
manticoreimaginary:favourite faces for favourite mythic ladies: Penelope with Kelly MacDonald Nonemanticoreimaginary:favourite faces for favourite mythic ladies: Penelope with Kelly MacDonald None


favourite faces for favourite mythic ladies:Penelopewith Kelly MacDonald

None of them speak of Penelope’s cleverness. That is a term reserved for her husband, her Odysseus: so wily, so slippery, so deft with words that he’d spun her into loving him before she’d even realised it. But the two of them are more alike than others see.

Suitors fill her castle day and night, eating her food and harassing her servant girls, waiting and watching the unguarded queen with hunger. And each night she picks apart the work on her loom and imagines different ways to remove each and every disgusting one of them from her home. Twenty years is a long time and she worries that she’s forgotten Odysseus’ face.

But when he returns, Penelope knows him even through his disguise. The two of them have always worn masks and costumes in company, taking them off only in the privacy of their bedchamber. No one knows Odysseus like she does. No one can read such things as Penelope can. She sees through his mask and she holds out the bow.

It is not a test for me, my love, but a test for you.

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Page.32-33WOW, and the comic is done!!!I hope you liked it, guys! Thank you all for supporting the cPage.32-33WOW, and the comic is done!!!I hope you liked it, guys! Thank you all for supporting the c

WOW, and the comic is done!!!
I hope you liked it, guys! Thank you all for supporting the comic!
And special thank you to my Patrons who made this possible!
I already work on the next 2 comics, I will make a little update about them later this month! 
Also the whole comic get posted next Monday in one or two big posts! maybe 3 depending on how much I can put into one post. 

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Page.29Was it a dream?Patreon   Ko-fi   Twitter

Was it a dream?

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タスク: 解体、重量物の運搬、ロジスティクス






タスク: 宇宙飛行士



play to win = 直訳は「勝つためにプレイする」ですが、ここから考えて「何としてでも成し遂げる、成功させる」派生して「遊びではない」という意味にもなるかものことです。な~るほど!


インターナショナルレスキューの潜水士ゴードン・トレーシーは、海面下のサンダーバード4号が最もお似合いです。遊び好きで外向的なゴードンは、 トレーシーの兄弟の中で一番冒険的な存在であります。それはミッションの時も、彼の大胆な服のスタイルにも言えます!トレーシー家のジョーカーとして知られるゴードンは、いつも笑顔を絶やしません。しかし、いざという時には本気になり頼りになります:たとえば、救助活動の時やある女性を感動させようとする時などなど・・・

タスク: 水中探索と救助












変装の達人であるフッドは、彼自身の手で問題を起したり、または汚い仕事をするために手先を送ることに満足しています。 彼の生き甲斐とするミッションは、最先端の技術を盗み、利用することです。科学と工学に基づいて構築された世界を制御できればできるほど彼はより強力になれるのです。

地球上では、インターナショナル・レスキューよりも高度な技術を持つ組織は存在しません。 だからこそ、彼らはフッドの第一の標的なのです。フッドはサンダーバードを手に入れるためなら何でもするでしょう。













ハボック ー 泥棒、コードブレイカー、擬装の達人。多くの混乱を引き起こすために派遣されます!

ヒューズ ー IRを混乱させるフッドを支援する破壊の専門家です。









トレーシー島で育ったケーヨは、トレーシー兄弟の妹のような存在。そしてカンフーの詠春拳の専門家として、彼らと彼女自身を守る以上のことができます ー バージルでさえも接近戦では彼女に適いません!










日本公式サイト(東北新社版 | NHK版


tb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artbtb5-heavenward:and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!I did this using a site called artb


and just for posterity, here’s everybody together!

I did this using a site called artbreeder, mostly just on a whim after I used it to make my current DND character. I’ve always had a hard time visualizing the cast with the same degree of realism that I treat them in most of my writing, but I’d say this is right about spot on. If anyone else is further interested, I might tool around with some of the extended-extended cast, and make Casey and Jeff and Lee Taylor and etc.

Woooh! Realistic IR!! GJ I’d like to see more!!!


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Scott’s freestyle skiing!!

and an extra Gordon and Lady P. LOL.
I want you to look at this as if the sim was Scott. My sim Scott always looks lame, but this time he looks cool!





我が家のシムスコ兄さんが、やっとカッコイイとこ見せてくれた感じでプレイヤーは嬉しい! 実際、スコットならこのくらいのスキーはできそうだよね。







Have you seen season 2 already? I have and i loved it!

The backgrounds are gorgeous, the dresses as well. Everything is soo perfectly done!

I love all of the dresses Penelope used! And there’s soo many scenes that feels like drawing! If only i had the infinite time and the skills!

❤ Bridgerton Season 2 coming soon!! ❤

Can’t wait to see Season 2 and see these two adventures! I know they won’t focus on them yet, but i still love watching them ! And i love the whole series aesthetic !

Let’s celebrate their coming back with some stickers on my store! Here❤❤❤

Tall queen, short king (srry for any inconsistencies/inaccuracies)

I love Penelope sm <3 fav greek milf


I love Penelope sm <3 fav greek milf




being an absolutely obnoxious little turd is a love language

my absolutely unfounded hot take of the day is 

What if Penelope’s “final test” of Odysseus isn’t (just) testing whether he knows the bed is built into the floor, but it’s also his least favorite bit that she does? I’m imagining something like this:

“Ah, Penelope, how can you be so cold to me after this many years away?”

“Sir, I hardly know you, but at least I can give you the best bed in the house–Eurycleia, can you pull it out into the hall?”

“oh my GOD PENELOPE that bed is literally BUILT into the FLOOR! I built this house and bed with my own two hands out of that olive tree that was growing in the middle of the hall, if you got rid of that bed I swear–”

*Penelope, tears streaming down her face, beaming with joy to be able to do this bit again* “I missed you so much”

This story takes place in a world much like our own. However, a few minor historical details are slightly different in this world. Women were never given the right to vote, but after seeing how close the suffragettes came to major societal change, the men in charge decided to put their feminine counterparts on a much tighter leash. What rights they did have were stripped down and any notion of disobeying a man became a serious offense.

By the time our story takes place, technology has advanced quite a bit, and the latest advancements are put to good use in the effort to properly restrain, subdue and control all women for the benefit of their patriarchal overlords.

And now we turn our attention to Penelope. She works as a secretary in an office. One of the highest paid jobs that women are allowed to work. She was carrying a pile of documents through the office when she felt a hard slap across her buttocks, causing her to gasp slightly and then stop. She spun around to see Jerry, one of her rudest coworkers, with a wide grin on his face.

“Hey Cunt. My dick could use a little suckin’ right now. Get down there.” he ordered.

Penelope knew her place here. This was just a usual part of her day. Most of the men in the office were a somewhat less blatant about it, but they all made use of her and the other female secretaries when it was convenient. The idea of saying no didn’t particularly occur, after all, she had heard what happened to disobedient women. So, dutifully she sank to her knees and pulled out his cock.

She wrinkled her nose as the stench hit her. Had he not washed his cock today? It had a strong musk which filled her nostrils. Gross! The thing itself wasn’t particularly appealing, the veins bulged oddly and overall it was one of the ugliest she had seen. Still, Penelope steeled herself and opened her mouth. She just had to get this over with as quickly as possible. But just as she leaned in to suck it, Jerry spoke.

“Stop. What was that?” he asked.

Penelope looked up, bewildered. “What?”

“That expression on your face.” he growled.

Penelope’s heart sank. Her disgust must have been plain as day, she just hadn’t been prepared for it…

“You were disgusted, right? By my cock…”

“No…I could never be.” she argued.

“You totally were!”

“No, sir. I was just…shocked at how big it was. I was worried my throat would be too tight.” Penelope was sweating now. She tried her best to cover, but she could see that Jerry wasn’t buying it.

“Oh, so if I check your thought log, that’s what it will say?” he asked, smugly.

Shit. Penelope had almost forgotten about the thought log. At an early age, every girl had a small device installed deep in their ear which could detect and monitor thoughts. Any man could connect to it via bluetooth to see her every recent thought. It was used to ensure that women didn’t simply act submissive and pliable, but they were genuinely thinking like a thoroughly broken-in bitch.

“There’s no need for that. Please just let me suck your huge, hard cock…” she said in her sweetest voice.

But it was too late. Jerry had pulled out his phone and after a few taps his face twisted in anger.

“Gross? Ugly? Let’s just get this over with? Wow! I’m going to have to call the thought police.” he said.

Penelope gasped. “No please! Let me just suck your cock, please! Or you can fuck my ass or spank me or…or…just not…the thought police…”

But her pleas were futile. Jerry’s phone was already ringing.

“Hello, thought police.” she heard him say. “Yes, I’m reporting a disobedient cunt.”

Penelope quietly shivered as she listened to him speak.

“Oh no, that kind of force won’t be necessary, I’m sure she will come along willingly. She just needs her thoughts fixing a bit.”

No! No she didn’t! How could he do this to her?

“Yeah, called it gross. Can you believe that? She should be thrilled just to see it. I hope you can fix her…oh…oh really? That sounds quite effective. Yes, I will let the officers into the building. Thank you for your swift response.” and with that he hung up and walked off towards the lobby.

A few minutes later, a pair of men dressed in menacing black uniforms marched through the rows of desks until they found Penenlope’s. Penelope had returned to her desk, unsure what to do, and continued working as if nothing was happening. She had almost tricked herself into thinking everything was fine, then she saw them approach. She panicked.

She shot up out of her seat and began to run. Of course, she was wearing three inch stilettos, a mandatory part of the company’s female uniform. This made it quite impossible to outrun the thought police officer who rapidly gained on her and threw her to the ground without mercy. Once on top of her she could feel his knees pressing into her thighs, slowly but forcefully pushing them apart. She squirmed as he ripped off her flimsy skirt. Most women’s clothing was designed to be tear-able, so that men would have easy access to their holes and tits whenever they needed. Her panties came off in the same motion and now her pussy was completely exposed to the officers and several colleagues who had gathered to watch.

The officer who had her pinned took one hand to her slit and rubbed it callously. “Dry. And she is squirming like a stupid bitch” he commented.

The other officer was reading his phone. “I can confirm that her arousal is currently at 20%. After seeing a man’s cock and being pinned like that, it should be at least 50%. There is clearly something wrong with this one. I also see the offending thoughts in the log.” He turned to Jerry. “Thank you for reporting this.”

Meanwhile, the officer pinning Penelope had taken out his fat cock and was forcing it inside her.

“You waste no time in rehabilitating them huh?” Jerry commented.

“Oh no, we will be taking her to a specialized facility for retraining and rehabilitation. My colleague is simply subduing the subject properly so that she can be transported easily. It should take around two weeks, and we will need a man to come and pick her up when it is over. Would you be willing to or should we speak to someone else?”

“Sure, I can pick her up after.” Jerry agreed.

The officer now had his cock stuffed deep inside the quivering and sobbing Penelope. He wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed it as he asked. “Now, bitch, will you come along nicely or do I need to get rough?”

Penelope coughed and spluttered but couldn’t respond with his hand around her neck.

“Reading the thought log it looks like she is ready to comply.” the second officer noted.

The officer tutted and eased his grip. “Damn, its more fun when they resist.” And with that they led Penelope away as her coworkers all watched.

But that was merely the beginning for poor Penelope. After a short drive she was taken to an imposing facility. She waited quietly as the officers processed some paperwork, acting like she was some object the entire time. Finally she was handed off to some other man and lead to a room with several other confused and scared looking women. They were all strapped down into chairs in a row before a large screen.

Penelope was guided to the final chair in the line, where she noticed something surprising on the seat. A pair of phallic rods jutted out, one slightly thicker and longer than the other, lined up so that if she sat down normally she would impale herself on both at the same time. Penelope shook her head, but the facility staff member simply forced her down. She was still naked from the waist down from earlier, and swiftly found herself taking in the length of the two toys before he brought a strap around her waist and fastened it tightly. Now she was trapped and squirming on the girthy rods as he continued to do the rest of the straps.

He tore her top and bra off with utter disregard, exposing her perky B cup breasts much like the rest of the women who were all murmuring and whispering to one another as the humiliation continued. The final strap went around her chest, but it was unlike the others. It had two adjustable holes in it which her lined up so that her nipples poked out of them. Then he affixed a small device to the side, whose purpose Penelope couldn’t yet discern, which just gently grazed her protruding nipples.

And with that, she was fully strapped in, and the man stepped out. Subsequently the lights were dimmed and the screen before them, which covered the entire wall, flickered to life. It almost reminded her of the cinema, but instead of a cupholder and some popcorn she had straps around her arms and a pair of toys buried in her cunt and ass.

A calm man’s voice then began speaking to them. “Your first exercise will be what we call ‘thought completion’. We will give you a prompt which is an incomplete thought. All you have to do is finish the thought in your head. It should happen subconsciously. Bear in mind that there are right answers and wrong answers and we will be monitoring your thought logs and adjusting your attitudes as appropriate.”

Penelope was unsure what was going on, but she had no time to think about it as the first ‘prompt’ flashed up on the screen without warning.

‘I am a…’ appeared in large letters.

‘Woman’ was her first thought, though she quickly realized that this was the wrong answer when a jolt of electricity was sent through her nipples causing her to yelp in pain. She wasn’t the only one. Every other woman there had a similar reaction as they presumably were treated to the same unpleasant zapping as her.

Next the possible ‘correct’ answers flashed up on screen in a cloud of words, each more degrading than the last. ‘Cunt. Bitch. Slut. Fucktoy. Wet set of holes. Vapid bimbo. Cocksucker. Cum-target…’ the list went on but Penelope didn’t have chance to read them all as it moved on to the next prompt.

‘My purpose is…’

Penelope was beginning to understand this so called ‘exercise’. Clearly they were trying to brainwash them to change their thought patterns. They wanted Penelope and the other women here to stop seeing themselves as women and start thinking of themselves as simply pieces of meat, bent to the will of whatever man wanted to use them.

Honestly, Penelope wasn’t exactly sure what her purpose was. She should try to come up with an answer that would prevent her from being shocked…too late. She screamed and wriggled against her restraints as another burst of electrical energy rocked her body and left her shivering and breathing heavily. That was nasty. She needed to stop that.

As before, the correct answer appeared on screen. There was only one this time. ‘To serve men.’

Penelope sighed. Yes, it was quite clear now how this worked. The game would go on for several more hours. As it turned out, there were only a handful of prompts that they were trained with. At some point it began cycling through the same prompts again. Having been shocked over and over, Penelope was growing ever more desperate to play by the rules. When the prompts began repeating she did her best to recall the answers.

‘My favourite hobby is…’ was the first prompt which she was able to instantly recall a ‘correct’ answer to.

‘…sucking cock!’ Penelope thought with urgency. It was a blowjob that had gotten her sent here after all. Or her failure to properly deliver one.

To her surprise, instead of being shocked she felt a low rumble in her seat and a steady throng of pleasure wash over her crotch as the rods inside her hummed to life, vibrating inside her. The lack of a shock was all she wanted, but the vibrations were a nice addition. Was this the other part of the brainwashing technique. The shocks were the stick…and this was the carrot. If she thought what they wanted her to think she would be rewarded with pleasure, if she disobeyed she would be punished. Penelope was a smart girl. No wonder she had made it to the position of secretary.

In the following round Penelope tried her best to get the right answers. She still received a few shocks but steadily got better at thinking how she was supposed to. By the fourth time the prompts came around, Penelope was getting almost all of them right.

‘Cock makes me…’

‘Stupid! Horny! Happy! Drool!’ she could already remember most of the correct answers and they streamed out of her mind as she tried her best to ensure that she was thinking correctly. She smiled as the toys inside her vibrated. She had noticed that each correct answer in a row made the vibrations a little stronger. She had equally noticed that the longer she sat here, lightly grinding against the buzzing toys in her snatch and asshole, the wetter and needier she became. Her head already felt a little dizzy with desire as her pussy began to occupy her thoughts, which only seemed to make this exercise easier.

By the fifth round, Penelope wasn’t even trying. She also noticed that at this point, all of the other girls were groaning in pleasure as well. Their grunts and gasps of pain had slowly subsided as each of them gave in and thought what they were supposed to, like good girls.

When that exercise was finally done, Penelope could feel her head spinning. Already she was soaking and her thoughts no longer felt like her own. She was terrified by how effective this could be, but at the same time her sloppy slit quelled her fear and made her crave for more. She was disgusted by herself, but why? She was just a fucktoy…vapid bimbo cum-target…

She shook her head. Those weren’t her thoughts! How many hours had she been strapped into this chair exactly?

Then they were set up for the next exercise. They were not released from the chairs, the staff simply moved them whilst still strapped and squirming. They put the women into pairs, facing each other. Then the voice spoke again to explain this new exercise.

“Now this exercise is called the ‘empathy training’. You will be given phrases to say to your partner. All your partner need do is agree. You will take it in turns to speak and to listen. Its a very simple exercise.”

Penelope was sure it was not as simple as he suggested.

“You are a stupid cunt who belongs on her knees.” the voice said. That was the first phrase.

But Penelope looked into the wide eyes of the woman in front of her and her lips trembled. She didn’t even know this woman, how could she say something so rude? She braced herself for a shock as she was sure her silence would get her punished. Instead, she watched her partner’s face twist in pain as she jumped in her seat. It was the other woman who had been punished for her silence.

Penelope was starting to understand the truly twisted nature of this game. If she didn’t insult her partner, then it was her partner who got shocked. Either way it would be her fault. There was no winning. There was no way to be nice. There was no way to treat her fellow detainees with respect or dignity.

“You are a worthless whore, you spread your legs for every cock you see.”

Penelope was blushing already and it hadn’t even been directed at her. Having learnt from the first round, it seemed her partner would not make the same mistake as Penelope. Now that it was her turn she said the phrase immediately.

“You are a worthless whore, you spread your legs for every cock you see.” she said quietly with an apologetic look on her face. Penelope gave her a forgiving smile and nod and felt a faint vibration in her crotch.

“You don’t get to think for yourself you brainless little nympho.” the voice told them.

Penelope’s turn again. “You don’t get to th-think for yourself you…you brainless little nympho.” she stammered, blushing.

She watched her partner’s eyes widen a little and her hips wriggle before a slow moan escaped her mouth. It was weird, but at least she hadn’t just been responsible for giving the poor woman a shock.

As this exercise continued, Penelope learned another thing. Unlike the last game, correct answers in a row didn’t increase the strength of vibrations. It was something to do with how the speaker said the phrase. Louder was definitely better. But also saying it more condescendingly or with evident disgust would also increase the potency of the subsequent reward for their partner.

By the end of the exercise, they were each readily hurling the degrading phrases at each other loudly and harshly, and their partner would respond by squirming and moaning and begging for more. Which only made it easier to say the next phrase with more genuine disgust for the nasty, writhing, sloppy mess of a bitch in front of them.

Their third and final exercise of the day was announced as the ‘man pleasing’ exercise. A member of staff would stand in front of each of them and wave his cock in their face. As the voice explained; “For the duration of this exercise, you are expected to please the man before you. If you do a good job he may allow you to cum. If he is displeased he can administer shocks. Better develop those servicing skills of yours quickly because our staff have their cocks sucked daily by women who are better trained than you pathetic sluts.”

Penelope had given her share of blowjobs, so she didn’t expect this to be tough. The first thing that struck her was the size of the cock. It was much larger than average. She wrapped her lips around the end and then struggled to get her mouth further onto the thing, so she settled for working the tip as much as she could. As she did so, the man scrolled through her thought log on his phone and tutted.

That was ominous, and so Penelope tried to put what she had learned in the first two exercises to good use and began thinking the most degrading and objectifying phrases she could remember about herself whilst throwing in plenty of compliments for his cock.

As she sucked, the vibration in her cunt and ass built and built until she was groaning around his cock in desperation. After so many hours of it her leaky holes were so eager to cum. Yet just as she got close, the vibrations died down and she slid back from the edge. As she serviced the overgrown cock in her mouth this kept happening. It was maddening. Pure torment. After several hard edges, she started verbally begging.

“Please let me cum, sir! I need to cum! Oh god, Please!”

The man simply looked down at her, seemingly unimpressed.

After over an hour of torture for her, neither one of them had cum and the exercise finished abruptly. “Your thoughts showed clear improvement, and your arousal levels reached 85% towards the end, though you can do a little better there. However, your blowjob technique is simply subpar. I will put you in for additional suck training.” he said. Thankfully she didn’t get shocked, but she was unstrapped and left the room horny and ashamed.

The women were led to a shared dormitory with bunk beds and various TV screens across the place. As they went to their assigned beds and settled in, they were dismayed to find several humiliating details. Firstly, the screens were constantly playing pornography. Hardcore stuff, the type that Penelope would usually not watch. Throat-fucking, anal and bondage. There was no way to turn them off.

Second, the water. Whilst they had each been given a packet of food which was fairly ordinary, there was nothing to drink with it. Instead, there were several dildos which jutted out of the wall labeled ‘water’. Upon closer inspection they each had a hollow tube running through and when Penelope wrapped her lips around the tip a slow trickle of water flowed into her mouth. If this wasn’t the most demeaning drinking fountain of all time then Penelope didn’t want to know what was. The further she pushed her throat over the fake cock, the faster the water flowed. Of course, the worst part was that every other woman seemed to be watching her as she drank. Watching her gag on this cock as she choked down her refreshing prize.

The other women soon relented, each taking their turn to suckle the cocks and gulp down a steady stream of water.

Finally, there was the dildos. They were each provided with a dildo for their own use. Admittedly, Penelope was more than a little horny after all that, but a dormitory full of women who would be able to hear her, even see and smell her playing with herself, was not exactly the place to do anything about that.

However, as the days passed, Penelope and the other women underwent some changes. The supplemental suck training, which many of them had to do, was like the third exercise but with the man being much more hands-on. He would grab her head and thrust it onto his cock as he pleased. He would also slap and spit on her whenever he felt like she wasn’t trying hard enough or his cock simply wasn’t feeling good. It would happen before the rest of the exercises and the man wouldn’t stop until he came in her throat and often all over her face. Thus, they would be covered in stale cum and with their throats already a little sore by the time they did the empathy exercise. This only served to make it easier to insult the blatantly cum-stained cunts who were their partners. The partners changed each time as well, so they got to know each other by hurling disgusting insults and verbally degrading each other.

The third exercise became easier and easier for Penelope as her cocksucking skills flourished. Soon enough they would release some of the straps, allowing the women to use their hands and even their tits to enhance the pleasure. Eventually, Penelope impressed her controller enough that he released her waist, pulled her off the chair entirely and slammed his cock straight into her ass without hesitation. She practically came right there. Her anal sensitivity had been growing and growing since the whole ordeal started and by this point she was certainly able to cum from being fucked in her ass. Much to her delight, he grunted that she was allowed to cum and she clenched and convulsed around his cock in orgasm whilst he pumped his cum deep inside her asshole.

The other women were very jealous of her that day, and the insults at the next empathy exercise felt particularly barbed. But Penelope didn’t care. She was adapting quickly to her training. Thinking how they wanted. She was just a brainless little cunt whose only skill was impaling herself on cock, afterall.

The women began making use of their dildos after their exercises. At first only a couple were brave enough, but soon the dormitory was awash with moans and stank of sex as every slut within was pounding their aching pussy for hours each evening in their desperation.

“Suzy, what are you doing?” Anastasia yelled at Suzy, who had her pussy around one of the ‘drinking cocks’ and was humping desperately.

“Sorry! I’m just so horny!” she exclaimed.

“Use your dildo you dub bimbo!” Anastasia exclaimed.

“But Penelope took it!” Suzy said, still humping the cock on the wall as she pouted.

“Penelope, did you take her dildo?”

Penelope blushed. “I was just borrowing it…” she admitted.

“What do you need two for anyway?” Suzy inquired, still fucking herself in front of everyone as the conversation went on.

“For my ass.” Penelope said softly.

“You dirty slut. Give it back to Suzy. And Suzy, for fucks sake, get your sloppy cunt off of our drinking cock!” Anastasia yelled.

“As punishment, You two have to use that drinking cock from now on.” Anastasia declared. The rest of the women muttered and nodded in agreement.

“Why me? She was the one humping it!” Penelope argued.

“But you took her dildo. Plus you got to cum the other day, we can’t let that go to your head you stupid, worthless, greedy fucking cunt!”

Penelope was silenced. The next time she was thirsty, everyone watched her drink for the first time since their first day. She could taste Suzy’s sex still clinging as she swallowed her water. It wasn’t as bad as she expected.

When two weeks had finally passed, Penelope was a new slut. Jerry could tell immediately as he arrived to pick her up. The officer who had first responded to the call led him to the room where she was waiting. When she saw him, her heart jumped for a second.

“Jeremy!” she exclaimed eagerly.

“Hi Penelope. Ready to suck my cock now?” he asked with that characteristic smug attitude.

“Yes please!” she said with a giggle as she sank to her knees eagerly.

“A good start.” he mumbled as he whipped out his cock. It smelled twice as strong as Penelope remembered. He probably hadn’t washed it in the last two weeks to toy with her.

She wrapped her lips around it and dutifully swallowed the entire thing down with no effort. She had been trained well, and could deep-throat much larger cocks than this.

Jerry pulled out his phone and scrolled through her thought log. ‘Yummy cock! Tastes so good! I’m a stupid cocksucking cunt. Hope he feels good. Ooh he’s twitching in my mouth, so nice! Wanna taste his cum too….’ it went on like this as she expertly pleasured his cock. He also noted her arousal level was at 90% and slowly rising. He hadn’t seen an arousal score that high any time he had checked a slut’s thought log. And this was just from tasting his cock! What a slut!

“So, it would appear the rehabilitation has been successful.” The thought police officer observed from her thought log and clear desperation to please.

“Ung…yeah…uh…fuck that training sure is something….ughhhhh!” Jerry responded as he emptied his balls down her waiting throat. All the while Penelope kept her lips locked around the base of his shaft and gazed up at him with doe eyes as she swallowed every last drop of his cum.

“Now, this is good, but as thought police it is not just our job to rectify the situation but also to seek to prevent her from re-offending. So she works as a secretary?” he inquired.

“Yes, thats right.”

“Well, while that can cause problematic notions of dignity to arise within a slut, with the proper working environment this risk can be mitigated. I am guessing she was treated with a little too much respect in the past?”

“Well yeah…not by myself of course, but others in the office would often act like she was an equal.”

“Troubling. We will be inspecting the office and making the requisite changes to ensure that her and the other cunts in that office never become disobedient again.”

And that they did. Several thought police officers came in one day and started pointing out problems all over the place.

“Is this her desk?” one asked, looking at her standard cubicle with a small desk and chair.

“Yes.” Jerry affirmed.

“It looks much the same as a man’s desk. This simply won’t do. We should remove the desk, any work she does can be done on the floor. Next, paint the screens pink and put in holes in each for the neighbouring men to push their cocks through if they want to use her without leaving their own cubicles. Also, reevaluate what work you give her. I know it is tempting to try to get more done by giving some meaningful work to a cunt whilst the men are busy, but in the long run the office will be more cohesive and efficient if you make sure your secretaries are servicing the men properly and not attempting to use their brains for tasks which should be handled by men. This applies to all secretaries of course, not just Penelope.”

And so, when Penelope returned to the office, she found her cubicle quite different to what she remembered. She was also a little surprised when she first noticed her neighbour’s cock poking through one of the holes. Dangling there audaciously. Of course, Penelope was much more obedient now. She immediately knew what to do and dropped the irrelevant photocopies she had been sorting through to begin servicing the cock. As she did, a second cock poked through another hole in the opposite wall and Penelope re-positioned herself so that she could slide her already sopping cunt over the new arrival and continue to service both cocks in her cubicle spitroast.

Once she had serviced both cocks, and she had cum dribbling out of both holes onto the floor of her cubicle, she looked up at Jerry who was standing above her. It was unclear how long he had been watching.

As usual, he didn’t make eye-contact with her. He simply stared at her chest as she spoke. “Hi Jerry, what up?” she said in a bubbly voice.

“Oh, I’m just moving desk. I actually got a promotion! Can you believe, the higher-ups are already seeing improved office morale and they praised my initiative in calling the thought police. Anyway, now I’m at the cubicle next to yours, so you won’t have far to crawl when I need you to suck my cock.

“Oh, wow! That’s great news! I have good news too!” she bounced as she said it.

“Oh really, whats that?”

“The bosses are also impressed with my new attitude. They said I would be getting a big bonus!”

Jerry raised an eyebrow. “A big bonus you say? How big?”


Jerry looked confused for a moment.

“I’m getting bigger titties! They said the company will pay for it and arrange everything.” she exclaimed eagerly.

“Oh, thats what you mean! That is great news. I will make sure to give your new titties plenty of attention when you get them to celebrate. I hear they can be quite tender after the surgery.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait! Thank you so much for helping me become the stupidest little cunt I can possibly be Jerry! Can I please suck your cock now?”

Jerry shrugged. “Yeah, my dick could use a little suckin’ right now.” he said with a grin as Penelope’s eyes glazed over and her lips locked around his cock once more.

He should have called the thought police sooner!



Day 2: Favorite Character

Penelope Garcia

it was a cold and spooOOoooky ham-o-ween night…

it was a cold and spooOOoooky ham-o-ween night…

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20th-century-man:Natalie Wood / publicity photo for Arthur Hiller’s Penelope (1966)


Natalie Wood / publicity photo for Arthur Hiller’s Penelope(1966)

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Today, Summer Under the Stars is celebrating the always effervescent Natalie Wood! This recreation of a Japanese poster for her film Penelope (1966) is my tribute to my girl Natalia.

I watched it for the first time this morning and it’s exactly as adorable as this poster makes it seem. Natalie has just the right amount of Fujiko Energy for the plot. Edith Head’s costuming is as gorgeous as always and I would like to have one of each of Natalie’s costumes in my closet please and thank you.

What is Cosplay Under the Stars?

If you’re new here, every August, Turner Classic Movies celebrates Summer Under the Stars. Each day of the month, a different film star gets a full 24 hours of programming. In 2017, on a whim, I decided to put together closet cosplays of every woman featured that month. And so, Cosplay Under the Stars was born.

dinablokhin:Fairground A poster I painted for the film Penelope. I appreciate its kindhearted mess



A poster I painted for the film Penelope. I appreciate its kindhearted message about the importance of internal beauty and self-love.

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Me n the girls

Natalie Wood / during production of Arthur Hiller’s Penelope (1966)

Natalie Wood / during production of Arthur Hiller’s Penelope(1966)

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