#male dominated

I need feminism because… We are strong, independent women!If you truly are strong, independen

I need feminism because… We are strong, independent women!

If you truly are strong, independent women, you would not be relying on feminism to address issues and hardships that most women are very capable, yet unwilling, to address themselves. Feminism relies on strong, independent women to prove that women are capable of showing the same equal levels of determination, talent, power, influence, resilience, toughness, persuasiveness, validity, devotion, leadership, and intellectual ability as any “male privileged” successful man or successful women.

Strong and independent women are, more often than not, enlightened enough to realise that they don’t need feminism, feminism needs them. Feminism needs strong, independent women to validate its claims about females being strong and independent. Don’t you see? Feminism rides on the back of successful, self empowered women, and steals the credit and recognition of their achievements to further push its own agenda!

This is what makes feminism (the first-wave, first-world modern “feminism”), such a dangerous and greedy political movement. It manipulates women into developing victim complexes before convincing them that they need this movement to help empower themselves to become strong and independent women. 

I am a woman. I firmly believe that almost every single woman in modern, first world countries have the opportunity of developing and improving themselves to become a strong, independent, self-empowered members of society. Some people act on these opportunities, some people prefer not too. Some people are overwhelmed by the struggles they may face, some people eat their struggles for breakfast. What I am saying is that we have equal opportunities and equal rights under law. What we choose to do with what we have access to is up to us. 

Besides, not all women poses is the drive and determination to become super-women-major-media-recognition powerhouses. That is okay. If it makes you happy and fulfilled, be a stay at home mum, view your partner as the head of your household, that still doesn’t make you any more or less strong, independent or empowered in your own way. Don’t let feminism convince you otherwise.

- fraudulentfeminist

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I need feminism because I shouldn’t have to worry that my gender will stop me from being succe

I need feminism because I shouldn’t have to worry that my gender will stop me from being successful in the male dominated games industry.

Do we really have to keep doing this? I hate how we completely dehumanize the majority of people working within the games industry by labeling it as a “male dominated games industry”.  The way we use words can be so incredibly manipulative sometimes. When you use words such as “male dominated” it completely removes any sort of human context and replaces it with negative stereotypes because we are throwing around the word “dominated” which will always invoke negative connotations.

When you say words like “male dominated” you are almost implying that all the men in that particular industry are women-hating bigoted sexists who want to dominate over all of the women. That is a shitty and hurtful generalization to make. I’m going to slightly re-word the above quote:

“I need feminism because I shouldn’t have to worry that my gender will stop my from being successful in the games industry where 80% of the workforce happen to be really passionate and genuine men who are doing what they love.”

Yes, I understand that there are still people out there who are still inherently sexist towards women, to the point where it could be considered bigotry. These people are the minorities. There really is only a handful of people who will look at mind blowingly awesome work and deny the applicant because all they saw was the female gender of the creator behind the design.

Do you know what will actually stop you from being successful in the games industry (or any creative industry for that matter) 99% of the time? Lack of motivation, passion, talent, ambition, and creativity. You need all of this to succeed. We are all on tumblr, and we’ve all seen those amazing images, videos, music clips, or art… Yet the people who created them are absolute nobodies. It goes to show that just because you are insanely talented doesn’t mean you are going to make it if you don’t have the motivation and the passion to dedicate most of your life into getting your work out there and recognized. You can’t expect to have everything handed to you on a silver platter. 

Saying things like “I can’t be successful because there are lots of men” is a really copout way of giving up. Don’t make excuses. Stop blaming others. 


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