
livesandliesofwizards:The Hogwarts Express is revered by all as an institution of British wizardrylivesandliesofwizards:The Hogwarts Express is revered by all as an institution of British wizardry


The Hogwarts Express is revered by all as an institution of British wizardry, a symbol of one’s coming of age and of the sacred passage from beloved childhood to full-fledged magical adulthood. But rites of passage are by no means unique to Hogwarts.

Half a world away, hopping on and off of lines that otherwise service the Shinkansen, occasionally dropping underwater between Hokkaido and Kyushu, is the train to Mahoutokoro. It makes multiple stops rapid-fire, it employs time turner technomancy to arrive always five minutes early, it has no central platform or candy trolley, and it is charmed to be volcano-proof. And the students adore it.

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  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Scotland)
  • Ilvermorny (Eastern North America)
  • Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (France)
  • Durmstrang Institute (Northern Europe)
  • Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Japan)
  • Castelobruxo (Central Brazil)
  • Uagadou School of Magic (Africa)