#makeup trends

Heaven Has Heels exclusive beauty editorial. Click here for more.

Heaven Has Heels exclusive beauty editorial. Click here for more.

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Be bold! Mix & Match all brands and score this season’s hottest lip trend! 

Be bold! Mix & Match all brands and score this season’s hottest lip trend! 

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Future Makeup Predictions for The End Times, Part 2

Just checking my watch now and, yep, still in the middle of a global pandemic with inequality and corruption at every turn!
Okay that was really nihilistic of me, but now is where I segue this statement about the state of affairs in 2020 to how we reflect what is going on in our lives through our clothes, hair, and – surprise! – makeup.

In today’s post, we’re finishing our predictions of what…

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Dangerous Beauty! Part 2


Aaaand we’re back with another Dangerous Beauty post, showing you worldwide examples from yesterday and today. Trust me when I say I have a good-sized list written down with products.

Today it’s all about the complex, the gross and the heart-stopping.


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Visions of the future have always had an aspect of technological strides with a dash of individuality. In the early-to-mid 1900s, the future seemed really promising but thanks to cyberpunk and recent history, we’re a biiiit more skeptical of a utopia that includes rolling away from your neighbours.


For when Susan won’t stop being a nosy bitch.

Like some tired, beauty-focused Millenial Nostradamus, I’m throwing my hat into the ring and predicting some mainstream future makeup trends, fitting for late capitalism, societal changes and our never-ending love of silver. My biggest predictions will be able to change our face enough for privacy and against anti-surveillance[I bet you weren’t expecting that kind of talk from a beauty post] by utilising looks we already do, with some exaggerations and tweaks; like changing face shapes, throwbacks, and complete merging of tech… and yes, silver.

Change Skin Colour ala Juno Birch

Yes I love Juno and I’ve talked about how much I love her before, but I think she’s an icon for her 1950s/60s alien housewife which is an aesthetic. I’ve always loved the idea of changing foundation colours completely (one that isn’t racist) but Juno does it in such a flawless way where everything comes together so well, and maybe that’s makeup’s final frontier: pretty mint green skin.

in a similar vein…


Throwback to the 70s and Experimental 80s, including Bright Colour Revival

The 70s were a time of great social change in the western world (thanks to the steps taken towards civil rights, LGBT, women’s liberation and anti-war movements, as well as the start of counterculture in the late 60s), I believe it’s accurate to say we’re in the middle of another social change right now. We usually go back to those times through the way we present ourselves; with clothes,hairandmakeup. Coupled with the bold, experimental colours and edges of the 80s, we could see a new style of revival.


Lines, Dots and Shapes to Resemble Cables and Wires

Call me controversial, but I think a mechanical look is nicer than what Google Glasses could have never been. Sure, we might not be bolting anything to the side of our face yet anytime soon, but we always play around with shapes and give ourselves bold contour and highlight lines, what’s one more?


Geometric Shapes including Pixels Anywhere and Everywhere

In the intro I put a link to an article about people using makeup and other means to screw with surveillance which I’m totally on board with, but this could actually be a thing where we see a merging of anti-surveillance and makeup, even easier SFX. I’m not alone in thinking this, either. Sure, recognition will get better, but there are people out there who are always thinking of a way to fuck with the system, and I’m always down with fucking up the system [FBI/CIA/NSA/DVD DO NOT INTERACT].


Going Back To Traditional Roots and Heritage Pride


NZ reporter and journalist Oriini Kaipara with her moko kauae.

The past couple of years have seen some beautiful examples of native representation, including New Zealand journalist and news presenter, Oriini Kaipara’s moko kauae, a traditional Maori chin tattoo worn by women. I think it’s a trend that will continue as equality and diversity become more of a mainstay (hopefully) where people feel comfortable and accepting of traditional displays of heritage, whether through tattoos, hairstyles, etc.



Future Makeup Predictions for The End Times, Part 1 Visions of the future have always had an aspect of technological strides with a dash of individuality.