#male rope bondage tutorial

@turborider2: thank you! And sure thing, these are some of the sites I’ve found very helpful:Remedia

@turborider2: thank you! And sure thing, these are some of the sites I’ve found very helpful:

@anon1: tying male bodied folks is pretty much the same as female bodied folks- for suspension it all depends on the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. The only times body type comes into play are harnesses that depend on a large chest to stay in place, and of course if there is specifically penis-tying. Unfortunately neither me nor my partner tie men– but I was given this excellent resource especially for bondage on male bodies(note the link is very NSFW!)

@anon 2: I love straight jackets! Just don’t have the funds right now.. one day though <3

@ectamorph: that was the tortoise shell bodysuit :) there are loads of versions of it, but here are two:

edit: oh, I think you might have been talking about this set and not the balloon one (which was the tortoise shell) – I actually won’t be doing a tutorial on the rope bunny tie because it didn’t turn out exactly as I’d intended. It’s sort of a part of a hishi, but was much harder to self-tie than I expected. Once I get better at it I’ll make a how to!

@anon3: I bought them locally at a kink event, but they’re available all over now– eBay, amazon, and etsy. Just search “pink bondage set”

@anon4: It’s definitely a tough call if you have very low body fat, or are extremely toned– there’s just less areas for the rope to “hook” onto.
One other way around it is to break the harnesses into two pieces: a chest piece and a lower piece. That way you have more movement without distorting the ropes quite so much.
Another way is to add more hitches right before the segments of the harness that come loose, to anchor them a bit more.
Idon’trecommend tying more tightly- you risk nerve damage in the extremities, and breathing issues if it’s too snug around the torso.
Some loosening, especially with decorative harnesses like we teach, is natural when you change positions, though.

@fallenangelwings13: thank you!  ❤

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