#madoka magika



I drew Madoka my friend drew Homura!

And yes…that is kyubey

sayakube: art by wudan_057(Source)


art by wudan_057


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Domestic Witches AU again

inspired by this exchange about Anthony using politeness as a threat


It was the first week of high school and Ryuji Meioh was bored and listless. His usual targets had ended up in a different school from him so he didn’t have anyone to mess with. Well, he supposed hunting for some would pass the time. So he watched his new classmates. Their behavior, their social positions. And he landed on Anthony von Seckendorff. The guy with the ridiculous foreign name. Polite to everyone, liked by everyone, immediate teacher’s pet. Passive. That was important.

Ryuji watched for his chance and finally cornered Seckendorff in a hallway after gym class, right before lunch. He backed the guy against a wall and sneered, “Hello, Seckendork.”

“Oh, hello, Meioh,” Seckendorff said with a polite smile. “I apologize for getting in your way. Ah, and I know my name can be complex sometimes. The end sound is orffnotork. Just so you know.”

“I know that, you idiot,” Ryuji said.

Seckendorff nodded slightly. “Ah, so you just misspoke. I understand. It happens.”

Ryuji ground his teeth in frustration. “I said it that way on purpose!”

“Oh.” Seckendorff tilted his head and looked curious. “So you’re giving me a nickname? I’m surprised. We haven’t really spoken before. Do you want to be friends?”

Was this guy that much of a moron or was he messing with him?

“Just give me your bento,” Ryuji demanded.

Seckendorff looked concerned. “Oh, did you forget yours? I’ll share with you if you like. My mother always gives me more than I can eat so I can share with my friends.”

Ryuji growled in mounting anger and slammed his fist into the wall beside Seckendorff’s head. “No, I don’t want to share! Give me your damn bento, you little freak!

Seckendorff raised his brows. “Oh, wow. That was very rude of you. You didn’t even say please. Your manners are lacking.” He suddenly smiled bright as sunshine. “I can teach you some manners sometime, if you like.”

The guy’s face remained friendly but his green eyes bored into Ryuji in a way that made him freeze. Every instinct in his body screamed threat. He inhaled sharply and found he couldn’t draw air; surely he was drowning, drowning in the deep–

“Well, I need to get going now,” Seckendorff said cheerfully. “My friends are waiting for me. My mother sent cannoli with me today so everyone’s looking forward to it. I’ll give you one if you say please.” Seckendorff nodded politely and stepped away. Ryuji heard him humming a song as he walked down the hall.

Ryuji stayed leaning against the wall, staring at it blankly. He shuddered. What the hell. What the hell had that been?

a sketch of mami from madoka magica in my notebook. she falls gracefully and holds onto the ribbons from her bow as they twirl around her. the sketch is messy and undeveloped.
the same drawing, now finished digitally. the pose is finalized and more accurate. she holds her hand up in the air and the ribbons wrap around her. her other hand pulls the ribbon taught
a close up. mami's expression is calm, she has her eyes closed and a smile on her face. sparkles are around her and her skirt.

Mami feat. my research notes! Some of the doodles I make during class are interesting enough to flesh them out later. Image ID in alt text like usual! ✨

retro madoka <3

retro madoka <3

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madomagitransparent:From the Ultimate Art Works artbook. Ripped by gremlinroyale at nyaa.si.Also t


From the Ultimate Art Works artbook. Ripped by gremlinroyale at nyaa.si.

Also the cover art of the 10th anniversary artbook.

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Rainy season!!!

Rainy season!!!

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