#maribat marinette dupain cheng



Several months after Jason’s death and after accepting Tim as his disciple, one night Batman returned with a baby.

“Master Bruce, may I ask who your lovely company is?”

“Her name is Marinette. She’s my daughter.”

Alfred frowned. Then Batman thought it best to add that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Don’t ask me about her origins. The most important thing is that she is my daughter and from now on she will live with me at the Manor.”


Alfred respected his choice. Tim didn’t seem too surprised, and Dick joked that he was amazed that Bruce didn’t have more children than that (a joke that would be banned after Damian arrived).

No one asked any more questions. The baby had black hair and blue eyes. Who would question her parentage to Bruce in this case?

She grew up in the Manor as Marinette Wayne. A lot of things happened after that: Barbara’s paralysis, Spoiler, then came Jason’s return, then Damian’s arrival.

Seguir leyendo


Several months after Jason’s death and after accepting Tim as his disciple, one night Batman returned with a baby.

“Master Bruce, may I ask who your lovely company is?”

“Her name is Marinette. She’s my daughter.”

Alfred frowned. Then Batman thought it best to add that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Don’t ask me about her origins. The most important thing is that she is my daughter and from now on she will live with me at the Manor.”


Alfred respected his choice. Tim didn’t seem too surprised, and Dick joked that he was amazed that Bruce didn’t have more children than that (a joke that would be banned after Damian arrived).

No one asked any more questions. The baby had black hair and blue eyes. Who would question her parentage to Bruce in this case?

She grew up in the Manor as Marinette Wayne. A lot of things happened after that: Barbara’s paralysis, Spoiler, then came Jason’s return, then Damian’s arrival.

The little girl knew many upheavals in her little life. However, Bruce had always made sure to protect her from outside dangers. Although she knew how to defend herself, she never put on a uniform and lived a “normal” civilian life (as normal as life could be in Gotham). Everyone knew that Bruce was extremely protective of Marinette. Including Damian. When he arrived at the house and tried to attack Marinette, Bruce was so angry that he managed to scare his son. Damian never tried anything in front of his father again (behind his back was another story).

The siblings all knew that Marinette was special. She was always treated differently from them. At first, since she was the only girl in the Manor, the boys thought it was probably the fact that she was Bruce’s only daughter.

Then Cass came along, and everyone just had to face the fact that Bruce just preferred Marinette. It was very annoying but understandable… After all, she was not a fighter (more like a puppy), she was a civilian (a cute one), so she was fragile (nobody can be afraid of that brat…).

Then came a day… A fateful day that changed absolutely everything in the life of the little girl, but also in the life of those around her.

Batman disappeared.

The little girl was orphaned. Wanting to get rid of the girl, Damian decided that the absence of his father was an opportunity to prove once and for all that he was the one and only son of Batman.

Dick, who was there at the time, told Damian that even if Marinette was adopted, it didn’t change the fact that she was their sister… until the test results came back.

At that very moment, only Damian and Dick were present in the Bat-cave.

“Damian… This is a very funny joke, I didn’t know you knew how to play pranks…”

“ … ”

“This is a prank, isn’t it?”

“ … ”

Dick then repeated the test, and the same result came out every time. But… It was impossible… How?! After his twentieth attempt, Dick had to accept the truth. If he could, he would resurrect Bruce and then kill him with his own hands. He didn’t understand… why?

Why had his adoptive father hidden such important information?

Then a sound of breaking glass was heard in the cave, almost startling Dick. Damian, who had seen the newcomer approaching, remained incredibly silent. Alfred was in the bat-cave, and by his completely horrified expression, he also ignored the truth.

The screen displayed the following DNA test result:

Biological father: Jason Todd

Biological mother: Sabine Cheng



I don’t really plan to write a sequel, maybe if someone is interested I will. ^^

Summary:What would you do if you had the power of a god and could do anything you wanted? The answers are many. Marinette had one clear choice in mind: she wanted to live the life she never got to live as a Miraculous guardian. After sacrificing so much, she had a right to have a little fun, right?

She just didn’t plan on getting stuck in a time loop… Less now… She had her own harem…

Chapter 1: The genesis of a goddess

A young girl was sitting on the edge of a tall building. She was looking down at the city, while singing a song that had been in her head lately.

You Know I love unicorns~

Blüdhaven was a city that at first glance was not very charming. It was a very disparate city where extreme poverty and extreme wealth coexisted. It was also a city corrupted to the core.

And yet there she was, on that building, with her uniform ready to take action whenever the need arose.

You know I love unicorns~ And that they make me feel better!

Nightwing had left her alone tonight. He’ s her mentor in this life.

How many times had she played this little game? A dozen? A hundred? Thousands of times?

She couldn’t even remember why she was doing what she was doing… All this from being constantly ……..reincarnated.

3 million years ago.

Marinette had lived a life for others. She had sacrificed her teenage and adult life to be Ladybug. Her relationships had all ended in disaster, her life with her loved ones had become complicated. After all, having to lie all the time, not being able to have a stable job and not being able to keep promises didn’t help her to have a lasting social life.

“Master Marinette, have you decided who will be your successor?”

“ I…”

“Time is short. Have you even looked at the list that was sent to you?”


When she became ill and the Order of Guardians urged her to give the responsibility of the Miracle Box to someone… Marinette realized one thing: everything she had done had been for nothing.

Why did I sacrifice my whole life, only to have to forget everything in the end and die alone?

Why did I go to so much trouble to protect the Kwamis? How many masters have they already had? How many lives have they lived? I am only a thin breeze in their immortal life… I will soon be a memory that will disappear in an ocean of indifference.

Marinette closed her eyes for a moment. If only she had never met Master Fu, if only she had not accepted the responsibility of becoming Ladybug.

Who chooses children to become heroes?

In the end, after all those misadventures, all those nights of fighting, all those villains arrested, after all those accomplishments, all that was left was a huge void. Marinette regretted her choices; she regretted her life.

I wish I were free. Will I finally know freedom when I die?

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

If I could start over, if I could just erase everything… I wish my parents could have a child that would live up to their kindness. I wish I could live a real love story, meet the love of my life and have a beautiful wedding, a beautiful family… Not having to hide anymore. To live my life to the fullest as if every day was my last, to have no regrets…

Marinette closed her eyes again.

However, when she opened them again, she was no longer in a small room in the middle of Tibet. She was in a completely empty space. But really EMPTY. There was absolutely NOTHING.

Everything was white.

“What was going on? “

She looked around. Marinette couldn’t tell if there was a top or a bottom, if there was a right and a left. She didn’t know if she was floating or walking on something. How could she even move in this void?

Marinette started to move. No matter how hard she looked, there was absolutely nothing.

“HEYYYYY, is anyone here?!”

Unable to say how long she was in this place; she finally gave up the idea of finding another soul there.

So… Am I dead? What is this place, purgatory?! I spent my whole life saving people only to end up in nothingness?! SERIOUSLY?!

It wasn’t just these places that were strange. She didn’t recognize her body. She couldn’t see her face, but just by looking at her hands and feeling her body she could tell for sure: Marinette had gotten younger.

“I’m so bored… If only I had some snacks to pass the time…”

Suddenly, a reddish light emanated from her whole body. Then, a packet of cookies appeared in front of her. Marinette blinked several times.

“ … What the…”

She took the packet of cookies and opened it. It was a very ordinary package. How could this be possible? And that light emanating from her body… It was like Tikki’s power but without the magic ladybugs, just the red light. Did she have the same power as Tikki?

“Hmmm… I…. Want a soda.”

Nothing happens. Why didn’t anything happen? Was it a fluke? Worse yet, was she kidnapped and locked up somewhere?

“Hmm… Even a glass of water will do…”

The red light emanated from her body again and a glass of water appeared in front of her. Marinette understood that this strange phenomenon required one thing: she had to know exactly what she wanted. Marinette wanted to try something. It was risky but… She was dead anyway, or else locked in a crazy dream, so why not try?

Marinette closed her eyes and concentrated.

She began to imagine the universe, the stars, the planets… She remembered all the stories the Kwamis had told her about their trip into space. When she opened her eyes again, she was no longer in a completely empty white space. Or rather, it was still empty, but with colors this time. Marinette soon realized that she was probably in the middle of space… Just as she had imagined.

How come I can breathe in the void?

A little smile formed on her face. This dream was fun… She could create anything she wanted. Really?

So… Marinette could create a world just for her…

“Creating a whole universe is even tiring… Why would I bother creating everything? There must be somewhere a universe already formed, right?”

Marinette closed her eyes and concentrated hard. A powerful red light burst out of her body. When she opened her eyes, a huge portal had opened. A large smile appeared on her face. She entered the portal without the slightest hesitation.

This time, I intend to live my life as I wish.

Searching for a Maribat Fic (3). Help?

I remember reading this fic in AO3. I’m not sure if it was a Daminette or if it was Bio Dad Bruce or Marinette getting adopted by the Wayne Family. I just remember that the BatFam knows about Mari being the Guardian and then they end up talking about the Lazarus Pit and the effects it left on Jason and Damian. Mari offered to heal them but she’ll have to make positions and the healing needs to be private for each person. Mari first heals Jason and she uses the mouse miraculous to use multiple miraculous and one of them was the Cat. She uses it to cataclysm Jason on the chest and his last thought went smth along the line of ‘Why?’. After that, I think she revives Jason? I don’t remember much about how she brought them back. I do know that she uses her blood for the potion because it needed the blood of someone who is intimate with death or maybe the word was someone who understood death very well. Ofc BatFam doesn’t know this until she heals Jason and starts healing Damian. With Damian, it went a little differently. She kills him and pulls/takes the Chaos Shard from his chest and makes a clone of hers jump into space so that the chaos shard can explode in a safe area, which ends up killing clone her. BatFam finds out what she had to do after that and were devestated.

And that’s pretty much all that I remember of that Fic. Put a link in the comments below if you know what fic it is. Or at least the title and author of it. Thank You very much.

MLB Bio!Dad Constantine Recommendations

Con Man’s Daughterby@arty-shadow-morningstar

(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)(Part 7.5)

Batman is surprised to find out that Constantine has a daughter who is also involved in magic like her Father but an apparently more specialised kind called the Miraculous. He is a little miffed that he didn’t know about John having a daughter. He did consider it weird at first that she had a slight french accent unlike her father’s Liverpool accent although she pronounced some words like he does.

He also connected some dots that she is also the Parisian heroine, Lady Rouge who Wonder Woman introduced to the League a while back and had declined to join the Young Justice or Teen Titans until everything in Paris was resolved.

Curiosity Killed the Exorcistby@soulmate-game

“If those timelines are now-deleted, then I obviously don’t remember what’s so bad about telling me why you’re acting like I’m some hated family member you’re avoiding!”


Pure. Fucking. Silence. As they all watch with front row seats as Marinette flinches at the word ‘family’.

Pure silence as Constantine’s shoulders drop at the sight of her flinch, realization slapping itself on his face.


Locked Emotionsby@musicfeedsmysoul12

This doesn’t actually have a title

So Marinette is angry and bitter and full of magic. She also does something super risky. Like John locking up his childhood innocence and such, she locks up her rage and anger and her knowledge of the truth. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone.

Becoming Ladybug is easy. She’s good at what she does and uses her own magic to help. John hears about what’s going on in Paris and goes looking. He sees Ladybug using magic and… that’s his family magic… oh.

Bio!Dad John Constantineby@multifandomscribette

(Part 2)(Part 3)(Part 4)(Part 5)(Part 6)

They never developed a father-daughter relationship - neither particularly wanted one - but the mentor-mentee one worked out very well for them, and it did help both of them improve as people and ‘professionals’.

Marinette gave John a ladybug charm that she made, endowed with a lot of luck, since she know he has a dangerous job, though she never told him about what it can actually do. He doesn’t know about her being Ladybug and she likes it like that.


@macerunner@maribat-central@batmanzplan@doll246@leftguard66@multplelifes@nugget-consumer-9000 @lostinday @ramos123@seacashew@jeminiikrystal@wolfy-kat@kashlyn@anime-rae @literaryhiraeth @creampuff-mlbfics-finished@luminous-carrot@vixen-uchiha@khneltea@atomicsoph@heckofhell@cao0227@ellerahs@demonicbusiness@celestial-slytherin-blog@luciferge@just-a-bottle-of-chaos@daddylonglegsfacts@theravenclawfangirl@jintana-critical@secretlawyercolorscissors@g-arya @sandraf0612@mariloki4@the-dumber-scaramouche@ranger-jedi-knight@fangirling-101@iglowinggemma28@seraphichana@unabashedbookworm


Masterlist of Masterlists

Master listby@ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole

All fics are ML X DC

Just another daminette fanby@amberwild420

Pretty self explanatory

Master Masterlistby@boldlyanxious

Marinette x DC Characters

The BIG Masterlistby@a-6-year-old-possibly

All Felinette fanfics


Many Marinette crossover au


Daminette Salt fits & Prompt Requests

Daminette Fluffby@miraculous-ladybug-stufff

Pretty self explanatory

Lukanette Deserves Betterby@bee-a-garbage-shipper

Pretty self explanatory


All Maribat au

Daminette December Masterlistby@mochinek0

Pretty self explanatory

The Ultimate MasterListby@justcourttee

Mlb x DC with Mlb Oneshots

Sadly there’s a limit of 30 tags so I didn’t get them all (╥﹏╥)

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Searching for a Maribat Fic (2). Help?

I actually just red this recently but I wasn’t able to finish it cause of wifi problems and I couldn’t find it again. This is a tumblr fic btw. Marinette is actually an Al Ghul and she ran away around 5 and some years ago because smth bad was gonna happen to her. Talia didn’t know why and thought it might’ve been because she was a girl and thought her father as a hypocrite. After her father died she started searching for her with the League (cause they weren’t hypocrites) and found her in Paris, she was gonna give Mari a chance to be a heiress or not and if she didn’t want to then she was fine to stay in Paris. She entered Paris with the League and noticed the Miraculi magic, she and the others didn’t mind because all they were here for was her daughter not knowing they were gonna come across a war. They came across the Miraculous Team fighting Hawkmoth, throwing his staff at Ladybug, that was turned into a sword.

That’s pretty much where I ended before I accidentally lost it. Pls help me, the fic was interesting as far as I red and I want to finish it.


So…I’m in a Maribat mood? Any Daminette prompts I can work on this weekend? All suggestions are welcome.


- childhood friends daminette (good parent Talia) Talia and Damian visits the Dupain-Cheng household everytime they have a mission in Europe

- Sabine was an assassin before and best friends with Talia, she manage to leave the league after challenging Ra’s to a battle to death? (ofc Sabine won and they just have to revive Ra’s again through Lazarus pit.)

- Marinette have no idea abt her mom, aunt Thalia, and Dami’s assassin life at first but she managed to connect the ties and she’s okay with it as long as they only k*ll bad people (Mari understands that Talia and Dami is just a victim of Ra’s stupid and f*cked decision in life and can’t really do anything abt it unless they wanna be hunt down and killed)

- Something happens in the league, Slade attack blah blah, Ra’s died (ha, take that sucker) and Talia introduce Damian to Bruce (Ps: in this fic Damian isn’t produced bcoz Talia decided to steal batman’s sperm cell. Damian is product of a very steamy night between her mother and father)

- So yeah, Talia didn’t “rebuild” the league (she was finally free okay, she have the chance to be a better mother to her Alexander and be with his beloved) but don’t really move into the manor.

- She would do things slowly and gets a therapist for her and dami. We all know how they badly need that. [You can choose between Talia and Bruce decided to be wedded (again?) Or they just stay civil and respect each other for Damian’s sake]

- Back to Daminette. They’re kind of bestfriends that like to give each other a verbal smackdown (affectionately) and bond through their shared interest (weapons, arts, animals, etc. They also like like each other but don’t rlly say it cause they dont wanna mess their friendship (teenage years)

- they stay connected to each other but keep it a secret cause they don’t want anybody snooping around their business. (Talia and Sabine obv knows. And also Alfred) they also knows each other not so secret identity (LB and Rob)

- one day, Marinette decided that she’s too tired to give a f*ck abt Lila and hawkmoth’s sh*ts. ( Feel free to decide if there’s a class salt) She plans to gave in hawkmoths desire to akumatize her and plans to negotiated what power she want. (and that’s it: the power is she’ll able to get hold any power she want)

- while she’s akumatized she also plans too caught hawkmoth and mayura and retrieve their miraculous, and the memories of people that will able to tell that her and ladybug are just one person.

- everything goes according to her plan, except one thing; Liela Rossi. Anyways she started to lose control of her emotions and start to break down (let’s be honest people. Some people are really tend to be dangerous especially when they talk abt their feelings and personal stuff)

-Damian who’s giving the entire justice league rundown on what’s happening in paris and what they can do to help. Talia is there fo moral support (arguing that no, the akuma situation in paris is very real green lantern I’m not imagining things for I’m not a heathen like you)

- cause you know this idea is so out of the blue that she forgot to tell Damian abt her plan. And you know Mari being Mari she’s powerful, smart and a STRATEGIST so heroes all over the world is aware of her akumatization.

- batfam who know nothing abt this are shocked to the core when Damian start to curse and rushed to Paris via zeta tube (even though he explains earlier why other heroes are banned from entering Paris)

- blah blah he managed to track Marinette down and calmed her. Told her that she can know let go of her emotions for she already have won blah blah blah. Mari listen to him and just gave him the akumatized object. He break it releasing the akuma and it with a magical dagger Marinette gave him for Damian’s bday.

- Marinette faint out of exhaustion. Tikki cast the miraculous ladybug for the last time. Damian bring Marinette to the justice league tower making sure she’s okay.

- batfam is obviously confused like who’s this gurl and why is Damian so worried. did he just carry a villain to the tower? Smithing like that. Talia’s also caring for her and they assumed that maybe she’s another child of batman he didn’t know abt.

- you could add your ideas on what happens next just please please please make it a happy ending.

Have a good day, please tag me if you decided to write this (writing prompt/suggestion?) Anyway anyone is free to write this story too I’m just asking to be tagged so I can read it.

I’m hoping excitedly to read your work @princessjaqulinechess1031

Ladybug, petting a purring, happy Chat Noir: - yeah, so that’s how we lost our mentor and our temporary heroes.

Batman, trying to hide his excitement: So, you’re interested in a new mentor and team?

Ladybug, confused: *stops petting Chat Noir* Huh?

Chat Noir: *stops purring* *blinks drowsily at Batman*

Batman, now vibrating with excitement: How do you two feel about adoption?


Nino, preparing himself somewhere else to fight Gabriel for custody over Adrien: I feel a disturbance in the force
