that YOU ARE A GOOD PARENT.

it will be okay. hug your babies, vote these douchecanoes out of office, and stay strong. love you.“


Update:response from the ACLU

IMPORTANT THREAD re: new anti-trans order in Texas - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE!!!

“This is horrifying, and I’m going to thread resources below about how you can help in this situation and/or what resources you can use if you’re an affirming parent or educator in Texas right now”


Original post/thread:

“Greg Abbot has officially directed Family and Protective Services to begin investigating all trans children in Texas and prosecuting their parents as child abusers. He has also instructed all teachers, doctors, and caregivers to begin reporting any trans students they see.”

-Erin, Trail Mom-Read thread here

Update:response from the ACLU



There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

For the record Senate Bill 20 is exactly what the Las Vegas shooter did in order to kill 60 people and injure 411 at a concert in 2017.

Maybe some of you guys in the replies should just say you want to commit state sanctioned murder instead of making up bullshit.


There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

For the record Senate Bill 20 is exactly what the Las Vegas shooter did in order to kill 60 people and injure 411 at a concert in 2017.

There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

So it looks like the dumb Texan Heat Power Outage Wave is over and I can get back to work

But can we just like check that perspective and remember that it’s only June….. and peak summer heat is during July & August? I fucking hate this state and I wILL FIGHT HOT WHEELS SO HELP ME IN THE NAME OF HIS GREAT JESUS CHRIST I WILL FIGHT HIM
