#maris holiday celebration


one gift i need /// h.p.

one gift i need

harry potter x reader

summary: it’s the last day before winter holiday, and y/n and harry find themselves flustered while gift exchanging!


words: 1k

y/n ran down the castle stairs, panting heavily as she swarmed past classmates and uttering a sorry to those she may have bumped into. She weaved through the masses that were getting ready to leave Hogwarts, for it was (after all) the last day before winter break. Friends beckoned their goodbyes, hugging tightly and telling each other they would ‘see them next year’.

However, the corridor’s bustling energy was no match for y/n as she continued to weave through her classmates. Her eyes struggling to fixate on who she was looking for. She stood on her tippy toes, peering above what seemed like one hundred heads. Finally, she caught her eyes on a rather tall boy with orange hair. Harry must not be far behind, y/n thought to herself. She hurried towards the red-head’s direction, and sure enough, the golden boy was at his side.

Y/n ran to Harry as if her life had depended on it. Before she could reach him, he turned in her direction, catching a glimpse of her happy face. He, too, ran to meet her and embraced her tightly as they met. They stayed together for a moment before breaking away gently

“You didn’t think I’d leave without saying goodbye, did you?” She remarked, cocking her head with a smile.

Harry laughed breathlessly, “Never.”

Their brief moment alone was seized as Harry’s friends came to greet y/n. Ron placed his hand on both Harry and y/n’s shoulder’s, bringing then a few inches closer together; causing a blush to warm up y/n’s cheeks. “Any good plans for holiday, y/n?” Ron practically bellowed.

Hermioneshushed him, earning a shrug of the shoulders from Ron. y/n only giggled at the two. “Nothing too exciting, just going to my Aunt’s in Ireland for a bit then back home before next term starts again,” she replied sweetly.

“How wonderful,” Hermione pipped. “A country holiday sounds like fun!”

Y/n nodded her head. Ron only waved his hand in the air, “Please, Hermione. We all know that nothing could be better than the Burrow during Christmas time.” He laughed at himself.

“Ronald!” Hermione scolded.

“What,” he rolled her eyes. “Even y/n knows it’s true. If only she could have joined us this year again.”

Harry, embarrassed, shook his head, “She does have family, you know.”

“Just saying,” Ron threw his arms up in defense. Harry and Hermione shook their heads at the boy, while y/n smiled knowingly.

y/n patted Ron’s shoulder, “Maybe next year.”

He shook his head at her offer, “I’ll take you up on that.”

She snorted and mumbled an okay. Harry then shot a look towards Ron, trying his hardest to shrug him off. Hermione quickly picked up on it, grabbing Ron’s arm.

“Well,” she stated cheerfully. “We wish you a good holiday! See you when term resumes!” Quickly wrapping y/n up in a hug, Hermione then shuffled Ron out into the midst of the corridors and back into the hub of students saying goodbye.

Harry took y/n’s hand and flashed a smile in her direction. He led her slightly out of the way into a corridor just out of sight. Pushing against the masses, they found a moment of peace. Harry was blushing feverishly and fiddled with his fingers. His eyes darted downwards for a moment, as if regretting his decision.

“Harry,” started y/n with care in her eyes. “Is everything alright.”

His eyes blinked back up to meet hers and he took a deep breath. “You know how rubbish I am at these sort of things, y/n,” he shook. “And I guess I don’t want to make a fool of myself, that all.”

“Oh, Harry,” the girl cooed. “You could never make a fool of yourself, especially not in front of me.”

She then laughed, setting Harry a bit more at ease. “Well, I think you already know how very much I like you,” He smiled, as she knowingly nodded. “So, I thought that I would find you something special, for the holiday, you know?”

Y/n covered her smile with her hands, overwhelmed at his gesture. Harry, she sighed lovingly. He reached into his jumper and pulled out a small box that was tied with a silver ribbon. Harry hesitantly reached out to give her the gift, and as she took it Harry shook his head.

“I really hope you like it,” Harry nervously stated. He watched intently as she opened the packaging. y/n opened the box, revealing a small brooch. It was shaped as a golden snitch with a gemstone placed in the middle.

“It’s a mood reader,” Harry explained. “So, that way I never miss a chance to cheery you up or embrace your happiness. Of course, I got the stone from a divination store, so who knows if it actually works.” They both laughed, as she clutched the brooch to her chest.

“I absolutely love it,” y/n exclaimed, beaming with happiness.

Harry shuffled, blushing fully. “And I’ve got a matching one!” He excitedly beamed, pointing to the spot on his collar in which he paced it. y/n smiled hard as she placed a kiss onto Harry’s cheek. “You’re too sweet, Harry. Thank you,“ she gratefully exclaimed. y/n then turned excitedly, "Okay, my turn!”

Y/n outstretched her hand to reveal a palm sized box, wrapped neatly with dancing snowmen paper. Harry took the box and unwrapped its contents gracefully, folding the paper back neatly. He opened the box revealing a thin gold chain, with a slim golden circle that lay in the center. It was engraved with the wording, ‘always with you, though far apart’.

"You know,” y/n slowly spoke. “So we always know each other is near even if you’re away at your Aunt’s or away just because.” Harry closed the box back up and held it to his heart, a small tear slipping down his cheek. y/n covered her mouth slightly, surprised by the boy’s actions. She had never seen him this vulnerable before.

“What is it?” y/n provoked kindly.

“It’s just,” Harry paused. He caught himself, as he quickly swiped the tear on his face away. “I’ve only just realized that nobody has ever done anything for me like this before. Growing up I used to get Dudley’s old socks and now here you are. Giving me the most beautiful present, I’ve ever received. I don’t know what else to say besides thank you.”

“Harry,” she took his hand. “You deserve every bit of love and more. Seeing you happy is the only present I will ever need.”

Harry then wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. He whispered sweet nothings into her ears, telling her just how much he loved her. They stayed together like that for a while. Utterly embraced in each other’s love. y/n was the first to pull away; she looked into his eyes with all of her admiration.

“Happy Christmas, Harry.” She smiled.

“Happy Christmas, my love.” He smiled back.

(a/n- thank you so much for reading! this is the first installment of my holiday celebration! i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it. please, feel free to message me or send an ask of you would like to be added to my holiday taglist! reblog are appreciated! see you someplace magical!)

mari’s holiday celebration

ciao, lovesss! & happy holidays! this december i decided to do something very special for you all! this month in honor of the holidays and the end of the fall semester, i will be releasing a holiday theme, full length fic every monday of the month. and every thursday i will be releasing a brand new, full length head cannon. its also my one year anniversary writing harry potter fics so this event is going to be extra special for me! here are some fun asks as well~ along with the holiday writing for this month long celebration:

under the mistletoe- based off your blog, i will tell you who is dying to kiss you under the mistletoe! (please provide gender preference/s)

❄️snowed in- chit-chats about everything and anything! rants, fun things you’re doing on holiday, family traditions: i’m all ears!

cookies and milk- give me a fun fact about yourself and i will tell you what holiday trope i think you are!

☃️caroling door to door- talking holiday music! give me a holiday music suggestion and i will give you one in return!

whether you celebrate the holiday season or not, please join the festivities! as someone who celebrates more than one holiday in december, i find it important to ensure we respect all cultures at this time. any disrespect towards religious celebrations along with racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, and transphobia will not be tolerated. you will be reported and blocked. lets continue to create a safe space for everyone! happy holidays! master list of all things holiday w/ dates below the cut!

this even will take place from december 5th - december 30th!

taging some wonderful mutuals for exposure: @destourtereaux@nevsluvr@luvshack@accio–weasleys@laceycallisto@inks-and-jinx@racyreverie@darthwheezely@feliciamint@weasleyswizardpleases@orifortheweeknd


12/5- one gift i need /// h.p.

12/9- holiday knitting for the house elves! /// l.l. & h.g.

*note* for this celebration i will not be taking requests on what to write the holiday fics/headcannons about. most of them are pre-written for efficiency purposes and to ensure i have everything done on time! i will be closing requests for the month of December so i can give this special occasion as much t.l.c. as possible! thank you all for understanding! requests will be opening back up for the new year.
