#mafia iii


I’ve been meaning to post about this for quite a while now because I keep seeing people asking questions and arguing about this. Thought I’d settle this once and for all.

In the original Mafia II, it’s hard to see but looking at cutscenes where there are closeups on Vito’s face, his eyes are blue. It’s a darker shade of blue but it’s still blue and not brown like what many people thought:


If you still have doubts about this, open up Photoshop/GIMP, zoom into his eyes and use a color picker tool on his irises.



EnterMafia III. Hangar 13 changed his eye color from blue to brown. Look at his eyes here…


… and look at his FBI wanted poster. No arguments from me here, his eyes are definitely brown.


Why? Well, the only explanation I have for this is that Hangar 13 forgot his eye color!

Now we have Mafia II: Definitive Edition, which made Vito’s eyes… even bluer.


Keep in mind that this is a remasteredversion of the 2010 game, which means that the devs simply extracted and upgraded textures and other files from the original game. If Vito’s eyes were brown in the original 2010 game, then they would also be brown in the 2020 remaster, don’t you think?

Oh, and in the PC version of Mafia: Definitive Edition, you can use mods to play as Vito (using his remake model from the ending cutscene). Guess what his eye color is in the remake? Hint: it’s not brown!


Using a color picker tool on his eyes here:



Yep. I stand by my words: Vito’s eyes are blue in Mafia II (both in the original 2010 game and the 2020 remaster) as well as the Mafia remake, and they’re only brown in Mafia III, most likely because of developer oversight.

I’m personally going with dark blue as his canon eye color, because that’s what his eye color is in the original 2010 game 

when the time has come

Vito, being a grumpy old man

(Vito complains about everything, especially about other underbosses, especially about Burke.)

(stfu old man <3)

love the fact that Vito’s perk is about caring for Lincoln

hate coloring it’s way better than finished one

smoke outside please

New boss’s coming for collecting his kickback

ah yes, i ship donolinc either [x]

maybe zipper’s broken

I bet Vito would play dirty to get more territories and even if it’s not about the territory, look at Lincoln

can’t believe that they are a rare pairing… have y'all forgotten that Vito shared HIS bed for Lincoln?

meaning of drawing character as a smol and double eared baby:

Neom started to love them so much and nobody can stop this

All I really want is everything to go back to where it was

“Shit that will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

+) no blood ver.
