#mirabel madrigal


will forever be frustrated at the amount of potential to develop relationships between the encanto charactere that a 120-minute long film didn’t have time to explore… mirabel is the same age as camilo. are they good friends? do they get along? did dolores feel jealous about isabela marrying the guy she loved? did isabela know about her feelings towards him? what’s the sibling dynamic like between dolores, camilo and antonio?? heck what’s the sibling dynamic like between isabela and luisa?? we see mirabel talk to her parents a lot during this film but julieta and agustin hardly talk to luisa or isabela. what’re their interactions like?? camilo is 15, so he was about 10 when antonio was born. was he excited to have a little brother??

@ Disney, hey, look, you did a really good job churning out MCU spinoffs. now please please do one for the madrigal family too

We have Bruno’s birthday

We have Bruno’s birthday


Chapter 6 of Trapped is now up!

Here’s a little preview… (mwah)

He’d lingered there, knowing exactly where he was. Knowing exactly what kind of decision lay in front of him. Knowing exactly the events that had transpired that led him to be there. He was a seer after all. He wanted to stay… but staying meant death, and he didn’t know if he was ready to die. He longed to be free of pain and suffering, but he also wanted his family. He wanted his sisters. He wanted his Mamá. All things considered, it was the hardest decision of his life…


Trapped part 5 now up! Here’s a sneak peek…

Mirabel took it upon herself to watch over her Tío Bruno as he slept feverishly. She helped her Mamá keep him cool - carefully placing damp cloths on his forehead, making sure his hair was out of his face, keeping watch for any change in his unconscious state.

Bruno’s rats made a habit of gathering together, chattering excitedly at the foot of his bed. Some ventured onto the bed itself, but were quickly called back by the leader of the little group. Mirabel had asked Antonio to make sure to keep them fed and looked after. She wanted them all to be safe and well to greet her Tío when he woke up. Her little Antonio was only too pleased to help, a strange look clouding his eyes as he agreed enthusiastically to her request. But Mirabel couldn’t think about what was up with her little primo right now. All that mattered was that she was there when her Tío woke up. When he woke up…

Judging by the amazing response to my first set I thought you’d like some more so who’s ready for round 2

Have some more low quality shots of this anxious middle aged rat man because I just reallycannot get enough

First up is the only scene we get just Abuela and her hijo before he disappeared, this tiny scene is just so gorgeously lit but what I love most about it is Bruno’s expressions Our boy manages to convey concern, fear, sympathy and resignation all in one and that narrowing of the eyes thing he does

It’s fine Bruno, I’m fine. This is fine

Not only have I watched him fall and get up a hundred times cause it’s just so damn hilarious but FGHJLDKGF I love what his hair is doing in this shot #hairgoalsevenwhenmessyitstilllookslit

He’s literally just met his little nephew for the very first time and he just starts casually talking to Bruno like he’s known him all his life I mean what must be going through Bruno’s head in this moment can you imagine I have a lot of feelings about this one I mean I have a lot of feelings about this whole movie in general but

Antonio’s room is incredible but also the lighting of this beautiful shot omg someone give the artists an oscar or something for this also Bruno do you have to look so aesthetically pleasing you’re a fictional character dammit

Why do I find his serious concentration face so angsty omg I love it so much

His nervous little wave right before his sisters attack hug him his nervous little wave right before his sisters attack hug him tho

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh ❤️❤️❤️

Just look at this soft AF look he gives Mirabel lookit his lil smile and his soft eyes JUST LOOK AT IIIIIITTTTT


He actually looks happy to see the townspeople coming to help them which is surprising in itself but also he’s trying to lean over Luisa so he can see them better and just look at the lil hopeful smile on his face*screams*

How did I get here having all these emotions about a fictional character all I know is he has to be protected at all costs and he deserves the world ok I’m gonna go cry now

Screenshots taken and edited by me please don’t steal them!

Encanto watch party ensuing right now on Twitter!

EDIT - soooo… Lin couldn’t bring himself to say one kind thing about John Leguizamo’s performance as Bruno? He showered everyone else with compliments and while we were watching Bruno’s scenes he was trying to distract us by tweeting photos from his Colombia trip…? I’m… a little sad and disappointed about that…

Have some low quality shots of this anxious middle aged rat man because I just cannot get enough

First up we have this one he’s just looking at his Mamá all watching her just walk straight past him just look at his face godammit it’s literally this emoji

Then this one which is so much worse just look at this sad little man and he’s doing that nervous thing with his hands and he just looks so sadand hurt SOMEONE GIVE HIM A HUG ITS ME I’LL GIVE HIM A HUG GODAMMIT

The man is ANGRY

Look at him being all defiant and brave with his hands on his hips even though he’s literally nearly doing the splits and looks ridiculous and probably knows it too I love this man so much

This one though probably the look that breaks my heart the most cause just look at him, look at how nervous and scared he is looking at his Mamá he looks as if he’s about to burst into damn tears how can animation convey so much emotion I mean dear god rip out my heart why don’t you

He goes down on one knee as he’s apologising to Pepa hegoes down on one knee as he’s apologising to Pepa

So this man has just been living in the walls for a decade without any human interaction and one of the first things he does upon rejoining his family is offer Pepa his hand and she takes it without a second thought cause he’s her brother and she’s missed him dearly I have a lot of emotions about this one

And finally, the smile I mean do I really have to say any words this whole scene is literally just pure serotonin and I’m drowning in my feels for this cute ass family ❤️

Screenshots taken and edited by me please don’t steal them!

CHAPTER 4 OF TRAPPED ON Ao3 NOW!! Here’s a preview…

Mirabel opened her eyes just in time to see the swirling tornado collapse to the ground, sand and debris flying everywhere at the sheer force of it. But the tornado wasn’t the only thing collapsing. She caught her Tío just before he hit the ground, cradling his unconscious body protectively in her arms as she shouted with all her might for the one person who would definitely hear her - Dolores. It was then that Mirabel noticed the blood trickling down from Bruno’s ears and nose, making tiny red rivulets down his face and dripping onto her shaking hand. She remembered what her Tío had told her. “Don’t be scared Mirabel, don’t be scared, don’t be scared” she repeated to herself, over and over. But she was a fifteen year old kid holding her unconscious Tío in her arms, and there was blood… a lot of blood. She was scared. Bruno, still unconscious, let out a soft gasp, followed by a longer pained moan. “Shh, It’s okay Tío Bruno, you’re okay now, I got you” she sniffed, unable to stop her tears falling onto his lax and unresponsive face as it rested just above her wildly beating heart. Where was Dolores? She was taking too long! Mirabel was just about to scream for her again when a wide eyed Dolores burst through the door as Bruno simultaneously let out another louder moan of pain. Mirabel’s fear skyrocketed. “Get Mamá, Dolores! Get Julieta!” She cried, grateful that her prima didn’t ask any questions before hurriedly running back down the stairs. Mirabel looked down at her Tío as he started to tremble. She manoeuvred her arm to hold him steadier, hugging Bruno against her as she felt his whole body start to shake…..


#bruno madrigal    #encanto    #mirabel madrigal    #disney    

I’m about 5 months late but I really love this movie also, hi!! It has been a whileee but I hope you guys are doing alright!!


Is it just me or does Camila looks like Mirabel from Encanto in this picture?


Gonna do my Encanto hcs because I can and feel like it.

Disclaimer: I am white, and I’m trying my very best not to take away from the culture of the movie with these. I don’t have these hcs because I want representation, I just think I see these traits in these characters and this is all for fun blah blah blah you know the drill.


- I’m thinking lesbian. I feel like most people have explained this one to death but the rundown is basically she just Gives Those Vibes + comphet

- autistic!!! What Else Can I Do tells the story of a girl learning to unmask so clearly. Also Isabela’s whole perfect persona gives big masking vibes. Idk I just think it’s neat.

- gifted kid burnout /hj


- autistic once again!! Her sensory overload is a MOOD and there’s a lot of fun stuff to play with there. Told a guy “you talk so loud” as a compliment.


- adhd and autism. She very much has a “thinking out loud” personality. Special interest in sewing!! Always moving, sensory seeking.

- I don’t have a specific sexuality hc for her but I feel like she’s mspec.


- autistic! She strokes her braid to calm down/as a stim, emotional dystrguation, and also I just think Pepa and Dolores both being autistic is neat. Also people not understanding how to handle her emotions.

- as a friend pointed out, there’s a lot of overlap between ASD and BPD, and I think Pepa slides right into that sweet spot.


- gay, but specifically the brand of gay that only a theatre boy can be.

- questioning his gender hardcore, but not quite there yet. Not totally cis tho.

- Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. No further comment.

We were robbed of a tío sobrina hug.

We were robbed of a tío sobrina hug.

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Ok, time to share some scenes I would’ve liked to add to Encanto’s story to add some extra kick to the angst of familial pressures and not feeling good enough.

I’ll start with Luisa’s music scene and how off-putting it felt for me. The other music scenes feel treated with respect, taken seriously, showing valuable imagery to get their emotional points across. Luisa’s to me felt like Disney needed its quota of ‘quirkiness’ and so they have our girl sing about her understandable and heartbreaking problem with being labeled the 'strong’ sister all while she smiles and dances with donkeys. Idk it just felt jarring to me and like such a missed opportunity for some stuff that could’ve hit me harder.

Like maybe they could’ve kept her 8n reality as she sang, doing the jobs around town as more people keep piling on her, and we progressively see her getting more and more tired, her reflexes getting slower to reacting to stuff (like a runaway cart coming their way). When she starts talking about wanting 'simple pleasures and relaxation’ maybe her staring longingly at people her age hanging out, drinking, implying her isolation because her responsibilities keep her from having a social life. And as the music goes to its emotional drop, we see it cut from that to a memory of a time as kids where both her and her sibling (maybe Mirabel) got hurt as kids but the attention is on Mirabel and treating her while Luisa can only pick herself up and keep running to go help Abuela, trying not to cry as little her runs and goes by flashes of other memories of her doing work.

And then she’s back in the real world, with renewed vigor finishing the jobs she was getting tired of, but with an anger behind her movements. The song ends as she shuts the door behind the last donkey with a harsh slam, and her shoulders quake not wanting to face Mirabel.

Mirabel I felt could’ve had a bit more to do with Luisa dropping her guard too, instead of Luisa hugging her first and telling her that maybe she has a problem. Something softer. Mirabel slowly hugging Luisa after the song as Luisa flinches and tries not to cry. Mirabel reassuring her that she’s human and that she deserves a break and Luisa taking in a sharp breath and we see her MELT into her little sister’s embrace. That’d be powerful, man.

…. OK next up, scenes I would’ve added to Bruno’s past.


May I interest you with some lovely details in Encanto’s costume designs?

Brought to you by the Art of Encanto book

First off my darling Luisa. I’m obsessed.

I love her clothes in the movie and I’m so happy they went with that look but also I…

I love her your honor.

Anyway, I am also OBSESSED with the details they give us about Felix’s shirt I mean

“Embroidery direction” are you kidding me. Also all the cultural references in this movie. Love.

Shoutout to Dolores and Agustin. We adore his socks. Also the hair design deserves it’s own post.

Just… HER

Only 10 pictures tumblr that’s not enough anyway here’s a quick Isabela & Mirabel

This movie is a work of art


Hi I have Encanto Brainrot and wanted to point out something I noticed about how both the characters and soundtrack refer to Bruno throughout the movie so here we go

So once Mirabel realizes Bruno’s been hiding within the walls of Casita this whole time, it’s clear to her that her uncle isn’t exactly the villain everyone has made him out to be, but things are still… off. When she prompts him to explain why he “left but didn’t leave,” he weakly tries convincing her that it was because “the mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall,” and that as long as he stays in Casita he has access to the “free food” his sister makes, and even the soundtrack kinda backs him up. The song that plays while Bruno leads Mirabel back to where he’d been living is titled “The Rat’s Lair”

Which at first, makes sense because oh yeah he’s got hella rats, lots of rats live with him in the walls, but then you notice the apostrophe is in the wrong place to be referring to Bruno’s companions, meaning the Rat is actually him—this is what he’s been reduced to, just a Rat In The Walls, just like Dolores hints to Mirabel at breakfast that morning, an estranged nutcase leeching off what his home and family and can spare without them ever knowing—

And only after Mirabel discovers the crack in the wall of the dining room and the crude replica of his plate drawn on the table, when Bruno admits to her that he stayed because he loves his family but wasn’t sure how to help them, does the narrative and soundtrack shift to paint him in a good light, the next song affectionately titled “Tío Bruno” as he explains to his niece the vision and why he left.

This probably isn’t interesting in the least but once I realized this I was just like damn how many layers deep does the symbolism in this movie go lmao, also Rat Man Rat Man I Just Think He’s Neat


@zargothraxcore​ I need you to know how often I think about this tag because it is a lotand it cracks me up every time I do

#encanto    #bruno madrigal    #mirabel madrigal    #not art    #reblog    



Going to try painting the whole Madrigal fam as a personal project since I’ve had so little time to paint lately! These characters are so great. I didn’t think I’d ever have a different favorite Disney movie after Beauty and the Beast. It has always been top for me, but somehow Encanto came in and I felt something for these characters (ALL of them) like I couldn’t believe. I really felt like I was watching my own family on that screen. ✨

Hi I have Encanto Brainrot and wanted to point out something I noticed about how both the characters and soundtrack refer to Bruno throughout the movie so here we go

So once Mirabel realizes Bruno’s been hiding within the walls of Casita this whole time, it’s clear to her that her uncle isn’t exactly the villain everyone has made him out to be, but things are still… off. When she prompts him to explain why he “left but didn’t leave,” he weakly tries convincing her that it was because “the mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall,” and that as long as he stays in Casita he has access to the “free food” his sister makes, and even the soundtrack kinda backs him up. The song that plays while Bruno leads Mirabel back to where he’d been living is titled “The Rat’s Lair”


Which at first, makes sense because oh yeah he’s got hella rats, lots of rats live with him in the walls, but then you notice the apostrophe is in the wrong place to be referring to Bruno’s companions, meaning the Rat is actually him—this is what he’s been reduced to, just a Rat In The Walls, just like Dolores hints to Mirabel at breakfast that morning, an estranged nutcase leeching off what his home and family and can spare without them ever knowing—

And only after Mirabel discovers the crack in the wall of the dining room and the crude replica of his plate drawn on the table, when Bruno admits to her that he stayed because he loves his family but wasn’t sure how to help them, does the narrative and soundtrack shift to paint him in a good light, the next song affectionately titled “Tío Bruno” as he explains to his niece the vision and why he left.


This probably isn’t interesting in the least but once I realized this I was just like damn how many layers deep does the symbolism in this movie go lmao, also Rat Man Rat Man I Just Think He’s Neat

Some of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My WebsitSome of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My WebsitSome of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My WebsitSome of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My WebsitSome of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My WebsitSome of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head~My Links below the cut~My Websit

Some of my favorite frames for a tiktok that was funnier in my head

~My Links below the cut~

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#encanto    #disney    #mirabel madrigal    #parks and rec    #my art    

“Welcome home, Tìo” - Part 5  Mirabel.  Part 6 with Antonio coming soon…  

 P.S. My Art about Bruno and the kids affection is all PLATONIC !!!
