

It’s Time To Duel

I just wanted to draw armor and ended up drawing the Dark Magician~!

Speedpaint [youtu.be/1wvwVFTCnVk]

Majestic boy takes my seat

#mahado    #trucker    

Oh no! Mahado is now a shrimp!

#mahado    #trucker    

Sometimes he just wants to pose.

#mahado    #trucker    

Rainy day with a purretty boy

#mahado    #trucker    

I love when he stretches out his paw like that. Must be petting time (it’s always petting time XD)

#mahado    #trucker    

Couldn’t decide which I liked more so have both

#mahado    #trucker    

Found a sleepy boy against my back!

#mahado    #trucker    

I think…he wants me attention…but I’m just not sure…

#mahado    #trucker    

Playful boy!

#mahado    #trucker    

Ok holy hell I love you for sending us this! (They wished to remain anonymous)

It’s super comfy, it unzips into a mesh canopy, it came with a piggy pet fan, he fits great in it AND HE LIKES IT!

Took him a few times to adjust but he hates pet taxi’s and crates so seeing him so content makes me absolutely thrilled! Thank you thank you thank you so very much!

Now I can take him with me more places! Imagine the fun!

#mahado    #trucker    #fanmail    #bubble backpack    


Someone wants you attention!

Ok! I have finally set up a PO box for Mahado so if y'all wanna send him some toys, treats, or tributes to his fluffiness, please DM me and I’ll share it with you!

Otherwise I finally have everything for the 500+ followers celebration so keep an eye out for that shortly!

As quite a few people wish to be anonymous, I’ll go ahead and share his po box: (as it’s a truck stop postal address, it doesn’t use PO box in the address)


10350 N Vancouver Way #392

Portland, OR 97217

Please try to put the #392 on the same line as the street if possible! (Makes it easier on my post office)

Thank y'all again for all the gifts!

#mahado    #trucker    #po box    #send him your love    

Ever get so relaxed, even your tail flops?

#mahado    #trucker    

Another new toy! I don’t know who to thank for this one since there wasn’t a name but He LOVES it! XD

#mahado    #trucker    #fanmail    

What do you mean this isn’t helping you crochet???

#mahado    #trucker    #crochet    

Thank you, Danielle, for sending the new kitty toys! He’s loving them very much!

#mahado    #trucker    #new toys    

He snagged the camera while demanding more love XD

#mahado    #trucker    

I sat next to him so he scootched closer and pawed at me for pets. He got those pets with snuggles included!

#mahado    #trucker    

Told him it’s bath time.

#mahado    #trucker    

Someone wants you attention!

Ok! I have finally set up a PO box for Mahado so if y'all wanna send him some toys, treats, or tributes to his fluffiness, please DM me and I’ll share it with you!

Otherwise I finally have everything for the 500+ followers celebration so keep an eye out for that shortly!

#mahado    #trucker    #po box    #send him your love    