#magic mushrooms


My man and I started growing mushrooms!! These guys tripled in size in just 3 days!!✨

Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a thi

Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong. - Terence McKenna

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I’ve come to the point where I view myself (I, us, we) as a traveler 

A dynamic function of the universe made of dead star material

A traveler that is one within and without the infinite flow of the universe

I am not 20 and you are not your ‘age’ the one you identify as at least

Weare 13.8 billion years old

The infinite flow of space and time and everything beyond that exists 

within a paradox. A dualistic/non-dualistic paradox 

But remember to hear and to understand are two very different things. Take up meditation and if you find the courage dabble with psychedelics

See where it takes you


#tripping    #trippinthroughtime    #psilocybin    #psychedelic    #psychonauts    #meditation    #medication    #mushrooms    #magic mushrooms    #mushroom trip    #dmt trip    #questions    #paradox    #writing    #spiritual    #spiritual journey    #spirtuality    #spirtualawakening    #thoughts    #non-duality    #non dualism    #dualistic    #ram dass    #be here now    #starboy    

Life’s beautiful. After my recent shroom trip I have not felt happier in such a long time

Existence can be so confusing and so tragic

None of us signed up to be here

Society will do its best to strip you of your natural existence

But it’s still there, that primal draw. That spiritual energy we all have in the back of our mind

Don’t let the negative energy that encapsulates our modern world drag you down

We came into existence at a beautiful time where we can share so much with all kinds of people around the world

A growing global consciousness

What I found best to tap into energy is to put down the technology that consumes me. Take shrooms or smoke after a small break, get into nature and then let your mind run free

Take up small meditation practices

In time it’ll all be there cause it’s already in you


#trippy    #suicideboys    #uicideboy    #smoking weed    #cannabis    #follow    #instagram    #marijauna    #maryjane    #mary jane    #mushrooms    #magic mushrooms    #tripping    


“Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behaviour, I applaud all of this; because it’s an impulse to return to what is felt by the body – what is authentic, what is archaic – and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very centre of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling.”

— Terrence Mckenna

I’m not obsessed you’re obsessed what are you talking about


“When the laws of physics are obviated, the universe disappears, and what is left is the tightly bound plenum, the monad, able to express itself for itself, rather than only able to cast a shadow into physics as its reflection.”

- Terence McKenna

(Portrait by Nicolás Rosenfield)
