#mars square uranus


astrology notes

-you are drawn to those with placements the sign your 8th house cusp falls on

-those with many 7th house placements are often thought to be ‘copiers’

-gemini risings are incredibly forgetful

-capricorn and aries placements can sometimes become enraged if somebody orders them around

-avirgo rising’s biggest pet peeve is feeling useless

-people with positive mars to saturn aspects take sex seriously and can be very cautious of who they sleep around with

-moon opposite saturn can feel like they’re a burden and/or extremely lonely

-moon sextile mars can make somebody extremely good at handling conflict  because of how well they can get their point across

-mars in the 11th house is the biggest humanitarian and will fight any injustice

-pisces venus people can sometimes have the highest expectations in relationships

-those with saturn in cancer will suppress their wants and emotions in fear they will seem needy or whiny to others

-people that have sun trine neptune constantly seem like they’re having an identity crisis

-those with sun to pluto aspects mainly just listen to themselves and their gut feelings

-mars square uranus may have explosive anger and sometimes the most random things can trigger it
