
Magical Schools: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Magical Schools: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

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Dark! Draco in a Beauxbatons uniform

You can download the illustration on Patreon, see the creation process in TikTok, links in the bio

 ■ make me choose challenge: Durmstrang orBeauxbatons [Bo - batton]                                ■ make me choose challenge: Durmstrang orBeauxbatons [Bo - batton]                              

make me choose challenge:Durmstrang orBeauxbatons [Bo - batton]                                             

Thought to be situated somewhere in the Pyrenees, visitors speak of the breath-taking beauty of a chateau surrounded by formal gardens and lawns created out of the mountainous landscape by magic. Beauxbatons Academy has a preponderance of French students, though Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Luxembourgians and Belgians also attend in large numbers (both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have a larger studentship than Hogwarts). It is said that the stunning castle and grounds of this prestigious school were part-funded by alchemist gold, for Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel met at Beauxbatons in their youth, and a magnificent fountain in the middle of the school’s park, believed to have healing and beautifying properties, is named for them.

Beauxbatons has always enjoyed a cordial relationship with Hogwarts, though there has been a healthy rivalry in international competitions such as the Triwizard Tournament, in which Beauxbatons has sixty-two wins to Hogwarts’ sixty-three.

Apart from the Flamels, famous ex-students of Beauxbatons include Vincent Duc de Trefle-Picques, who escaped the Terror by casting a concealment charm on his neck and pretending that his head had already been cut off; Luc Millefeuille, the infamous pastry-maker and Muggle-poisoner, and Fleur Delacour, who fought in the world-famous Battle of Hogwarts and was awarded medals of bravery from both the French and British Ministries of Magic. Headmistress Olympe Maxime is (in spite of her protestations to the contrary) half-giantess; brilliant, elegant and undeniably awe-inspiring.

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That’s right, ladies and gentlemen! We’re starting our own Triwizard Tournament soon! It’s open to seventh years only, and we need students from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang. If you’ve a character you always wanted to see made into a wizard, come visit us!

  • Fleur Delacour

Fleur Delacour, Harry noticed, was eyeing Bill with great interest over her mother’s shoulder. Harry could tell she had no objection whatsoever to long hair or earrings with fangs on them.

Olympe is nine years old when she begins to sew her own clothing.Nine is the year that she outgrows
Olympe is nine years old when she begins to sew her own clothing.

Nine is the year that she outgrows the selection at the little show near their Paris flat, when the only robes left for her are the heavy black ones that the old fashioned widows still wear and are made of so much fabric that she looks like a little girl playing dress-up.

Her parents despaired. Madame. and Monsieur Maxime had never expected their adopted daughter to outgrow them before she even left for school, never counted on the stares that would follow her as she walked down the street.

This is what Olympe has learned: people will always stare. She is out of the usual way of things, and people always notice when you stand out. What she can do is make sure that when they stare, they admire what they see. She asks for a book of patterns and a sewing machine for her birthday.

By the time she enters Beauxbatons, she has perfected the tailoring on her homemade school robes. She has chosen trimmings that do not detract from the uniform, but accent her strong features. Her jewelery is flattering but not ostentatious, her hat perches neatly on her head, her cape falls in crisp folds.

Olympe will always stand out. She is tall, she is loud, and she is not ashamed. And she is the best dressed student at Beauxbatons. She the one her classmates approach when choosing ensembles for balls and dates and formal dinners, the one whose style is often copied and never surpassed.

Let them stare. They will never see her at less than her best.


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Yule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ GirlsYule Ball: Beauxbatons’ Girls

Yule Ball: Beauxbatons’ Girls

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Lesbian, Beauxbâtons, pastel and books

Lesbian, Beauxbâtons, pastel and books

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  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Scotland)
  • Ilvermorny (Eastern North America)
  • Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (France)
  • Durmstrang Institute (Northern Europe)
  • Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Japan)
  • Castelobruxo (Central Brazil)
  • Uagadou School of Magic (Africa)
 Hogwarts au Ramen and Kaizo: Slytherins ((Beater x Perfect))Boboiboy and Fang and Gopal: Gryffindor Hogwarts au Ramen and Kaizo: Slytherins ((Beater x Perfect))Boboiboy and Fang and Gopal: Gryffindor

Hogwarts au 

Ramen and Kaizo:Slytherins ((Beater x Perfect))

Boboiboy and Fang and Gopal:Gryffindor((Boi will become a seeker, soon))



oi dont forget cutie owl!Ochobot

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Pattern: Dress - Simplicity 8732. Capelet self drafted.

Fabric: 2-ply silk crepe with Liberty London tana lawn as contrast. Capelet is lined with wool/cashmere coating.

Modification: Collar and cuff are modified. Torso shortened. Hemline shortened time knee length as well. Omitted the facings and added full lining instead.


Made this for an upcoming Harry Potter event. I have wanted the Beauxbatons uniform every since I watched Goblet of Fire. The dress collar deviates from the original. I just figured the contrast color would make the dress pop when not worn with the capelet. Can’t quite find the right metallic marble fabric they used in the movie so I settled with a navy floral tana lawn I have on hand.

The pattern is an easy make. Bodice and sleeves are cut on one piece so it’s super easy to put together. Skirt pieces pose no difficulties either.

The capelet actually took longer than expected. I wanted to make it fully reversible but it’s not so straightforward with 2 fabric that drapes completely different. It took lots of patience and silk pins to get them to work together.

Possible Improvements: To get a more authentic look I would bring the dress neckline higher and of course, redraft the collar. I believe the original dress sleeves are cut separate from the bodice pieces. The sleeves could be lengthen a bit more as well.
