#male hypno


Matt loves his job as a delivery driver. He enjoys wearing that tight blue shirt, because it makes his huge, beefy body look even better. Today, hes got a few smaller packages to deliver im his usual neighbourhood. With one last look at himself in the rear-view mirror, he smiles, winks and gets outside. Matt opens the back door, grabs the little brown box at the side, checks the name and gets going. He makes his way up the driveway, singing along the last song playing in the radio. “Doctor Newman” he growls, reading the nametag right next to the black, wooden door. “Alright.” Matt puts on his best smile, and rings the bell. While waiting, he looks down at his chest, and lets his pecs bulge against the thin fabric of his shirt. Then, he giggles to himself. The door opens, and a smaller, but still good looking guy opens the door, raising an eyebrow. “Yes?” The guy says, looking at the parcel inside Matts hand, over his chest and back to his face. “Doctor Newman?” Matt says, his eyes wandering down as well, before he smiles again. “Thats right.” The man smiles too, and awaits the light box. “Cool. Thats for you.” Matt hands him the box, their hands touch just barely, causing him to catch a burning gaze from the strange man.

“Thank you.” The man says, biting his lower lip when his eyes wander down once more, admiring Matts phisique. “Youre a big man.”

“Do you hit the gym?” He says, while Matt takes a deep breath once their eyes meet again. “Ye…yeah. nearly everyday.” He stutters, shocked by the mans obvious approach. “Do you mind?” The man smiles, gesturing for him to place a hand on Matts chest. At first, Matt wants to take a step back, but something about this man intrigues him. The beautiful eyes staring right into his soul, or the smooth deep voice ringing through his every thought. He tries to shake it off. “Eh. I mean. Ugh. Sure.” Matt shrugs, and instantly, the man touches him firmly, feeling his pecs, his arms, up to his shoulder. “Man. Nice work dude.” The man appreciates every touch, and smiles. “Wanna come inside?” He says, his voice even deeper than before. “I..I shouldnt. I dont have much time.” Matt smiles politely, as he feels the mans hand now massaging his shoulder gently. And it makes him feel so calm, even if he just wants to leave.

“Come on. Just for a minute. It will help you relax.” He says, intensing the grib on Matts shoulder, his big hands now getting closer and closer to his neck. However, Matt couldnt resist anymore. Something in the mans eyes pulled him in. They are shining so bright, seemingly changing colors, like a little, beautiful spiral. He feels his body giving in, all of him. “M..aybe just for a minute.” He growls, as he feels the man basically leading him inside. “Good boy.” The man smiles. Good boy? Matt cant believe what that guy just said, but he doesnt think about it much anymore.

Inside the house, a strange, delicious smell instantly invades Matts nostrils, even deeper, right into his mind. Closing his eyes, he lets out a long, guttural moan. “Ya like the smell? Great. Some herbs, candles, a special liquid I am just experimenting on.” The man says proudly, still massaging Matts shoulder, leading him into the living room. “Wha…ats its for?’ Matt says, his head spinning slightly, his legs growing weaker with every step he takes, before he nearly falls to the floor. "Easy there, dude.” The man catches him easily, and helps him sit down on a massive leather sofa.

Matt leans back, spreads his legs slightly, when he feels his dick growing harder. “Wha..t.. is…happen..” He stutters, but then, the man sits down, on his lap, his face just inches away from Matts. “I told you, boy. Its my experiment, a special combination of herbs and shit. It sadly has no effect on me anymore. After using it so often, it just doesnt work on me.” He says, now encompassing Matts chest. Both of his hands wander across his pecs, his hard nipples, his bulging arms and to his neck. “No.” Matt moans, unable to move a muscle. “Dont fight it. It will be easier once you go under.” The man frowns, his fingers now running a long Matts jawline, through his beard, brushing over his soft lips. At the same time, he starts grinding his crotch against Matts body, making it even harder to concentrate.

Instinctively, he follows the mans lead, and their bodies move as one. “Thats right.” The man grins, as he catches Matts head, avoiding him drifting away right now. “Look into my eyes.” He demands, and their gazes meet once more. The eyes are shining even brighter, which make the pretty spiral take so many beautiful forms. “Okay.” Matt says, starting to drool a little. “Pretty, arent they?” Matt nods. “Yes. So pretty.”

“Now listen, boy. It was your fate to approach my house. Your destiny to find me, today. You are meant to follow my orders. To obey my every word. You made that body for me. Just. For me.” The man strokes Matts chest firmly, while his hand runs down his pecs right between their crotches. “Yes.” Matts eyes start to roll back slowly, deep inside his skull.

“Now. Just follow my voice, deep down into your mind. I want you to bring all of your resistance, all of your will, all of you, into the tip of your cock. Now.” Matt instantly groans heavily. His body stiffens, gets rigid as he bends his back against the mans body. All of him starts compulsing intensely. “Thats good, boy. Just into the tip.” He says, getting up to pull Matts shorts down, including his underwear. The man smiles at the sight of the massive cock standing at attention, already leaking precum. “Very good. Now, get even harder, just harder. You wont cum until I allow it.” He demands, and even though Matt is in severe pain, his whole body aching for the release, he follows his orders perfectly. “Freeze.” With a snap of his fingers, Matt stops, now sitting on the sofa, fully frozen.

The man leaves the room, and returns a few seconds later, with an empty bottle. With one swift motion, he manages to insert Matts rock hard cock fully into thr bottle. “Good boy. Now, when I tell you to, youll fill this bottle with your precious cream. "Yesss.” Matt nods slowly, completely under the mans control. “

The man walky behind him, hugs him, his hands cupping Matts massive pecs. "When you cum, you will be mine. You wont resist. You wont doubt me. You will obey. Understood?” The man says demandingly. “Yes.” Matt groans in anticipation. “Now.” He whispers into his ear, and without wasting any more time, he thrusts multiple times, shooting one load after another, monaing, grunting and groaning angrily. The man needs to keep the bottle in place with one hand, because Matts movement is so rapid and violent.

After nearly a minute, the bottle is filled fully. Matt is sitting there, his shorts and slip down by his ankles, his dick covered in cum, sticky and smelly, but a satisfied smile spreads across his face. “So good boy. You did very good.” The man pats his cheek, causing Matt to smile even harder. He places the bottle on to a table. “Get dressed boy.” He demands. Matt does as hes told. “Listen boy.” As soon as you walk out of the door, you will leave this state. You wont remember anything. For you, no time has passed. You will feel pleased, however. And the next time, you will hear my voice, you will go under again and obey. Understood?:

The man massages Matts shoulder again, running a hand along his massive body one last time. “Yes.”

“Yes. Sir.” The man pinches his nipples firmly. “Yes sir.” Matt moans.

Joe came home from work this afternoon, noticing a box lying in front of his apartments door. There was no info about who sent it to him, or what it was, but still, he decided to take it inside. At first ge tried to figure out whos package it is, but there was no name on it whatsoever. For a while, he ignored it, but not an hour later, curiosity got the better of him.

He openef the box and found a pair of black leather pants inside it. With a shy smile, he pulled it out of the box and took a closer look. The leather felt good, soft but tight. Then he noticed a letter lying underneath it.

“Put me on”, Joe said softly, raising an eyebrow in confusion. This must have been a mistake, he didnt order leather pants. Joe had never worn such trousers. But something inside his mind was intrigued. How would it feel to wear it? Without thinking about it any longer, he unbuttoned his jeans, letting it drop to his ankles.

Slowly, so carefully, he let one leg slip into the leather pants, and as soon as his skin touched the warm fabric, he felt good. “God.” He grunts lowly, as he puts those pants on. All of it felt right, it was a perfect fit, flattering his buff thighs, his ass and his dick. He got up and walked over to a mirror.

Joe smiled. “Damn. Thats hot.” He said running a hand down his massive chest, all of his muscles growing harder by the seconds. He never looked so good. However, Joe suddenly felt heat running through every fiber of his body, seemingly radiating from his crotch. Confused, he tried to open his pants, but something in his mind stopped him once more. His hand froze in place, right on his crotch, feeling his cock twitching through the leather.

“Very good Joe.” A voice said inside his head. “Wha- whats happening??” He said, his head hurting all of the sudden. “Your conditioning is kicking in, like we trained for months.” The voice sounded so smooth, calming him down. “Th- the conditoning?: Joe stuttered. "Yes. Good boy.” The voice said, deeper than before. “Now. You know what to do. Dont waste my time.” By the sound of these words, his whole body reacted instantly, turning stiff and rigid in just a second. His cock got harder and harder, sending waves of pain and pleasure through his whole sytsem.

“What…is…happening?!” Joe moaned loudly, unable to stand. He got on his knees, clutching his crocth with both of his hands. The pants got tighter and tighter, increasing the pressure on the mans body, while he let out deeper and longer moans. Gagging, struggling, simply in pain, joe tried to fight it, overcome the invisible force controlling his body.

“Still fighting Joe?” The voice rang inside his mind. “Adorable.” The man laughed mockingly, as Joes body tensed even harder. No matter what he did, his body wouldnt obey him anymore. With that voice mocking him, calling him a slave, a test subject, just a tool, Joe started to rub his dick, firmly, sending shivers down his spine.

To make matters worse, he enjoyed it, even though he shouldnt. Joe felt his body, all of him was pulsating, moving rhythmically. He then started to thrust into the palms of his hands, moaning, grunting, still trying to regain control over his body. “Its no use, boy.” The voice said, knowing very well that this fight was already over. Before he climaxed, however, his body stopped for a few seconds, making him feel at ease for once.

Just to compulse once more, this time, even worse than before. Joes eyes rolled back deep into his skull, as all of his attention slided into his cock, but it wasnt enough. This repeated again, and again, torturing his mind, until all he could think of was cumming, releasing this pressure. And after what felt like an hour of pain, pleasure and pure torture, the voice let him cum.

The inside of the leather pants were already stained by the mans precum, but once the tip of his cock erupted, all of it was covered in the mans fluids. Joe let out a breathless scream, his eyes white, dull. DRooling and exhausted, body slumped to the floor, hid dick still shooting load after load, with his body twitching again and again.

He was ready. Ready for transport.

Lennards first week as a cop is over, and he cant help himself but admire the sight of him in uniform. Hes standing in front of the mirror inside his apartment, wearing his navy blue clothes, flattering every inch of his body. His shift just ended, and hes tired, but happy. Then, suddenly, the doorbell rings. Raising his eyebrows, he goes towards the sound and opens the door. A man stands there, rather small, slim, rough skin, wearing what seems like doctors clothing. “Yeah?” Lennard says, slightly confused. “Good to finally see you in person, officer.” The man says, his voice immediately penetrating the officers mind, giving him a headache. “Do…do I know you?” He struggles to keep his eyes focused, with his head and whole body starting to spin, his vision blurring. “Oh. You will, Lennard.” The man smirks and raises his hand. “Its time to serve, officer.” With a snap of his fingers, the cops body goes rigid, his eyes roll back into his mind and he lets out a long, guttural sigh. “Wont you let me inside?” The man shrugs, before Lennard leads him inside. He walks slowly, sluggish, with his mouth open. “Thats enough.” The man demands and Lennard stands still. “Very good. Now, Flex.” The cop lifts his arms, his biceps bulging inside the tight uniform. “Even better than I imagined.” He says, stroking the cops arms, shoulders, and his neck. Walking around him, he enjoys the sight of this buff man, powerless, a slave. “Officer. Freeze.” The man lifts his finger, feeling Lennards soft lips, running it through his scruffy beard, along his firm jawline. “Yes. Good job.” He says, now placing both of his hands at the mans chest. “Harder.” With a snap of his fingers, Lennard flexes even harder, his muscles tensing harshly. The fabric of his uniform barely able to keep him contained. “Good boy.” He smirks, causing Lennard to grin derpily. “Very good boy.” The man enjoys what hes feeling, running his hands down to Lennards crotch, grabbing his cock firmly. “Is that all?” The man tilts his head. “Officer. Listen to me. I want you to focus on your cock. Get hard, harder than ever before.” Lennard opens his mouth, a grimace spreading over his face. The man can feel his dick getting bigger and bigger, bulging against the palm of his hand. “Thats enough, boy.” He snaps his fingers again. “Now, on your knees.” Lennard nods. “Yes sir.” He gets down, his face now right in front the mans crotch. “Yes officer. Good.” Lennard eyes roll back as he lifts his head. He walks behind him, admiring his new slave even more. Then, he bends down, whispering into the officers ear. “Now, lets have some fun.” He wraps one arm around his neck, and starts chocking him, gently. “Just give in, officer.” The man says softly, gets down as well and pulls Lennard back. He then grabs the mans cock, rubbing it with the palm of his hand. The cop moans. “You will be mine, just like all the others before. Put all of your resistance into your cock, you can feel the urge to cum, but not yet, boy.” Lennard breathes heavily, the agony of not being able to release himself spreading across his face. His body gets stiff, his thighs bulge and he starts to thrust into the air. He moans again, and again. “Lennard, once you cum, you will be mine forever. When you hear my voice you will get back into this state. You will do what I say, anything I say. Understood?” The man demands again. “Yes, sir.” Lennard moans deeply. “Good. Then you may cum.” With that said, Lennard shoots multiple loads of his precious cream into his underwear, staining it instantly. His whole body slumps to ground, into the arms of the man. “Good boy. Very good boy.” He says lovingly, his deep voice sending shivers down the officers spine. “Youve been such a good boy.”

the first one is always the hardest.

Five years ago, my whole world changed when my own mother confessed her past to me. I was nineteen at the time, just minding my own business upstairs in her house, when she entered my room, a worried look on her face. She told me, that she was the daughter of an ancient cult, somewhere in brazil, where all members were women, obeying the orders of a mythical witch, who was infamous for the disappearing of more than hundred men during her time. They wouldn’t allow any men near them, just using them for sex and getting pregnant. My mother looked into my eyes, took a deep breath and placed a hand on my lap, before she told me how they’d lured men into a trap, to enslave them, making them mindless fucktoys. With the help of a spell, words of a language long forgotten,and three mystical artifacts, a silver ring, a golden flower pendnant and a jade dagger, they would free the victims’ mind of simply everything, reducing their whole presence to just produce cum, which they would milk to plant the seeds into them. After a while, they got rid of a man, once he was emptied completely.

I did not believe my eyes when she told me everything. When she was my age, they injected sperm into her, impregnating her with a child. Me. When they found out I was a boy, they urged her to kill me before I was born, but she couldn’t do it. She ran away, came to the USA and started a new life, without the cult members finding out where she was hiding. To proove it to me, she lead me into the basement, a dark room, filled witha  muffled noise. When she turned on the light, I saw him. It was a guy, strapped to a chair, a rope tightly around his bare chest and hos mouth taped tightly. He struggled to get the rope off of his body, but she did a pretty good job at tying him. Just the pure sight of him, sitting there in his underwear, made my dick rockhard, tenting in my jeans. He looked at me pleadingly, hoping that I had come to save him, but my mother approached me from behind, whispering something into my ear.

“You have the gift, to control their minds.”

I didn’t know what to do with that, until she pulled her ring from her finger and handed it to me.

“Put it on, and you will feel her leading the way.”

Reluctantly, I slid the ring on to my finger and she was right. I could feel some thing, flow through me, through every inch of my body. Gasping, I started to feel dizzy, my eyes got blurry and I nearly tripped, but my mother helped me to steady myself. Just then, I felt at ease, powerful and aroused by the energy running through my veins. That guy looked at me, his whole body shaking, nearly crying, still trying to get me to help him. I just smirked, when my mother told me the spell.

“Arek Te Poriah, Me Tormenza, Purgia Ka Lodeca.”

It sounded like gibberish to me, but she urged me to try it. So I lifted my hand, pointing at the guy, now screaming for his life, desperately trying to get away. As soon as I said those words, more or less correctly, I could see the effect it had on him. His whole body tensed, his muscles bulged hard and he started to groan loudly. I felt him, his thoughts, his fear and his heart beating. He bent his body upwards, pressing against the rope, leaving a mark on his tattooed skin.

Then he dropped to back into the chair, breathing heavily, but still fighting against the restrains. My mother told me that the first one is always the hardest one, but it’s worth the effort. So I tried it again, lifting my hand, just focusing on him.

“Arek Te Poriah, Me Tormenza, Purgia Ka Lodeca.”

This time, he didn’t make a sound, he couldn’t. His whole body stiffened, his cock now bulging in his tight underwear as his arms dropped down and his head fell on to his chest. 

“Very good Roman, now claim your price.”

She whispered into my ear, and somehow, I knew exactly what she was trying to say. I walked up to him, running my hands along his thighs, stroking him firmly through his underwear, but he didn’t make any sounds, not a move to get away. With my fingers tracing his muscles, I felt his chest heaving into the palms of my hands. Carefully, I lfited his head up, and in shock, looked into his now foggy, empty and totally vacant eyes. He drooled, the tape wet, I used my thumb to trace his lips through it. I looked at my mother over my shoulder, who was smirking widely.

“I leave you now, come back home once you’re done.”

I nodded quickly and watched her leave the basement. I released that guy, touching him everywhere, feeling my cock leaking into my boxers. “Will you do anything I order you to do?”. I asked him quietly and he nodded slowly. I unbuttoned my jeans, pulled everything down, exposing my cock at his full length, hovering in front of his face. “Suck.” Without wasting another second, he took my dick into his mouth, moving rhythmically and firmly. I rocked my hips in sync with his mouth, my hands gently on the back of his head, keeping him secured to my erection.

He felt so good, his soft lips on my skin, the sight of this muscular man, giving me a blow job made it even better. It didn’t take long for me to shoot my load into his mouth, making sure that every last drop of it will be inside him, I pressed my cock even harder into him, making him gag wildly. Once I was done, I removed him from myself, drops of cum running down his mouth, into his beard. “Goodboy.” I said, petting his cheek tenderly. Noticing the spot of pre-cum in his underwear, I knew he liked it just as much as me. 

“Stay here, until I need you again.” I ordered and he dropped on to an old sofa, just staring into the void. I on the other hand, needed to talk to my mother, to tell me even more about this cult.
