#favorite character

obstsaft:                                                           Look—                           obstsaft:                                                           Look—                           obstsaft:                                                           Look—                           obstsaft:                                                           Look—                           obstsaft:                                                           Look—                          


                                                                  Your hand is a star.
                                                      Your blood is famous in your heart.

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kishibe:                        you can only wait to vanish / in the morning light.kishibe:                        you can only wait to vanish / in the morning light.


                       you can only wait to vanish / in the morning light.

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I can’t emotionally process a lot of things but you know what I CAN properly assess?

The bit of motivation I have that’s powered by the idea of him being proud of me


‘cause like the enemies that we are battling
i am nothing but a human alien.

— soldier’s eyesby jack savoretti.



@squorkal Ya might like this stamp

Yes! Let my boy be happy!

sofibeth: Tails the fox is a master of psychological manpulation. sofibeth: Tails the fox is a master of psychological manpulation.


Tails the fox is a master of psychological manpulation.

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I would very much like to buy this if it was actually a sweat shirt.

You guys so the Rookie Rewatch made a fun little Rookie favorites graphic that you can fill out & isn’t that just the coolest? I know they don’t have tumblr but I just wanted to share this anyhow in case anyone doesn’t have Twitter but still wants to do this! Blank one (& my answers!) below!

PS: graphic made by @LittleBeaker29 on Twitter. (I believe it’s @littlebeaker here!) love this idea!!


Day 1: Favorite Character:  Logan Echolls


I love Veronica more than words could ever express, but Logan is my HEART. 

Everything he does makes perfect sense to me, because I was also a fiery, passionate teenager who lashed out and self-destructed spectacularly whenever I felt rejected or unloved.  

The aching sympathy and compassion this character inspires in me gave me the ability to bestow that same grace upon myself.  He’s come a long long way since high school, and so have I.  

Every series starts out with “a Logan” - there’s a reason Veronica calls him the obligatorypsychotic jackass - and OUR Logan comes by it more naturally than most. 


His home life is a nightmare amalgamation of physical trauma, emotional warfare and neglect. He’s deprived of parental love, but showered with material possessions, which, alongside his father’s celebrity, are supposed to make him “better” than everyone else. At the same time, he’s regularly being gas-lighted by his father.  If he wasn’t such an entitled brat, Aaron wouldn’t be obligated to beat the shit out of him. His parents are in and out of town, presumably, leaving him in the care of “the help” (those same people his mother dehumanizes). Nobody protects him. The dominant messaging is ‘don’t make us look bad’vs. ‘be a genuinely good person’.  

If a “How to be a Bully Handbook” existed, it would be Logan’s nightly bedtime story. 


Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass. Decades later, most of them still are.  For every CEO raping the environment and destroying the economy to funnel money into their million dollar bonus checks, for every politician hysterically screaming over a woman to keep her from reading a letter, every Supreme Court justice who just really likes beer and sexual assault, there’s somebody who knew them in high school. Somebody who could say “They’ve always been this person.”  That’s how it works.  Bullies grow up and find new ways to bully.  

Nobody watching early season 1 for the first time would be surprised to hear that Logan was still the psychotic jackass fifteen years later.  Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, after all.  


The true surprise is that he ISN’T.  

Loganchose to reject that path. He rebelled against seventeen years of parental programming telling him he was both unworthy of love and better than everyone else. The glittering pageantry, the fame, the notoriety, the insincerity. He rejected his father’s example of hurting others to make himself feel better. 

And he did it all on his own.  

At the worst point of his life, when he’d lost everything- both parents, his lifelong best friend, the girl he adored. At a time when the town wanted his head and an MC gang wanted him dead, nobody would be surprised if Logan only wanted to spiral. To drink, to get high and numb the pain and forget about everything he’d lost. Or worse.  


Instead, he….went to high school.  

He kept going to high school, he did his homework, he graduated.  All on his own. No parental figures. No mentors. No help.  Sure, there were some backslides, some foibles.  It wouldn’t be realistic if there wasn’t.  But he’s extremely self-aware. He acknowledges his mistakes, learns from them, reassesses, and keeps moving forward. 


He chose a career where he was almost guaranteed to fail.  For every 1000  applicants to the Naval Academy, 3 will become fighter pilots*.  Logan beat the odds, put in the time, focus, and dedication required to achieve his dream when so many others fail.  

Logan Echolls is indomitable. 


He’s decent and kind. He’s loves joyfully and whole-heartedly, despite his near-constant heart break. He’s not afraid to be vulnerable, even when his vulnerability has been weaponized against him in the past. He’s fiercely loyal, regardless of the loyalty shown to him. He’s nurturing when he’s never been nurtured. He’s a stabilizing influence when his upbringing was anything but stable. 


Logan Echolls is a brilliant, snarky, world-weary, force-of-nature in orange. 

He’s the most layered, fully-realized character I’ve ever encountered, and the fictional love of my life.   


* prediction for class of 19 found in a quick Google search.  Didn’t have time for a deeper dive. Don’t @ me. 

Totally love this post and I agree with it entirely !!

Day 4: Fav CharacterMy favorite character is Coran. I instantly fell in love with this dude when he

Day 4: Fav Character

My favorite character is Coran. I instantly fell in love with this dude when he jumped out of the pods from a long sleep. First of all he’s amazing, the amount of jobs he must have in order to keep the castle and paladins in top shape. Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. How does he do it?

Second, he cares about the others to a parental degree. Sure towards Allura, who he has known for possibly since she was a child. But towards the paladins? Who he has known for merely hours? When Lance felt homesick and leaves the party filled with Arusians, Coran finds him and talks to him. My head conan is he tries to understand the others as best as he can to help them go through each day as they miss what they have left behind in order to save other worlds and protect their own in the process.

I just absolutely love this character. He needs more appreciation than he gets. 

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