#maddy perez


❤️I cantttt ❤️✨

Bitch better have her money


— 1x04 | “SHOOK ONES PT II”

Emily should be happy that Camille is not like Maddy Perez

euphoria finale!


- this was the maddy-cassie smackdown we’ve been waiting for

- i was holding my breath during all the fez scenes i was so scared

- i like that they left his fate ambiguous to give him the chance to return in s3

- i’ll miss ashtray, but i knew he had to die

- yes to cal getting arrested, no to nate not getting arrested

- yay rexi friendship!

- elliot on his john mayer shit fr

- rue looks so clean and happy i love it

interested to see where these characters go in s3, but hoping for a more diverse writing team next season


ok so i’ve been obsessed with determining the timeline of euphoria. here’s what i have so far:

- rue was born on september 14th, 2001 (three days after 9/11)

- she’s currently 17, which means the show is taking place during the 2018-2019 school year and she is a junior (class of 2020) along with kat, jules, lexi, and elliot

- cassie is older than lexi by one year, making her a senior along with nate

- maddy’s 18th birthday just passed in late january/early february, most likely making her a senior as well

- as of 2x05, cassie and nate have been hooking up for a month, meaning eps 4&5 takes place feb 1-3 weekend (the decor from maddy’s party is still up in ep5)

-fez was initially 20-21, but i think they retconned that and aged him down to 18-19 so he could be with lexi

so basically, season 1 was fall 2018 and season 2 is winter 2019. based on the pacing of this season, i think next season will take place march-may 2019, so we won’t see any graduations until season 3

more euphoria timelining!

- rue, being born in september 2001, is most likely on the older end of the junior class

- in order to be in the same grade as rue, lexi would have to be born between august 2001 and july 2002

- jules and kat also most likely fall within these dates

- maddy’s birthday is all but confirmed to be january 31, 2001, making her 18 and a senior

- cassie is 433 days older than lexi (about 1 year and 2 months)

- for them to be one grade apart, the earliest lexi can be born is october 2001 (if cassie is born august 2000)

- not canon, but my personal theory is that cassie is march 2001 and lexi is may 2002

- fezco is most likely born in 1999 or 2000

euphoria sunday (lexi’s version):

- stylistically, i think this was my favorite ep of the season

- it’s crazy how lexi and cassie have the same brand of daddy issues but they manifested in such different ways

- i loved seeing all the flashback moments come to life within the play

- maddy and lexi interaction!

- no bc wtf was that creepy ass dream nate had??

- yes ethan played like half of the roles, and he ate up every single one

- nate deserved that gym scene

- cassie’s coming for lexi’s throat next ep i already know

- i’m v scared for fez i rlly hope he’s ok

- i don’t want fez or ash to die, but i’m scared they might
