#magik theoi


Theoi Summary - Hekate

Ἑκατη (eh-KAH-tee) - Hekate AKA Hecate, Hecata
Goddess of magik, witchcraft, ghosts, the dark moon, night, nekromankia, boundaries, and crossroads
Ouranic & Chthonic Titaness

Symbols: Two torches, daggers, keys, Hekate’s wheel, fire, crossroads, gateways
Animals: Serpents, polecat/weasel, dogs, horses, red mullet
Colors: Black, silver
Plants/Herbs: Yew, garlic, cypress, aconite, belladonna, dittany, mandrake
Stones/Crystals: Moonstone, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, agate, amethyst, dark stones

Retinue: Lampades, the dead
Relations: Perses (father), Asteria (mother), Nyx (mother), Skylla (sometimes daughter), Kirke (sometimes daughter), Medea (sometimes daughter)
Identified with: Artemis-Selene (Hellenic/Roman), Selene (Hellenic), Artemis (Hellenic), Iphigeneia (Hellenic), Ereshkigal (Mesopotamian), Marzanna (Slavic), Heqet (Kemetic), Despoine (Hellenic), Perseis (Hellenic), Bendis (Thracian)

Festivals: Hekate’s Deipnon (every dark moon), Noumenia (1st of every month)

Epithets: Perseïs (Destroyer), Brimo (Terrible One), Aedonaea (Of the Underworld), Trimorphis (Three-Formed), Trioditis (Of the Crossroads), Enodia (Of the Wayside), Nyctipolus (Night Wandering), Atalus (Tender), Chthonia (Of the Underworld), Curotrophus (Nurse of Young), Scylacagetis (Leader of Dogs), Liparocredemnus (Bright-Coiffed), Anassa eneri (Queen of Those Below)
