

I’m okay with Touichirou’s hair, I mean his hair color which is Royal Maroon for me in my own opinion. Some hypothesize that his hair color is red others say it’s brown or deep brown or something but I would like to imagine that there is something much deeper than red or that considering his previous story with his former wife who left him years ago which despite of it, he still continues to build and rise his organization and stood at the top until Mob came in to reflect him the reason why he was doing all of those from the very beginning so I’m surprised that it’s Royal maroon which it really suites him. I would like to see this character in the season 2 of Mob Psycho 100 and yeah be prepared of mixed emotions when that time comes and  of course before this arc.

Royal Maroon is under the tones of Maroon color comparison chart


Well, this color is still under the same color family of Red. In Color Psychology, Red has so many meanings. But I’ll  be choosing some details that really linked to this character’s personality. Those who have read the manga knew who really is he in front and behind his people.

Red Color Psychology and Meaning


It has been found that athletes wearing a red kit in combat sports had a bigger chance of winning than those who wore a blue kit. Red makes the person feel more aggressive and more powerful, boosting testosterone, but it also changes the perception others have.


Considering that it draws attention, it’s easy to see why it’s so often used in warning signs. Red has to do with the body’s fight-or-flight response, so too much red leaves the person feeling not just alert, but also stressed out.

Note: Darker colors, like maroon or burgundy represent an action that is more restrained and sophisticated. Restrained meaning he’s been preserving his power for over 20 years to meet some people who are strong enough to defeat him  that’s why he traveled a distant miles away from his home country and sophisticated meaning his decisions even though it’s dangerous and also we knew that his son is against it is way advance in terms of the circumstances he undergo to gather more experiences from the people he involved with and recruited inside his organization and of course the conclusion he got based from his own personal will (i.e. knowledge from his previous experiences before his organization became successful)

Suzuki Touichirou’s business or shall I say psychic business is Claw. There is also a Psychology branding with the color Red since he is the “CEO” of his company. I’m also not be surprised if his psychic aura will be tinted with some reddish color much different from his subordinates


  Variation of color Red in business


So there, I’ll just add some details about his color and looking forward for the MP100 season 2 with these spoiler images that keep appearing every now and then. 
