#mario vargas llosa


El Nobel obtuvo el galardón por su novela Tiempos recios, considerada por la crítica como el regreso a la gran novela realista-política. 


La nota de El País:

En una ceremonia, transmitida por vídeo desde la Real Casa de Correos, la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, en compañía de la junta y el jurado de la Fundación Francisco Umbral y el alcalde de Majadahonda, José Luis Álvarez Ustarroz, le entregó al Nobel el galardón. Vargas Llosa habló sobre el papel de la literatura en la sociedad y charló con el periodista de EL PAÍS Juan Cruz acerca de temas como el lugar que ocupa Madrid en la vida del autor, de la libertad dentro de su obra y, principalmente, del origen y objetivo de su última novela.

Tiempos recios transcurre en la Guatemala de los años cincuenta y aborda el golpe de Estado para derrocar al presidente Jacobo Árbenz orquestado por Estados Unidos, a instancias de la United Fruit Company. El alzamiento contra su Gobierno liberal en 1954 estuvo encabezado por el coronel Castillo Armas, que también cayó poco después, en una operación en la que participó el dictador de Santo Domingo, Trujillo. Es justamente este entramado geopolítico el que es reconstruido por Vargas Llosa mezclando voces y perspectivas en la narrativa de la novela.

“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed,

“It is wrong to focus too much on the testimonial value of his photos. They have that, indeed, but, in equal measure they express the milieu in which he lived and they show that when he got behind a camera, he became a giant, a true inventor, a veritable force of invention, a recreator of life.”- Mario Vargas Llosa 

Martin Chambi as a photographer, originally from southern Peru. He was one of the first major indigenous Latin American photographers.

Recognized for the profound and ethnic subject matter of his photographs, he was a prolific portrait photographer in the towns and countryside of the Peruvian Andes

Perusing while listening….. 

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