#maggot husbands


They had been lurking in the fog for an hour now, but they had been pacing themselves and could lurk for the rest of the night if necessary, with still enough sullen menace left for a final burst of lurking around dawn.

(sketch’s backstory: the prompt was ‘frogs’, and so I thought that 'Frog and Toad’ was just the right AU for it)

Some WIPs with Hastur and Ligur in the 70’s that will probably never get polished ✨ So, enjoy (??) them.

{kudos to @tweedfeather for being the one that suggested Ligur with an afro months and months ago ops }

I realized that I never shared anywhere these sketches (and probably for good reasons). Made for a discord challenge, the prompt was “things we wish for the second season”. It turns out I want many things, ops?

And now I kind of want to do something serious with that Hastur/Ligur concept
