


Gabe: Judging from my massive porn folder, zoroark

Plus5Pencil: Slowpoke. I can’t resist that sweet, pink ass…


Gabe: In Pokemon Colosseum, Orre seems to have a massive crime issue, no wild pokemon, and the protagonist is an ex-criminal who steals pokemon. Well, he needs to steal them for story reasons and for their health, but still you’re taking them rather than asking their trainer, and this description is confused. But we’ve turned it into a running joke that Orre is a shithole despite having been fairly cleaned up when XD takes place.

Colo is one of my favorite games of all time as much as I insult it.

(Plus5Pencil: My bad, I forgot that asks aren’t rebloggable)

Pokemon Tabletop Adventures is a fanmade tabletop RPG (free, of course). It uses D20, so anyone with passing knowledge of the system can pick it up easily enough. The game is still in Beta and gets updated fairly frequently (We’ve been too lazy to check out the newest updates yet)

Plus5Pencil: I totally endorse the use of any house rules your group thinks will make the game more fun. Our group has a rule that newly caught pokemon are controlled by a different player until you’ve tamed them.

Gabe: I decided to make a bunch of tables for different events, mostly legendary encounters. Here’s a few bits from them:

1 – Keeps you as a pet
2-4 – Mind controls you to give him everything (Excluding pokemon) and leaves you naked in a bathtub full of ice at a local hotel
9 – You now have Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in your head for D6 days

3 – You wet yourself with fear
4 – Wants to play, accidentally KOs both the trainer and all pokemon

3-4 - Celebi transports all trainers to a boat on the way to Orre

2-5 – Challenges you to a rock off

2 – Someone licked it, wait 1D6 turns for freedom

Groudon / Kyogre
5-6 – Bitching about each other

1 – Doom desire, make a new character

1 – Deoxys’ alien space virus kills you

2 – Giratina drags you to the distortion world, you have 2 D20 days to escape before you are killed

18-19 – Darkrai will cling to trainers as they leave
20 – Darkrai will try to hide in a trainer’s bag

1 - Arceus kills you as a sacrifice, good job
12 – Arceus will offer you weed, who are you to turn down free weed?
17 –Arceus feels sick and wants you to rub his belly for 1D6 minutes so he can nap.

12 – 16 – Kyurem talks about the good old days of only 151 pokemon, all pokemon are temporally confused, trainers roll on the mindfuck chart

Mindfuck Chart:
1 – You temporarily see into the 4th wall, full blown schizophrenia awaits! For 1D4 hours.
2 – You feel as though the universe is crashing down, 1D6 hours of paranoia
3 – You start bleeding from the bellybutton for 1D4 minutes
4 – Everything you know feels like a lie, depression for 1D4 weeks
5 – You must call all deities the programmer for the remainder of the game session
6 – You shrug off his rambling as just some insane chatter

Welcome to Orre! Roll a D8 to see what is stolen upon leaving the boat
1 – Everything, wake up in a bathtub roll a D4 for how many days you have to find your kidneys
2 – All your pokemon
3 – All your money
4 – All your items
5 – Your pants
6 – One sock
7 - Your underwear, you must attempt to find out what party member took them on your own
8 – Nothing, you were lucky, this time

Gabe: I would like to start with a c/p from my main blog:

Since the instant we uploaded this we started getting questions I feel I should say this, neither of us are upset. 5 was hoping the picture would get that across better than not saying anything, I told her that doing the picture would make us look upset about it.

Would someone please get that phone? BECAUSE I CALLED IT

Gabe: Okay, Ghettodex started as a bit of an accident. A little after I had surgery I was on very heavy duty painkillers and 5 asked me why lugia is flying/psychic instead of flying/water. In my completely drugged up state I attempted to explain why, but it came out very ghettotized because at the time that made sense to me. Later on we revived the concept in a pokemon tabletop game where her character bought a knock off pokedex.

Gabe: I am a very large fan of vodka, particularly screwdrivers.

Plus5Pencil: I’m a wuss who can’t stand the taste of alcohol.

Gabe: I tend to have the most problems when someone asks that I include something specific, Nidorina was very hard because I had a compltely differnt joke in mind but the requester asked me to make a menopause joke. Otherwise I try to find something funny in their pokedex that I would love to make 5 draw

Although when someone says to make an entry nice or awesome you can bet I will go out of my way to be a dick.

Plus5Pencil: Sometimes one of us gets ideas for the entry’s image that I have trouble figuring out how to draw. Complex scenes are especially challenging since I draw the Ghettodex entries with my off hand. I usually have to remind myself that the images aren’t supposed to be works of art.

To celebrate this occasion, we’re doing a special Q and A!

The first question: 

Gabe:Ho-oh: When 5 showed me the art for this I got dizzy from laughing. Ho-oh being Morty’s faghag is a running joke with us and having an excuse to make her draw it was lovely.

Donphan: Someone look at team Magma’s, or Aqua’s for that matter, plan and tell me alcohol was not involved. This is another case of my love of the entry comeing entirely from how 5 presented it.

Elgyem: I said this setence in an astronomy class once, to this day I laugh about it,

Plus5Pencil:TheJynx entry makes me giggle every time I see it. It turned out so spectacularly trashy. I really love the joke Gabe came up with for Lugia. The rhydon entry is based on a running joke from our Pokemon RPG games, and I was really happy with how the art came out for that one.

Alright, next question:


That was the only question we got. 

Oh man that’s awkward.

Oh god…

Anonymous asks:

Any other way to contact you?

Tumblr and Twitter @pokeytax work fine, but you can also email at [email protected] if you have something longer or more suited to email.

Anonymous asks:

Not the same anon, but perhaps doing what SEGA did to the logo of 7th Dragon III for 3DS? Horizontal middle aligning, looks pretty neat. To the name anon: I recommend using the artbook names: Female Samurai Tsubaki, Female Destroyer Haru and Male Psychic Mugen.

Shhh, don’t tell anyone, but I’m actually just too lazy to change it. You probably noticed some ugly text alignment and such in the patch. Unacceptably sloppy for an official localization, but under the circumstances I just left it, as it wasn’t going to ruin anyone’s experience and was nontrivial to fix. Every fan translator has their own standard - a few try to match official release quality, and achieve that! I cut a lot of corners on personal projects and strive to release frequently and on time to make up for it.

Anonymous asks:

Would you like to give us a hand for our translation of God Eater 2 PSP from Japanese to English?

Sorry - I’m booked solid for two to three years. Good luck!

Anonymous asks:

Any chances for “7TH DRAGON 2020 & 2020-II SOUND DRAMA CD "TOKYO CHRONICLE”“ being translated?

No, my Japanese listening comprehension is way worse than my reading comprehension, so it would be difficult, and the audience is way smaller. There’re also no technical barriers to translation like there are with a game - anyone who can hear and knows Japanese could do this, and probably do a better job than I would.

Anonymous asked:

I finally defeated [spoiler], working on to defeat [spoiler], there are some failed translations like the Illusory Pollen thingy for the Trickster’s EX Skill which must be an Illusory Wing, and other awkward translations, but still good job on translating them! However what other games will you be working on before you do the translation of the 2020-II? (feels bad cause i gotta wait almost 2years for the part 2 ;-;)

Yeah, I’ve been collecting translation goofs for the eventual v1.0 patch, send them to me if you’ve got ‘em (or don’t, I’m not the boss of you!).

The first game I am working on is a secret. The script is reinserted and has a first translation pass, but still plenty of work to do before it’s up to code.

The game after that will be Segagaga - yes, we haven’t forgotten it. It’s just been a scheduling nightmare for the team.

Anonymous asked: 

Would you kindly give advice for someone trying to start getting into the 3DS translating business? As in, what should I look when hacking the game and stuff? I want to try my hand at translating a certain game when it comes out in Japan because nobody gives a fuck about my favorite game series.

I dunno, pal. I could write pages but don’t have time. I would suggest concentrating on either hacking or translation - either one is going to take a vast amount of time to become proficient in, doing both is overkill. (Hypocritical to say, but still true. I would probably be a more effective fan translator picking one and sticking to it.) Start out with a very simple game (e.g. a Game Boy game) and work from there. Or maybe not - I know some 3DS translations have gone very quickly due to easily editable files, but I don’t know enough about the 3DS to be more helpful, sorry!

Anonymous asked:

Small nitpick, but on the title screen, could you shift the “RAGON” part of the logo down to match the baselines of the “D” and “2020”? The type looks off-balance without the furigana underneath it.

I like it this way better - sorry!

Anonymous asked:

Do you know what the characters are called in the EGO manga? Would be nice to be able to use “canon” names.

Female Hacker, Kirika

Female Samurai, Yatsuha

Male Psychic, Shinobu

Anonymous asked:

Can any of the work you put in be recycled in 2020-II so you have less work to do for it?

Well, I couldn’t resist a quick look at 2020-II. It seems to share about 60% of its text handling DNA with 2020. Some of my tools work okay but I’m going to have to unpack and possibly fully disassemble the lua scripts because text now lives there, which is a drag. Still, better than starting from scratch.

Lots of mail. Sorry if yours isn’t here!

Quick summary to start:

If you’re on emulator, press L to access English Full-width when inputting names.

If you’re on PSP/Vita hardware, use patch v0.91, or apply the hotfix to your patched v0.90 iso, or you won’t be able to input names.

If you’re getting a black screen on PSP/Vita hardware, try enabling the NoDRM Engine, maybe? I dunno, I’m real sorry.

Anonymous posse asked:

are you alive? please don’t be dead, say something!!!

Sorry about the radio silence. I know we are used to interpreting that as “dead project” from fan translators. But I was very busy, and honestly prefer just finishing projects by release dates rather than providing status updates. I tried to give as much lead time as I could for the delay to 1Q2016 (which I was not thrilled about, but that’s life).

Anonymous posse asked:

thank you so much!!!!

they’ll tell you I’m insane / cause you know I love the players / and you love the game

Anonymous posse asked:

soooooooooooo how about 7th Dragon 2020-II

My life has changed a lot since starting this project - I have a kid now and am busy 80-100 hours a week between that and work. The last stretch of this translation was an agonizing crawl to finally make good on an almost-finished game. There are related problems too (my Japanese and English proficiency is not at peak, due to way less reading in both languages) but mostly I just have way less time. Additionally, I have other translation commitments I want to tie up before tackling 2020-II.

That said, I really love doing fan translations, and I do intend to translate this game. Just don’t expect it this year, or probably next.

Anonymous asked:

Can I pat you on the head? Will you be my imouto

Anonymous asked:

You are my waifu


Anonymous asked:

Is there anything we could contribute to your translation project besides money? There’s people out here who can code, or help with the design of fonts and stuff.

This is a perfectly reasonable question. I have to admit, the truth is that I prefer it this way for a few reasons; simple pride of work in doing everything myself, a minimum of time spent on communication and project management, and zero guilt about slacking off or aggravation about other people slacking off. I’ll be sinking time into two other group projects after this, so I have nothing against groups! As a generalist, I am probably going to produce worse work overall than a team of dedicated specialists. But as long as working alone on this series is what motivates me to finish it, that’s what I’ll keep doing. Maybe a little selfish, but it’s also been a good learning experience for me.

Anonymous asked:

Can any of the work you put in be recycled in 2020 II so you have less work to do for it?

Don’t know for sure, but it’s practically an expansion pack, so I’d be surprised if this weren’t the case. Not gonna be done in half the time, but I might save a month or two.

Anonymous asked:

Will you ever release the tools you used/made to translate 7th Dragon 2020?

Well, I was going to answer with a vague “someday”, but why not now? They’re a little sloppy, and it’s a lot of work to get this spreadsheet into the game, but if you just want a copy of the script or want to peek at a few deleted quests, it’s good enough. I am not going to walk anyone through how to use it or how to rebuild the game, and unfortunately my font system is a huge mess and I dunno how to squeeze in multilingual support at this stage (still hoping to build it in from the ground up someday!). But it’s here if you want it. For the curious, the lines with “EVENTXXX.BIN” in column A on the EVENT tab seem to be cut content.

Anonymous asked:

Hey, I am getting a xdelta3 target window checksum mismatch issue whenever I try to patch using xdeltaUI, do you know how to fix it?

Not really. The base ISO I used was NPJH-50459, 1,125,482,496 bytes. Usually patcher issues are related to having a different version of the ISO. But really I just plugged it into the patcher and hoped - sorry about the issues.

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As a Brit in America who loves to cook, I wish to single out the cup for praise. I normally grumble a lot, but this really deserves to be celebrated.

The cup is a single unit of measure that replaces all oz, g, lb and kg in the kitchen. It is so utterly simple and brilliantly clever that so many people overlook how good this is. My American mother-in-law can bake the most wonderful cakes and pies without the use of any scales or balances - just her cup measurement. It works for wet and dry equally well, it is portable, is it singular, it is a delight as a pure and distilled idea that removes complication.

Winner: USA, whose singular cup measurement overfloweth.
