#madam lan lives


All Exits Look The Same


T, 15k, lan sizhui & lan wangji, lan wangji & lan xichen, lan wangji & madam lan, wangxian

Summary:Banished from the Lan Sect after Wei Wuxian’s death, an unexpected revelation sets Lan Wangji on a new path.

My comments: Lovely peek into what an exiled lan wangji would do (it’s still waaaay better than the 33 lashes!). He takes a-yuan and wanders for a while, but has a tip that his mother might still be alive, so heads towards the general area she might be found. Meanwhile, he strengthens his bond with his new son and learns a new way to be in the world. Mom, when he finds her, is pretty great.

lan wangji is banished, lan wangji nopes out of the lan sect, 13 years, cut hair, shorn hair, grief/mourning, parent-child relationship, healing, feels, character study, rogue cultivator lan wangji, madam lan, lan wangji’s mother, rogue cultivator madam lan, family feels, exiled lan wangji, POV lan wangji, canon divergence, madam lan lives, happy ending, @ahlaishepherd

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