#marie kondo


Julieta Madrigal from Encanto sparks joy!

Camilo MadrigalfromEncantosparks joy!

Bruno Madrigal from Encanto sparks joy!

Mirabel Madrigal fromEncantosparks joy!



Hace unos dias vi una serie de gifs de Marie Kondo explicando que a la hora de ordenar nuestra ropa debemos elegir la que nos produce felicidad, y para no sentirnos mal por la ropa que queremos botar, agradecer el tiempo que estuvo esa prenda estuvo con nosotros y dejarla ir..

Esto me llamo la atención y luego en Netflix descubri que habia una serie de ella, donde va a casas de personas y las ayuda a organizar. Me gusto su método y quise compartir algunos de sus consejos con ustedes. Quien sabe. Siempre se aprende algo

Hey thats handy af^^^^




cleaning gurus:minimalism only. you can only own 3 t shirts and a cactus. white walls. you can have one pen and a piece of paper. everything you own has to fit into a backpack
everyone:omg this is SUCH good advice i followed this exactly and it CHANGED. MY. LIFE. everyone has to follow this!!
marie kondo: actually you can keep things you like! getting rid of clutter doesn’t mean getting rid of things that take up space: it means getting rid of things that you don’t need or don’t make you happy. holding onto things that have no personal or practical value creates the realclutter! 
everyone:oh my GOD she’s trying to force me to throw away everything i love! she wants me to live in a house with only three t shirts and a cactus!!! she is personally in my house and forcing me to toss out my grandfather’s ashes right now >:( also learn to speak english

its the racism
