#ikemen prince spoilers



Some answers finally, in chp 14 checkpoint - MAJOR RIO SPOILERS:

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Oh, and Rio’s real name…

Is ‘Valerio Ricci’. Emma couldn’t quite hear it clearly when she first came across him, and Rio has stuck ever since.

Some answers finally, in chp 14 checkpoint - MAJOR RIO SPOILERS:

Rio hasn’t remembered everything, but he remembers enough to tell Belle that he’s the thirdprince of Benitoite, the youngest brother of Silvio and Emidio. This is significant beyond the whole HE’S A PRINCE because as far as anyone else knows, there’s only TWOprinces in Benitoite.

A few things:

  • Rio’s existence even as an obvious noble had been purposefullyerased, as Sariel and Nokto and others found out when they tried to investigate his past. Not even the sort of, we dunno much about him kind of way. This was running into a blank wall, like he never existed AT ALL. They knew he was close to Silvio - Sariel and Nokto both point out that Silvio seems to care for him in his own backassward way, always keeping Rio nearby as if to keep an eye on him etc, even as these two are at each other’s throats half the time. Sariel and Nokto’s theories are that it would take an insane amount of influence and money to just wipe someone from existence like that…say, the sort of power and money only someone like Silvio would have.
  • Gilbert implied in a conversation with Silvio that the king of Benitoite (who is stepping down soon to everyone’s surprise, they assumed he’d rule for far longer) is chosen by a process of elimination - and by this I mean, the princes literally murder each other until the last man standing gets the throne. This is why Emidio has come to Rhodolite ostensibly, on the surface at least to improve diplomacy and mix with the other princes and prove himself a worthy heir. The game is trying really hard to make it seem as if Silvio is guilty of trying to murder Rio (Rio’s been attacked and also poisoned thus far) but I am confident it is Emidio’s work.
  • Whatever happened to Rio three years ago, the details of the circumstances surrounding why he was in a carriage and had that ring and all the other things are still fuzzy, but I’m certain that Silvio capitalized on the situation and Rio’s ‘disappearance’ to make him disappear in truth to protect him from Emidio and Emidio’s machinations. Rio’s implied that he’s been poisoned before, and I am certain Silvio was shrewd enough to use the chance to protect his lil bro as best he could (and perhaps help himself a little by conveniently removing one contender for the crown bloodlessly?) I also don’t get the impression that Rio enjoyed being a prince much, given that he’s proposed running away with Belle entirely after all this blows over. Am I being optimistic in assuming the best of Silvio?? Perhaps…but I know that Cybird won’t make a potential suitor that awful, and I also firmly believe that behind his 'you are THE WORST’ act towards Rio and their level of squabbling, he loves Rio in his own dipshit way.

We shall see if the rest of the route proves me wrong though LOL

Bro…tf kinda life you been living that you’re used to being poisoned???

This current collection event story is just to hear Silvio call himself MC’s pet and she his owner even if he still is the rudest most demanding tyrant of a ‘pet’ ever fjfjfjfjf



Me just softly what the fucking at Rio’s route right now (spoilers behind cut)…

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I’m just gonna keep adding random tidbits on here…

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Poor Yves has inherited not just one kitchen disaster in Licht but now TWO - Keith also seems to love hanging out in the kitchen and baking with him and Licht, although the apparent results are only explosions and regret. (Not that that stops my sweetie Yves from encouraging them both still)


Me just softly what the fucking at Rio’s route right now (spoilers behind cut)…

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I’m just gonna keep adding random tidbits on here…

Apparently there’s 2 princes of Benitoite, Silvio the eldest and Emidio the younger. Sounds suspiciously like ‘Rio’ if you garbled it through a concussion and amnesia, no? And now HE’S supposedly coming for a visit to Rhodolite?? Can’t wait to see what the heck this entails exactly.

Me just softly what the fucking at Rio’s route right now (spoilers behind cut)…

MC knows more than she lets on here, she just admitted to Leon and Clavis in chp 6 that the reason she’s kept Rio at such a distance all these years is because she knows he’s got people out there waiting for him. After she’d found him in the woods half dead, she’d gone back to look for his things or any clues as to who he was. Her and the bookstore owner come across the wreck of his carriage, and inside she finds a nobleman’s jacket and sword and such. But then the shop owner warns her - she can take care of him and look out for him, but never give her heart to that guy.

Because inside the jacket pocket she finds a jewelry box with what is obviously an engagement ring in it.

Does this relate to why Silvio accused Rio of being a coward? Did he run away from some arranged marriage or something? This route some peak level soap opera shit man haha

Ok Rio this angry face pretty hot, I’ll give you that.


Silvio Ricci - PRETEND LOVER Event - Another Terrible Summary

(Yes, he is blushing. And yes, you’d better get used to his red-faced dumbstruck look because it’s happening. Often.)

Here is my absolutely irreverent and chock full of hyperbole, only nominally-guaranteed-accurate rendition of Silvio’s event story.


Please always bear in mind that 1) I claim to be no expert in JP and there are and will be mistakes in this so show mercy on this amateur - and if you see any obvious mistakes, kindly let me know so I can improve 2) I didn’t even TRY to make Silvio’s dialogue as rude as it is. Always, at all times, assume this man is talking like a foul-mouthed sailor.

Aaaaaand 3) I made this so fucking long. Why did I feel compelled to be so detailed idk - this isn’t even really a summary anymore it’s just the whole damn event. FML


So our story starts with Emma walking down the hall and being stopped by a very persistent aristocratic man she’s been dodging for days now - almost a dozen times now whenever she’s found herself alone he’s popped up, ‘coincidentally’, pestering her to have tea or spend time with him. 

He tries again today, stating how beautiful it is outside and how she should join him for tea. She tries to make her excuses, apologizing and saying she has a prior engagement, but this stalker says no, he knows that’s not true - she doesn’t have anything on her schedule, he’s already checked with the servants in court. 

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Yay! Thanks for this! I already love him and cant wait for his route! Plus i imagine him speaking with that italian/venezian accent and i just melt ~


Narration, thoughts, speech

Proper self care is something that girls shouldn’t neglect – I truly did understand that.

But lately I couldn’t help but cut a few corners, but when I was caught by my boyfriend I ended up on the receiving end of a scolding.

Yves: “I’ll wash you hair for you now, ok.”

MC: “O-oh, yeah ok….”

(He’s just being kind and thoughtful but it still makes me feel a little shy…)



Yves: “Hey, MC! What’s with your hair and your skin, it looks a little dried out. Are you taking proper care of yourself?”

MC: “Um, heheh, well about that…not…exactly.”

Yves: “What? Are you serious? You know something like that won’t be tolerated.”

Yves: “Come to my room tonight. I’ll teach you the best way to wash and apply self care to your body. You better make sure to show you, understand?”

MC: “Yes sir!”

~~~~End Flashback~~~~

(I’m actually really happy that he’s teaching me all these neat tricks to selfcare but why did we have to get into the bath together…?)

(And since this is the first time we’re sharing a bath together I’m feeling a little nervous. Well more like a lotta nervous…)

I could feel the warmth of Yves’ body behind me through my back, and I couldn’t keep my nerves from growing. My gaze skittering to and froe without rest.

But Yves paid no mind to my nervousness, skillfully and quickly washing my hair. Even applying scented oils to my hair.

(Mmmm, this feels really nice…)

His fingers worked magic against my scalp, and with the perfect amount of pressure that had all of my stiffness and nerves melting away in an instant.

Yves: “MC, how is it?”

MC: “Yeah…feels so good…mm”


Yves: “mn-, O-of course it does, since I’m the one doing it for you. Ok, next is your body.”

MC: “Ok. I can do that part myself since, you know….”


Yves: “G-get your mind out of the gutter! I’m not going to do anything weird! It’s just normal bodily care!”

MC: “I wasn’t thinking anything like that! I swear!”

The heavy awkward silence that feel between us was unbearably uncomfortable.

(I guess it would be bad to just flatly refuse his offer. He’s doing all of this for my sake after all…)

MC: “Then um, please continue…”

In the end I gave into his words, letting Yves’ take care of my body.

Yves: “Ok, good. Then, I’m starting.”

With a generous lather of soap, bubbling on my skin, he every so gently washed my back. Feeling him touching me, my voice leaked out of my mouth in a satisfied moan before I could control it.

MC: “Ahh….”

Yves: “Does…it feel good?”

MC: “Yeah, mn, really nice…ah…”

Yves: “…That’s good but could you not make all those cute sounds?”

MC: “Sorry…mm…”

(I know all he’s doing it washing me but, when I think that Yves is touching me I can’t help it…)

A small heat began to simmer deep inside of me, gradually spreading to the rest of my body making it unconsciously twist at his touches.

Perhaps to stop all of my squirming Yves hand moved around to my front and—

Yves: “I know it’s not on purpose…But I won’t be able to hold myself back if you’re going to let me hear those sweet moans.”

MC: “A-ahh…!”

Holding me from behind Yves’ fingers, slick and slipper with soap and suds, massaged my breasts. Swiping over the stiffened peaks with ease.

Unlike his innocent touches before, now his hands moved with stimulating purpose and my body happily reacted. Shivering and trembling in his hold.

MC: “O-oh, ah-Yves. T-that’s enough….”


Yves: “You shouldn’t lie, you know. Stirring me up with that enticing voice of yours, must mean you like it, right?”

As his hands continued their sinful touches he ran his lips along the nape of my neck and back, pressing kisses along the way.

MC: “Mmm, Yves what about t-teaching me about…self care…?”

Yves: “I still am. This is also one type of self care.”

MC: “I-I find that…ah…hard to believe…”

Yves: “After every kiss your skin turns such an erotic and sexy shade of blush red…”

Yves: “……It’s good for the skin to get the blood circulating like this, so this is for sure one kind of care.”

MC: “Mm, is that really true…”

Yves: “A-are you saying you don’t believe me!? Geeze, MC turn around. I want to kiss you.”

MC: “ng….”

Soon as I turned around Yves hugged me tightly, kissing me without holding back.

Our naked bodies stuck to one another, the feel of his body pressing so deliciously against mine only heightening my desire. Our lips separated and came together over and over, each time the sounds of our kisses ringing in the room.


Yves: “MC…..can you get on my lap. Will you ride me…”

MC: “Yeah, ok…”

How could I refuse an invitation like that when I wanted it just as much. His arms curling around my waist when I moved and from below I felt him enter me, reaching my deepest parts.

Yves: “Nn…Let me see more of your expressions and hear more of your voice.”

MC: “Ah,ah! Yves, Yves….mm!”

My body lifted with every upward thrust of his hips as I desperately held on to Yves’ body—-

And just as he asked I didn’t hold back my voice, letting it rise freely with his every movement.

Yves: “—-Also, make sure you dry your hair as must as possible. It can get damaged if you leave it wet.”

Yves: “So dry it as soon as you get out of the bath.”

MC: “Alright, I’ll do that from now on.”

After leaving the bathtub we moved to the room where Yves was drying my hair for me.

(We really took our time in the bath. And I can’t believe we actually did that in there…)

Just thinking about all the things we did not so long ago I blushed.

Yves: “If you go making that kind of face so suddenly, you’ll make me blush too.”

MC: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.  But, when you gave me the shampoo treatment it felt really nice. So I’d like…”

Yves: “You’d like…?”

MC: “W-well….”

(I want to bathe together again!—Is what I want to say but I’m too shy to actually say it)

At my continued silence Yves gave a sudden smile.

Yves: “Alright, I get it. If you’re going to do all that I suppose we can take a bath together again.”


Yves: “Since I’m the only one that can bring out your most beautiful self.”

While saying that he leaned down to place a delicate kiss onto my shiny hair.

I still felt a little shy, but I was also very happy that we had found yet another way to spend our nights together.

*If you’re horny, let’s do it, ride it, my pony. My saddle’s waitin’, come and jump on it.*
I imagine that’s what Yves had playing in the background XD And if you don’t know where this is from you too young to be on my blog!! Lol

A Steamy Bathtime

If you’re going to like/follow/reblog my posts, I encourage you to read this. It’s your first and only warning

[Spoilers Jin’s route] I love how he treats his little brothers

although out of context it seems he speaks to his dogs
