#marc spector x you fluff

Disclaimer:The content which is displayed below holds themes that are considered mature, minors are not to interact, thank you
Pairing:Steven Grant x female reader, kinda Marc Spector x female reader??
Summary: After missing the date you and Steven set up, he comes to you hoping for a second chance.
Warning:Angst and fluff.

Steven had never felt himself be this tired before, even though he spent endless night being awake, he knew the moment he stepped into his apartment that all he wanted to do was sleep, however, that stopped when he checked the time and suddenly remembered your date.

With a sudden burst of excitement, Steven began to get ready, taking out the clothes he picked for the date days prior, combing his hair and making sure his curls are tamed, almost bathing himself in cologne even though he had a shower and did a whole get ready routine.

As he combed his hair, he noticed his reflection not looking as excited as he was. Dismissing it as being too tired, he ignored it and was on his merry way. 

He showed up to the steak place waiting for your arrival. He waited and waited and waited.

Hours had passed and he was still sat there watching the entrance of the place eager for you to come.

“We’re going to be closing soon sir, are you still waiting for someone?” The waiter asked Steven sympathetically.

“Uh, no. I-I don’t think so.” He looked at the table for a moment, thinking about what to do, “I’ll actually have one of those steaks.” He stated slightly slumping in his seat.

The waiter gave him a sad smile and took the menu away to get his order.

Unbeknownst to Steven his reflection in the glass of water was watching him, feeling every bit of emotion he was.

He took his phone out and decided to call you to make sure nothing happened to you to cause you to miss the date. 

“Hi y/n, how are you-“

“You have the audacity to call me days after standing me up?” You said bitterly.

“I- sorry what do you mean?” Steven was more than confused at your words.

“If you didn’t want to go on the date you shouldn’t have to ask me out in the first place.” You said softly, feeling hurt at the fact that he was the one to ask you out and then stand you up.

“What’re you talking about? I’m here at the steak place waiting for you.” He said looking at his watch.

“We were supposed to meet there two days ago Steven, on Friday. Please don’t take me for a fool. I thought you were a genuine man, clearly, you’re not.” You felt yourself getting angry and cut the call before you said something you would regret.

Steven stared at his phone in disbelieve.

What were you on about? Two days ago?

That’s when he saw the date and day on his phone. Not believing what he was seeing, he looked to the waiter who came to deliver his steak to him.

“Mate, what’s the day today?” Steven asked almost frantically.

“Todays Sunday, sir.” The waiter stated walking away.

His eyes widened, there’s no way he lost two day of his life and had no knowledge about it.


The next day he was hoping to see you on his way to work. You worked in the bakery not too far from him and would often run into him on your way to work or home.

He searched the crowd near the bakery and caught sight of you in the window. Your usual smile seemed to be sheltered and you didn’t have that spark in your eye.

Steven felt himself feeling responsible for your condition, and so he went to work with a mission in his head for after work.


“I’m going to make it up to her, I have to make it up to her.” Steven said moving around his apartment, making sure that he has everything he needs.

With flowers in his hand and the heart shaped box of chocolates, he makes his way out of the apartment and outside.

He got off work early, with an earful from his boss, just so that he could plan things accordingly and be sure to catch you before you left to go home.

“Y/n, hey-…. Please wait up. Just hear me out.” He plead as you began to walk in the opposite direction at the sight of him.

You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him.

“Steven look, I get it. You didn’t want to go on the date. I-I’m over it. We can just move on from this and go back to not knowing the other existed-“

Your words drowned out in his mind as he felt panicked in that moment, he didn’t want to forget you. You were the first person to approach him and become his friend. The others weren’t as friendly to him as you were.

“Kiss her.”

A voice echoed in his mind.


“Kiss her dammit, before she leaves.”

Steven realised you were once again going to turn around and walk away.

He stepped forward, grasped your hand and squeezed his eyes shut as his lips met yours. His hands moved to your jaw, holding you there gently as he kissed you, and as you kissed him back. 

After a short moment, you pulled back to look at him.

“I don’t know why I did that. Oh no, you’re going to hate me even more now.” He began to ramble.

“Hey look at me…” You grasped his head between your hands making him look at you, “I don’t hate you.” You clarify to him.

“I’m just hurt.”

“Y/n, these passed few days. I have no idea what has been happening. Yesterday I came home thinking it was Friday and immediately started getting ready for our date and only after hours of being at the restaurant did I realise that it was Sunday and not Friday. I’m so sorry, I got you flowers and chocolate. I really like you y/n.” He said looking stressed as ever.

“You sound absolutely insane… but I believe you. I’ve no idea what’s got you feeling like this but we’re going to figure it out, okay? You look exhausted, how about we start by getting you home and ready for bed. Have you had anything to eat?” You ask taking your hand in his and holding the flowers in the other.

“I haven’t had dinner yet; I’d like it if you had dinner with me. Like a redo of yesterday- I mean Friday.” He said with a nervous chuckle.

“We can have that date once you’re well rested and taken care of.” You smile at him as the two of you walk in the direction of his apartment.
