#marking a whole lotta boxes off


Me just softly what the fucking at Rio’s route right now (spoilers behind cut)…

MC knows more than she lets on here, she just admitted to Leon and Clavis in chp 6 that the reason she’s kept Rio at such a distance all these years is because she knows he’s got people out there waiting for him. After she’d found him in the woods half dead, she’d gone back to look for his things or any clues as to who he was. Her and the bookstore owner come across the wreck of his carriage, and inside she finds a nobleman’s jacket and sword and such. But then the shop owner warns her - she can take care of him and look out for him, but never give her heart to that guy.

Because inside the jacket pocket she finds a jewelry box with what is obviously an engagement ring in it.

Does this relate to why Silvio accused Rio of being a coward? Did he run away from some arranged marriage or something? This route some peak level soap opera shit man haha
