#11th house


astrology notes

-you are drawn to those with placements the sign your 8th house cusp falls on

-those with many 7th house placements are often thought to be ‘copiers’

-gemini risings are incredibly forgetful

-capricorn and aries placements can sometimes become enraged if somebody orders them around

-avirgo rising’s biggest pet peeve is feeling useless

-people with positive mars to saturn aspects take sex seriously and can be very cautious of who they sleep around with

-moon opposite saturn can feel like they’re a burden and/or extremely lonely

-moon sextile mars can make somebody extremely good at handling conflict  because of how well they can get their point across

-mars in the 11th house is the biggest humanitarian and will fight any injustice

-pisces venus people can sometimes have the highest expectations in relationships

-those with saturn in cancer will suppress their wants and emotions in fear they will seem needy or whiny to others

-people that have sun trine neptune constantly seem like they’re having an identity crisis

-those with sun to pluto aspects mainly just listen to themselves and their gut feelings

-mars square uranus may have explosive anger and sometimes the most random things can trigger it

⭐️synastry notes⭐️

-personal planets in somebody else’s 8th house (especially mars or venus) can make the 8th house person obsessive over the planet person

-those with venus/mars aspects have a lot of sexual chemistry

-with many mercury aspects comes good communication and deep/stimulating conversations

-having positive sun to venus aspects creates mutual attraction and a supportive relationship

-moon conjunct ascendant causes hypersensitivity and the ability to affect each others moods drastically

-negative mercury to mars aspects can lead to arguments. the mars person may be impatient and force opinions onto the mercury person

-having moon in the 2nd house will base the relationship on emotional satisfaction rather than romance. the 2nd house person could be possessive of the moon person

-mercury in the 11th house will bring open communication and a sense of companionship

-sun conjunct jupiter indicates generosity and sharing. you both tend to hype each other up

-havingsun in the 1st house brings infatuation. the 1st house person sees the sun person as the best thing that’s ever happened to them

-venus/moon conjunct saturn aspects can cause the saturn person to be controlling of the venus/moon person

-saturn square mercury can cause both people to fight for power or dominance over the other


■ scorpio moons & Pluto in the 3rd house have a really hard time sharing personal info, if they do it means your trustworthy or they want to get something out of it. Be careful.

Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them ‘bad’ at it bc of this, but it’s just about preferences. But they’re also givers so it’s easy for them to adapt.

■ Mars in sagittarius are very sexual and is the type to flirt w everyone they meet just for fun (esp. males)

□ aries placements (venus & mars mostly) have a necessity to be liked romantically by other people (esp. females) they might not even like that person but they want to be liked asap

■ sagittarius risings have more of an oval head shape and pretty smiles. They actually enjoy being annoying lol

pisces moons/moon in the 7th want to be liked and accepted by others so they actually try really hard for it.

venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls’ or just that type of “feminine” energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation.

□ your best friend zodiac sign is most likely your rising/moon (conjunct or opposite) or the sign in your 11th house. Also, your 11th house talks about the role you play in your group of closest friends.

Gemini risings have either a really petite nose or a flat somewhat big nose.

□ leo suns/risings have lots of hair. Leo risings especially have defined (noticeable jaw) yet soft features and usually small defined lips.

■ leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it’s bc they’re not comfortable enough to show their true side yet.

□ aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices.

virgo moon/venus/risings can’t stand not doing the right thing. They have a constant fear of not being good enough.

□ libra mars like to think of themselves as very smart and politically correct when arguing.

venus in taurus are very touchy especially when they have a crush on someone.

capricorn sun/risings tend to be very physically attractive bc they have a really good bone structure. Great proportions. You can easily tell them apart by their famous blank stare.

■ the 2nd house rules the throat & voice:

Air signs in this house tend to have more of an airy/soft/clear tone and can play with their voice with ease, so high notes are easier to reach. (Ex. Mariah Carey, Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande)

Fire signs tend to have a more prominent tone, that definitely stands out for being either loud or very sweet to the ear. (Ex. Billie Eilish, Zayn Malik, Jaehyun NCT, Katy Perry)

Earth signs tend to have a voice that’s stable. Low notes specially, they can just talk and it’d still sound good. (Ex. Freddy Mercury, Demi Lovato)

Water signs tend to have a whiny tone yet defined tone so it’s easy for them to project emotions. (Ex. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Christina Aguilera)

□ Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.

■ mercury in cancer is the best listener.

Mars (sometimes rising) in virgo actually enjoys cleaning.

■ siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. my sister and I have venus in the 12th house), have sun-moon conjunctions (ex. Your sibling’s an aquarius and your moon is in aquarius) and/or have sun-rising conjunction or sun in the 7th house.

□ cancers never miss a thing and always remember everything. It’s both a blessing and a curse.


The 11th house & your social encounters

- The 11th house is ruled by Uranus & brings out Aquarian themes; it rules over humanitarianism & revolution, but also platonic companionship, internet mutuals, & one’s overall social self. Looking at the 11H shows us how we interact in social settings & how we may influence others.

Aries in the 11H: You influence others to be more forward & impulsive. You are the friend that gets people together & calls the shots. You don’t wait for others to say something; if you want it, it will get done. It is rare for you to consider possible consequences & you aren’t always the wisest decision maker, but you are not static. You keep people on their toes; you bring so much passion into your relationships with people. You are a fun & optimistic friend.

Taurus in the 11H: You influence others to engage in a more lux lifestyle. You are the friend that pays for dinner and/or who has the best book & movie recommendations. You are full of life & the beauty of it. When your friends are with you, they feel as though they can finally slow down & breathe. You aren’t the most daring friend, but you are one that others can count on. Reliable & dependable, you’re the friend that always seems to have their life together.

Gemini in the 11H: You influence others to be more youthful & enthusiastic. You are the kind of friend who makes plans to go to brunch or grab some coffee to catch up, & the two of you end up talking for hours. You like to enjoy the moment, & sometimes that means you have to do it on your own. You are an extrovert & may at times be a bit clingy towards your friends; however, no one’s absence can stop you from having a good time.

Cancer in the 11H: You influence others to be more vulnerable. You’re the caretaker friend. You soften those whom you are close with; they can depend on your comfort. Your friends appreciate you for your thoughtful gestures. You are not the most direct friend, even if you disagree with someone’s choices you may not say much at first. You will be there for your friends when they want help, but maybe not every time they need it.

Leo in the 11H: You influence others to be more lively. You don’t like to sit around or wait for anyone; the fun starts with you (not them). You are the friend to keep track of parties & events, and to convince your friends to come along. Most of your friendships are surface level, despite one or two who would always have your back. A best friend or a few close ones is all you want, and the rest are just for fun (& vice versa).

Virgo in the 11H: You influence others to be more image-oriented. You like hanging out with people who match your theme, or aesthetic, in life. You want to compliment your friends, and want them to compliment you. The kind of friend that is known for being a part of a group, or having a best friend that you are inseparable to. You can be overly judgmental towards your friends, but most of the time you have their best interest in mind.

Libra in the 11H: You influence others to see both sides. You keep an open-mind. Not to say you are disloyal, but that you always care to understand peoples motives. When two people you care about are not getting along, you try to stay uninvolved. At best, you are a perfect mediator; at worst, you are seen as double-faced. With an approachable & easygoing nature, you are a friend to all.

Scorpio in the 11H: You influence others to reflect & be more authentic. You are the kind of friend that can always read your friend’s moods; the kind of person that people go to because they feel like they can share their secrets with you. You are not always the most level-headed, but you are a truly caring friend. You would never betray a loved one; the worst thing someone could do to you is betray you. You have an energy that allows friends & acquaintances to be their most raw selves when they are with you.

Sagittarius in the 11H: You influence others to see from a different perspective. Your friends enjoy hearing what you have to say; you have a persuasive personality. Your characteristics & opinions rub off on your friends, they may even start to copy you. Intimacy is not what you are known for, rather you are liked & valued for your open-mind and strong character. You are not one to follow the lead. Your friends admire your views on life, and learn from you.

Capricorn in the 11H: You influence others to have higher standards. You’re the kind of friend who reminds your friends that they could do better; you are always complimenting & encouraging your friends because you can see their potential. You don’t like people who have no vision for their life. You will leave someone alone soon after the friendship becomes one-sided. You are wise & “know best”. People come to you for a second opinion. You can be a bit too harsh in friendships, but you always mean well.

Aquarius in the 11H: You influence others to not really give a fuck. You are the friend who tells it like it is; you can be overly blunt with no mind to people’s feelings. You can see right through facades, and your friend group consists of “raw” individuals who are all on different life paths. You have an independent streak, your friends do as well. You view friendship as an experience rather than a personal pairing between two people. You get along with many types of people, as long as they aren’t trying to be something that they are not.

Pisces in the 11H:You influence others to be more compassionate. You are the kind of person to befriend people at their low points. You may have experienced some hardships that have made you a more sympathetic person to others. Your friends usually come to your house, or you drive them, etc. Your friends are grateful to have someone as loving as you. Friends come and go for you, each one brings a unique perspective. You long for a friend who will care for you as you care for them.

Sun in the 11H: You stand out in your friendship circles. You shine your brightest & just appear to be glowing when you are being social & hanging out with your friends. Others may refer to your social circle as “(your name)’s friend group” & other things like that. You are an extrovert and/or have lots of connections.

Moon in the 11H: This is the “mom friend” placement. You have a maternal quality that shows up with friends, acquaintances, & possibly online. This placement doesn’t necessarily make you soft, more-so it makes you protective. You will go to bat for your friends.

Mercury in the 11H: This means 1 of 2 things based on the sign it’s in, aspects, & other significant placements: 1) you talk about everything with your friends; you’re an oversharer or, 2) you are the one who gives all of your friends the advice. In some rarer cases, it can mean both at the same time lol.

Venus in the 11H: You develop crushes on your friends; orrrr you need your romantic partners to double as your “best friend”. + You are a very loving & sweet friend.

Mars in the 11H: You may be approached with friends-with-benefits type situations. Your friends may express a sexual attraction to you in a casual way lol. You may be selfish in friendships, or have a strict intolerance for certain behaviors in your social circles that you enforce (the intolerance would mainly depend on Mars sign & aspects)

Jupiter in the 11H: You develop friendships that end up benefiting you. Friends with loving families that take you in, friends who may have more money or social status than you do; because of your personality, you attract people who have the means to “boost” your life. You are a good friend & are rewarded for it (this can & will reverse if you turn out to be a really “bad” friend though)

Saturn in the 11H: You are the responsible friend. Things sometimes go wrong for you, & not always at your doing. Be careful of reckless friends, or friends who will never “take the blame”. You don’t want to have to take the shit for your friendship circle’s actions. You oftentimes feel used or lonely; be mindful of who you let close to you.

Uranus in the 11H: Online friends or followers are more prominent than irl ones. You may have long-distance friends, or friends who have grown up in very different environments/lifestyles from you & one another. Diverse circle.

Neptune in the 11H: “Friends” may take advantage of you. Be sure to set up boundaries & enforce them. You sometimes go ghost on people; you like to be alone a lot. You feel misunderstood by people sometimes, but don’t let yourself push everyone away. Try to make friends with people who have similar interests as you, this way you are less likely to feel swamped.

Pluto in the 11H: You have dealt with betrayals from friends in the past. You feel like you always “choose the wrong ones”. You have a lot of influence over your friend groups; you may deal with friends who become obsessive/copy you. Jealousy & distrust are themes that show up in *some* friendships with this placement. Be careful of fake friends.

Chiron in the 11H: You have had friends who made you feel bad about yourself. You felt like you were in their shadow/s. You have struggled with feelings of exclusion. As you grow, you will gain confidence in your independence & solitude. Friends will find you, & when they do you should let them in.

Astrological Households

People with 1st Houseplanets need the freedom to be the author/authority of their lives

People with 2nd House planets prefer a small/trusted circle so not to be used for their resources

People with 3rd House planets were often the teachers of younger siblings

People with 4th House planets need a strong connection to their cultural/ancestral origins to feel belonging

People with 5th House planets are inner child healers

People with 6th House planets confront multiple superiors who are less qualified/competent 

People with 7th House planets must to participate in their own self-development; or risk the cycle of a relationship repeating itself indefinitely

People with 8th House planets confront multiple scenarios in life that force the choice between their integrity, or making money

People with 9th House planets need to source a deeper meaning, Divinity, & mythology in life,or risk catching feverish ideologies

People with 10th House planets are subject to a lot of self-annihilating comparison to the lives and successes of others against their own

People with 11th House planets have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with their ideas, visions, & theories

People with 12th House planets deal with a lethargy caused by physical energy being dispensed in unseen/invisible/dream realms

- Cherry


1st house: This is who I am.
Keyword: Identity

2nd house: This is what is mine.
Keyword: Personal

3rd house: This is how I share.
Keyword: Communication

4th house: This is where I came from.
Keyword: Support

5th house: This is what I make.
Keyword: Pleasure

6th house: This is how I struggle.
Keyword: Service

7th house: This is how I give.
Keyword: Sacrifice

8th house: This is how I progress.
Keyword: Transformation

9th house: This is how I learn.
Keyword(s): Separation of self

10th house: This is what will optimize my potential
Keyword: Goals

11th house: This is where I integrate myself to a population
Keyword: community

12th house: These are the difficulties which have been molded through each of my lifetimes.
Keyword: Expose

Moon Transiting through the houses

*Check your transit chart to see what houses your natal planets are in right now and bear in mind that aspects and signs will affect this.

Moon transiting through the 1st House - You will feel and appear more emotional than usual. Emotions may be slightly harder to control and you could be feeling more confident during this transit. Be careful not to act on impulse during this time and make sure you think before you act. This is a great time to get a lot off your chest and this transit will also give you the motivation to get things done, especially anything you feel strongly about. If you have harsh aspects to your transit moon, be careful that you don’t lose control of your emotions and act in ways that you will later regret.

Moon transiting through the 2nd House - You will be thinking more about your income and job, shopping for materialistic items and anything that could comfort you in some way. This is a great time to buy some new items, practice your talents and focus on your job. Be aware that harsh aspects could make you more impulsive with spending right now so make sure you won’t regret your spending spree later. Singing and delving deep into your talents will be a great way to balance your emotions right now. You may be more emotional about your job and income right now so take it easy. Taking a bubble bath with some scented candles might be a good idea right now. Anything that stimulates the senses or that comforts you may be of interest to you right now and is a great way to relieve emotional stress.

Moon transiting through the 3rd House - Your mind will be quicker than usual. You may find yourself thinking about different topics or you may have a thirst for knowledge during this transit. This is a great time to learn something new and do some research. Taking short trips might help you to relieve any emotional buildup you might be experiencing. This is a good time to connect with siblings and you might feel closer to your siblings and maybe cousins during this time.

Moon transiting through the 4th house - You will want to stay at home during this transit. Emotions could be heightened and you could find yourself thinking more about your family. You might feel closer with your mother right now and you will feel more empathetic and sensitive to the needs of her, as well as your family. You might feel more emotional in family settings. This is a great time to spend time with your mother and your family as it is a great time to strengthen your bond with them. This is also a great time to complete any plans associated with the home as you feel closer to matters of the home during this time. You may feel like exploring your heritage and roots during this time, and feel more emotionally connected to your ancestors. Harsh aspects to transit moon can cause problems within the home and emotions towards the family and mother.

Moon transiting through the 5th house - You will feel more creative during this transit. You will be more involved in your hobbies and possibly even children. You could be thinking about having children especially if you are in a relationship and you may be more emotionally involved in your love interests during this time. This is a great time to get started on a creative project, start a new hobby or do something fun. You be a little bit more dramatic in your emotional displays, especially if you have natal moon in leo or have aspects to natal 5th house planets, so be careful not to overdo it.

Moon transiting the 6th house - You will want to get stuff done and work will be something that you will be thinking about more during this transit. You will be feeling closer towards your pets during this time as well as co-workers. You will be thinking more about your health during this time and problems with your emotional health are more likely. Health problems are also more likely to come to the surface. You could be more health conscious right now, sensitive to anything that may be affecting it. Meditation, exercise and healthy eating is a great way to keep your mental and physical health in check and make sure you pace yourself! This is also a great time to get work done.

Moon transiting the 7th House - You will be thinking and feeling more in your one-on-one relationships with others. You will be more sensitive to any problems in your relationships. You may feel the need to be in a relationship or find yourself starting to feel emotionally involved in any new relationships. Confrontations with enemies may come up.

Moon transiting the 8th House - You may feel more emotional and sensitive during this time. You may find yourself being more interested in taboo subjects such as sex and death, or you may even be more sensitive about these topics. You may feel even closer to the people you have strong emotional ties to and this is a great time to be intimate with others right now. This may be a time where you’re more likely to be given an inheritance or if you aren’t careful debts (check for harsh aspects). This may be a time where you can borrow money from somebody, even if this isn’t the case shared-finances may come up more. You may feel more psychic during this time and have the ability to enter parts of your mind that you can’t usually. You may feel slightly moodier and more solitary, or you may come across this way to others and even though sex and deep connection and intimacy is more likely it’s not always the case.

Moon Transiting the 9th House - You are more likely to be more interested or involved in politics and religion. You may be more interested in travelling and you may feel like booking a holiday during this time. Interactions with foreigners are more likely and you may find yourself more interested in different cultures or spiritual practises. You may feel closer to your religion, or maybe you will find yourself more active in this area during this time.

Moon in the 10th House - You will start to care more about your public image and career during this transit. Expect interactions with your father, or anything associated with your father to come to light, especially when it comes your emotions. You may start to be more interested in others with a good career or public image or maybe your public image and career may cause you some emotional issues. You will be able to focus more on improving your public image or career during this time, although harsh aspects could cause your emotions to get in the way of this.

Moon In the 11th House - You may be thinking about your friends more than usual. You may think about being a part of a group or organisation. You may feel really strongly about a certain cause and you may feel the need to speak up about certain problems in the world. Hopes, wishes and dreams may be intensified and your emotions may help you to be more motivated to achieve your goals. This is a great time to speak up about something that you feel strongly about and to make a change in the world.

Moon in the 12th House - This tends to be a time when any emotional problems you’ve been facing will hit you like a truck, especially with harsh aspects. You will be more likely to try and keep your emotions hidden during this time and you may be more creative. For some you may feel more fearful and scared during this transit and others will feel like they are stronger emotionally. You will feel a lot more sensitive to the feelings of others and you may also feel more sensitive emotionally during this time. This is a great time to write your thoughts and feelings down in a diary, spend some quality time to yourself, play music, practise self love and one of the best of all with this transit is to delve into your creativity. You may find ways to explore the subconscious mind, delving deep into your emotions.

Tips with coping with the pandemic at home ~ using astrology

*Part 1 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses

*Somenon-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology

Planets in the 4th House/Cancer

*Explore your roots*

- Tap into your role of the mother/nurturer whether that is online or in your home. You might have the ability to help people who are struggling emotionally during this time.

- update and improve your living environment

- Rearrange your furniture and items at home

- Contact family members over phone, video call or social media. You could even start a family group chat.

- Start exploring your family history/ancestry online

- Create a Photo album full of photos of your memories, whether that is photos of memorable times with your family, parents or anything that makes you smile

- Be mindful and appreciative of anything that makes you smile in your present environment, it could be a sentimental item, just being appreciative of your home or someone you live with.

Planets in the 5th House/Leo

~ Get Creative ~

- Blast some music and throw yourself a party at home alone or whilst facetiming friends/get involved with an online party (video chat).

- create mini creative movies, dance videos or fun, silly videos

- Watch creative videos on youtube

- Start a youtube channel showing off your creative talents

- binge watch netflix or throw yourself a movie night

- Choreograph your own dance routine

- Try and fit in your hobbies at home, find creative ways of taking part in hobbies at home

- Learn how to play a musical instrument or a creative skill at home by researching or watching videos online

Planets in the 6th House/Virgo

*Be of service*

- Be of service somehow, to yourself and others. Volunteering to help out in the pandemic or helping your friends and people online or over phone who are struggling to cope with it all. Make sure you are practising self care too.

- Work from home

- Write a to-do list or create a planner to start a healthy routine and work-schedule

- Work out, meditate and practice yoga or pilates at home / watch videos online to help you do this

- Watch health videos and read about how to stay healthy at home

- Find some books to read (this could be online) of your interest.

- Look after your pets

- Research accurate information online and post advice online for others to stay healthy and well during this time.

Planets in the 11th House/Aquarius

~ be a part of an online community~

- Join an online chat room

- Join an online community, meet people online that share similar interests to you

- call and facetime friends / video chat more than one person

- start writing down your positive hopes and wishes for the future in a notebook

- spread awareness on how to help others suffering from the pandemic or maybe even get involved in helping people suffering from the pandemic through being a part of an online community helping others who are struggling.

- Keep up to date and conscious with what’s going on around the world and let your voice be heard

- Research and look up charities and organisations to be a part of online or in the future.

We will get through this together

bless you all i hope this has helped

The Eleventh House is an interesting house. It indicates what type of friend you are, signs that you attract(that you’re probably better off friend zoning) or date a lot, cliques you may have been in/are in and even side jobs/interest/hobbies so let’s jump into it.


you’re the friend that stands up for friends, and probably ready on sight lmao. you will always be protective over your friends. might playfully insult your friends. may befriend boys more or ppl with masculine energy. may attract/date mars/aries placements a lot, but should probably just be friends. hobbies may be working out, watching sports, dancing etc. side jobs/interests may be a personal trainer,soldier,fire fighter, etc. Clique:Jocks/Athletes, Popular Kids, Troublemakers


friendships are stable. you’re a reliable friend. friends may be basic, or lazy. friends may have crackhead energy tho lol. may befriend girls more or ppl with feminine energy. you give good advice, and your friends know you’re always there. may attract/date taurus/venus placements a lot, but shouldn’t turn serious. hobbies may be netflix(my bsf has this placement, and they’re engaged),binge watching, cooking/baking, makeovers, relaxing(baths, candles, etc), singing, chilling w/pets and shopping. side jobs/interests may be architecture, MUA, real estate, singer, chief, etc Clique:Preppy/Basics,the Chill/Shy kids, or Normals


very social. friends can’t be boring/serious, gotta have the same humor. mood can be affected if your friends are in a bad mood. may gossip. most likely not good at keeping secrets lmao. may attract/date gemini/mercury placements a lot, better off as just friends. hobbies may consist of hanging out with friends, writing, watching yt, being on social media in general, going to parties, gossiping, and learning. Side jobs/interest may be journalism, teacher, designing, etc Cliques:Multiple/Floater,Intellectuals,Mean Girls


another placement that may befriend girls more or ppl with feminine energy. might have/be a family friend. has overprotective friends or they are overprotective of their friends. friends can be jealous tho, or even emotional messes. usually counts friends as family, and may value them as much. caring, and probably can be “maternal” towards their friends lmao. may attract/date cancer/moon placements a lot, but better off as friends. hobbies may be baking, babysitting, being surrounded by family, knitting, and watching emotional/drama movies/shows, maybe even history lol. side jobs/interests may be a babysitter, pediatrics, nurses/doctors, work from home, real estate, social worker, culinary arts, judge, etc Cliques:Emos, Preppy, Shy Kids, or Normal


the friend that likes to party. may show off or be shown off by friends. usually gives off good vibes/most ppl just wanna hangout with you. loves to socialize, might be extroverted. likes to introduce friends to other friends. might be a rlly supportive friend. might be friends with guys more than girls or ppl with masculine energy. may attract/date leo/sun placements a lot, but probably better off as just friends. hobbies may be partying, gossiping, being on social media, watching kids, etc. side jobs/interests may be acting, hair stylists, dancer, model, entertainer, host, cardio surgeon, etc

Clique:Popular, Preppy, maybe Athletics, Mean Girls


the friend that’s good at listening. can be unfriendly lol, or just reserved. wants the vest for their friends tho. the blunt friend . does care abt their friends a lot. may also like to gossip lol. may attract/date virgo/mercury placements, but should just stay friends. hobbies may be reading, watching yt, learning, trying to improve health, gardening, chilling w/pets, cleaning/organizing, etc. side jobs/interests may be nursing, doctors, health in general, maid, janitor, vet, yoga instructor, etc. Cliques:Normals, Preppy/Basics, or Nerds


friends may like to gossip a lot, esp abt their crushes lol. charming, but may be fake or have fake friends. doesn’t like quarrels between friends, and probably prefer to make up fast than hold grudges. if their friends argue, these ppl are unbiased. may attract/date libra/venus placements a lot, but better off as friends. hobbies may deal with beauty(doing makeup just for fun, hair, shopping, etc),taking a nice bath, etc. side jobs/interests may be MUA, hair stylist, model, judge, selling art, lawyer, etc

Cliques:Popular Kids, Preppy/Basics, or maybe even Floaters


knows atleast a few secrets abt their friends. trustworthy friend. friends may be backstabbing or jealous so watch out(this honestly goes for all water signs in this house). private friend. loyal to friends. friends may be a bad influence or you just might be yourself. chill tbh. may attract scorpio/pluto placements, but probably shouldn’t have anything serious with these folks. hobbies may be observing, masturbating & sex in general, watching true crime, astrology, tarot, thinking of conspiracy theories, etc. side jobs/interests may be investigator/detective, sex therapist, paramedic, psychologist, etc. Cliques:Shy Kids, Normals, Goths, or Emo


the friend with crackhead energy. funny friend, and probably doesn’t take too many things seriously. can be reckless lol. straight to the point/blunt. never boring. may take you on a vacation with them. may attract/date sagittarius/jupiter placements a lot, but probably better off as just friends. hobbies might be hanging out, learning, learning abt other cultures/countries, giving out advice, comedies, etc. side jobs/interest may be travel agent, flight attendant, teacher, philosopher, pilot, etc.

Cliques:Class Clowns, Jocks maybe, Stoners, or Hippies


might be the dad friend lol. might be serious/not outgoing. standoffish. very loyal tho, and honest. great listener. wise friend. laidback. can be funny. protective of friends. friendships may last for years/since from childhood. may attract/date capricorn/saturn placements a lot, but probably better off as just friends. hobbies may be reading, making plans, spending time w/family, etc. side jobs/interests may be Architect, Engineer, Land Dealing, Dentist(capricorn does tule teeth lol), Construction Worker, etc.

Cliques:Band Kids, Normals, Shy Kids, or Nerds


the friend w/crackhead energy. always knows how to lighten up the mood lol. weird(but in a good way). unique, very fun to be around. observant. might be detached, atleast at first. open minded. understanding, esp when it comes to friends. friendly. might actually like to party lol. has friends from all walks of life, so some of there friends may no get along with one another. very chill. may attract/date aquarius/uranus placements a lot, but better off as friends. hobbies may be video games, being on the internet in general, socializing, activism, astrology, tarot, etc. sides jobs/interest may be acting, graphic designer, electrician, anything w/electronics, inventor, Astronomer, etc.

Cliques:Multiple/Floater, Nerds, Shy Kids, or Stoners.


very sweet, esp to friends. values friendship as much as romance, maybe even more. sensitive. makes sure nobody feels left out. attracts toxic friends/bad influences. forgiving. friends come to them to lean on/great listeners. naive. really chill. can also have crackhead energy tho lol. may attract neptune/pisces placements a lot, but are probably better off as just friends. hobbies may be daydreaming, sleeping, binge-watching, crying, giving advice,hanging out, drawing/painting, listening to music, singing, etc. side jobs may be acting, psychiatrist, doctor/nurse, musician, photographer, marine, etc Cliques:Artsy Kids, Shy Kids, Normals, Hippies or Stoners.

don’t take this post too seriously, and i hope you like it. i rlly love you guys, and have a good day today bad bishes⚡️

how to EARN MONEY with your birth chart

- by libramc.

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hey guys!! this is the first post of 2022, so happy new year <3 I hope everyone finds happiness and stability this year. since money can be a hassle for some, I’ve decided to kick off this 2022 by showing you how to find the best way for you to earn money with the help of your birth chart by looking at the 11th house :) let’s get into it!

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The 11th House

the 11th house in the birth chart symbolizes, aside from fame, friendships and long-term goals, your finances. yes, finances are generally linked to the 2nd house, but the 11th house is responsible for whatever you get from your career, therefore it is related to money as well. by looking at the sign, the planets and the degrees of your 11th house, you’ll be able to determine the best way for you to become wealthy. keep reading to discover more!!

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11th house in aries, mars in the 11th house, 11th house in 1°, 13°, 25°

if you have aries or mars in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in an aries degree (1°, 13°, 25°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • sports
  • sports marketing
  • coaching
  • sales
  • physical activity (for example you could be the ceo of a gym)
  • dentist
  • otolaryngologist
  • ophthalmologist
  • neurologist
  • hairstyling
  • free-lancer

11th house in taurus, venus in the 11th house, 11th house in 2°, 14°, 26°

if you have taurus or venus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a taurus degree (2°, 14°, 26°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • singing
  • designing
  • banking
  • fashion
  • finance
  • real estate
  • business
  • fashion marketing
  • cooking

11th house in gemini, mercury in the 11th house, 11th house in 3°, 15°, 27°

if you have gemini or mercury in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a gemini degree (3°, 15°, 27°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • pulmonologist
  • marketing
  • communication
  • storytelling
  • acting
  • dubbing
  • journalism
  • teaching
  • writing
  • public relations
  • politics

11th house in cancer, moon in the 11th house, 11th house in 4°, 16°, 28°

if you have cancer or the moon in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a cancer degree (4°, 16°, 28°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • chef
  • babysitter
  • lifeguard
  • nurse
  • pediatrician
  • teacher
  • acting
  • psychology
  • criminology
  • musician
  • real estate
  • interior designer
  • gynaecologist

11th house in leo, sun in the 11th house, 11th house in 5°, 17°, 29°

if you have leo or the sun in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a leo degree (5°, 17°, 29°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • acting
  • performing
  • dubbing
  • entertaining
  • screenwriting
  • movie directing
  • modelling
  • cardiologist
  • event planner
  • creative director
  • animation
  • stylist
  • influencer
  • streamer

11th house in virgo, mercury in the 11th house, 11th house in 6°, 18°

if you have virgo or mercury in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a virgo degree (6°, 18°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • writing
  • research
  • science
  • gardening
  • teaching
  • doctor
  • nurse
  • vet
  • therapist
  • finance
  • human services

11th house in libra, venus in the 11th house, 11th house in 7°, 19°

if you have libra or venus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a libra degree (7°, 19°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • stylist
  • interior designer
  • make-up artist
  • beautician
  • nail technician
  • modelling
  • content creator
  • poet/writer
  • marketing
  • event planner
  • pastry chef
  • law
  • politics
  • human services
  • counselor

11th house in scorpio, pluto in the 11th house, 11th house in 8°, 20°

if you have scorpio or pluto in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a scorpio degree (8°, 20°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • criminology
  • detective
  • police officer
  • therapist
  • surgeon
  • gynecologist
  • psychologist/psychiatrist
  • anatomopathologist
  • occult services
  • pharmacology
  • research
  • thriller/horror writer
  • engineering
  • market analyst

11th house in sagittarius, jupiter in the 11th house, 11th house in 9°, 21°

if you have sagittarius or jupiter in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a sagittarius degree (9°, 21°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • interpreter
  • translator
  • pilot
  • tour guide
  • flight steward
  • travel consultant
  • hotel manager
  • photographer
  • filmmaker
  • teacher
  • professor
  • philosopher
  • public relations
  • runner

11th house in capricorn, saturn in the 11th house, 11th house in 10°, 22°

if you have capricorn or saturn in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a capricorn degree (10°, 22°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • dentist
  • osteopath
  • sales
  • marketing
  • law
  • politics
  • banking
  • management
  • science
  • research
  • medicine
  • ceo
  • finance

11th house in aquarius, uranus in the 11th house, 11th house in 11°, 23°

if you have aquarius or uranus in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in an aquarius degree (11°, 23°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • coding
  • photography
  • modelling
  • content creator
  • research
  • science
  • streamer
  • youtuber
  • tiktoker
  • web design
  • videogamer developer
  • cloud engineering
  • engineer
  • free-lancer

11th house in pisces, neptune in the 11th house, 11th house in 12°, 24°

if you have pisces or neptune in your 11th house, or if your 11th house falls in a pisces degree (12°, 24°) then you may earn money by working in/as:

  • writer
  • dancer
  • musician
  • singer
  • painter/artist
  • swimmer
  • club manager
  • shoe designing
  • psychic/medium
  • acting
  • therapist
  • photographer
  • movie director/editor
  • animation
  • bartender

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this is the end! if you arrived here, thank you for reading everything, hope this helped you <3 follow me for more!!

- libramc xx

having my 11th cusp in sag and my sag mars in my 11th really just manifests as me persuing friendships with extreme bluntness LOL i really just go up to people like “hey u seem cool i’m tryna be friends wanna hang out”


The 11th House: Friendship, fellowship, groups, group activities, society, the collective, hopes, wishes, aspirations, social consciousness, the big picture, social awareness, clubs, organizations, intellectual pleasures, more detached bonds, humanitarian themes, good fortune, praise, trust, comfort, social issues or politics.

Your style of friendship

The 11th house represents friends and friendships. By looking at it, we can know our behavior in friendships and what type of friends we attract.

11th house in Aries/Mars in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is honest, direct, straightforward, active, restless, and generous. Sometimes you may be hot-tempered with your friends and say words that hurt but your friends don’t hold grudges. They love how sincere and goal-oriented you are. They know that you won’t lie to them and they rely on your opinion. The most important thing for you in any friendship is honesty. You discuss the problems directly. Also, you like to have active hobbies with your friends. For example, sport, dance, or hiking.

11th house in Taurus/Venus in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is very loyal, nurturing, stable, comfortable, and solid. If you make friends, your friendship may last forever. You are extremely loyal. Sometimes you may be stubborn and not so flexible. However, friends know that they can rely on you. You always help your friends. You create a sense of comfort and stability. You love to do relaxing activities with your friends. For example, cooking or eating food, decorating home, watching shows together, etc.

11th house in Gemini/Mercury in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is chatty, talkative, active, restless, exciting, and fresh. You always have ideas about how to spend time with your friends. You may talk with them for hours and you are never out of topics of discussion. You share a lot of information and ideas with your friends and you like organizing something with them. You are funny and creative and that is what your friends love about you.

11th house in Cancer/Moon in the 11th house

Your friends are your family. Your style of friendship is loyal, nurturing, caring, understanding, and kind. You worry about your friends a lot. Sometimes you give too much. Be careful because you may overspend your energy on your friends at times. Your friendships are solid and caring. You and your friends care about each other very much. You are sincere and kind. Maybe you have a motherly aura within your friends’ circle.

11th house in Leo/Sun in the 11th house

You are so popular among your friends! They adore you and your sense of humour, generosity, warmness, and kindness. Your style of friendship is funny, bright, and creative. You know how to have fun with your friends. They know that you are generous and kind so they can rely on you at hard times. You may be really popular not only among your friends’ circle. You like to hang out with your friends a lot, having fun, and just chilling together.

11th house in Virgo

Your style of friendship is loyal, serious, reliable, dependable, and caring. You show your love to friends by acts of service. You like to help them and do something for them. Your friends know that they can rely on you at hard times. You are a great advice giver. Friends like to ask for help or advice because you create a sense that you know everything. You care about friends very much and sometimes they may think that you are too critical or controlling but the only thing you want is your friends to be happy.

11th house in Libra/Venus in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is loyal, funny, committed, honest, and equal. You are social and you really like to spend time with your friends. You may have common interests and hobbies, especially something creative. You appreciate equality in your friendships. You want to give and you want to receive. You want all your relationships to be honest and equal. Your friends like how harmonious and balanced you are with them.

11th house in Scorpio/Pluto in the 11th house

You may have not so many close friends but your friendships are very solid, loyal, and honest. You don’t trust easily because you don’t like superficial friendships. You want your friends to be deep and thoughtful. You like to discover them every day. Also, you may attract traumatized people and you want to help them to heal. You like to discuss deep topics with your friends. You have a special bond with your friends and you unconsciously feel their needs and feelings.

11th house in Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house

You appreciate freedom, personal space, and independence. So you attract the same personalities as you (in that sense). Your friends may have the 11th house in Sagittarius as well. You and your friends appreciate the personal space of each other. You are open-minded and don’t judge the choices of your friends. You are honest, open, sincere, active, generous, and optimistic with your friends. You are ready to give them everything so that they would be happy. Your friendships are funny, open, honest, and open-minded.

11th house in Capricorn/Saturn in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is loyal, serious, responsible, dependable, and stable. It is not easy for you to make close friends but when you do, they are with you for the long term and maybe for a lifetime. You and your friends are the support system of each other. You like to make plans with friends. You create a sense of stability and comfort so friends feel that they can rely on you at any time. You show your love to friends through actions. For example, giving money or providing job opportunities.

11th house in Aquarius/Uranus in the 11th house

Your friends play a big role in your life. Your style of friendship is creative, unique, unpredictable, and independent. You and your friends value personal space and freedom. You don’t like to depend on your friends so your style of friendship is free and independent. You can do everything to support and help your friends at hard times. You are funny, creative, and crazy together. You may do things that are not usual for you in daily life. You and your friends are unpredictable and spontaneous together.

11th house in Pisces/Neptune in the 11th house

Your style of friendship is loyal, compassionate, kind, caring, understanding, and helpful. You feel the mood of your friends easily and can say without words what they feel. You have a special connection with your friends and it is almost telepathic. You may notice strange coincidences and signs together. You sacrifice a lot to your friends and sometimes you give too much. Be careful with that and especially with toxic friends. It is because you feel and absorb the mood of your friends and if they are toxic, it may affect you badly.

having your sun sign in the 7th house in a composite chart can indicate always seeking balance in your relationship. you treat each other as equal, and commitment comes easily with this placement. professional relationships do really well in this placement.

you guys probably view eachother as soulmates. this placement leaves you guys transforming into something completely different, it feels like. this energy may drive you both insane, causing intense attraction to eachother. your love for eachother is extreme.

you guys expand eachother. you also love exploring new topics together, and ideas. you enjoy talking about your beliefs together and are both curious about the meaning behind everything. this placement gives off smart couple vibes tbh.

this placement indicates a couple that is very focused on their work, but together. you guys enjoy creating projects, and working on them. your relationships reputation is also very important to you. the public possibly knows alot about you both. you guys have similar goals and enjoy working towards them together.

this is giving a beautiful friendship connection. this relationship just feels care-free, light, and happy. you guys may share the same friend group or have met from your friend group. you guys give eachother the right amount of freedom, and the space to be yourselves.

this position may be difficult, parts of yourselves may be hidden, or your relationship may be hidden from other people. you may get lost in the relationship/or have intense dreams about each other. you guys force each other to address the subconscious behaviors you have. you are in a relationship for a reason that may be very beneficial for both of you and your mental health.

Part of Fortune in Houses

The Part, or Lot, of Fortune is a point that is calculated from the longitudes of the Sun, Moon, and ascendant. The part of fortune shows where you may find your luck and how easliy you find abundance or wealth. In which house will you gain something.

Signs represent through what you can gain something andhousesin what way. The signs and the houses are usually different.

1st house- you have a strong desire to create your life according to your needs and wants. It also represents that you are that you are unique in some way. The most you can gain here is that no matter what others tell you, you will always stand behind what you are and believe in yourself.

2ndhouse-you enjoy discovering what is true value to you as you become more sure of your principles, building a wealth that gives meaning and richness to your life.You can gain a lot by finding your value in the things you love to do. No matter how bad the money situation is, you will always get money in some way. And self-value will come easier to you.

3rd house - you are happy to communicate with others. You enjoy being understood. You try to understand how others think and how they see things, so you can develop a greater perspective in your thinking. You can gain a lot by speaking and communicating. You can gain a lot of knowledge from friends, at school. You can get something new out of every bad trip.

4th house- your greatest fulfillment and satisfaction will come through starting new things, be it human life, ideas, or projects. Even if the relationship with your family is not always good, you will still somehow get the best out of it. Your joy is based on starting everything that will give you stability and inner security. It will also give you great joy to stay close to your family.

5th house- good luck can bring you creativity, talents, a lot of love affairs(u always gain something from them and learn something new about yourself). You can also be noticed without doing anything. You have the great ability to realize your dreams. You get to know yourself through everything you do. You will only know yourself through what you do, not what you think. Your talents can be spotted quickly.

6th house- you can gain a lot through work, lifestyle, routine, health. It can bring you a lot of health here. Your greatest satisfaction will come from work and being always active. It gives you an immense joy to know that you can help heal another person. It helps that you are not so critical of yourself and that you are not a perfectionist in every thing you do.

❤️7th house-you can gain a lot through relationships, it helps you maintain relationships and get the best out of them.Your greatest fulfillment comes through giving to others and enjoying the harmonious company of other people. You know better than others what is their happiness. Your gift is in getting others to realize it for themselves. Since all your good luck comes from that outside world and from pleasing the person you love, that’s why your soul feels incomplete and disharmonious in the absence of a personal union.

8th house- you will achieve your greatest satisfaction and fulfillment through depth, emotions, transformation. Others always teach you another way, another path, or another value. You will see and experience new things, very different from those you already know. You will understand a depth that others will not. Part of Fortune it helps you to let go of people that no longer serve you. To move on, even when you think you can’t. You achieve happiness and success through transformation guided by the values of others. You can also find joy in deep, mysterious and dark things.

9th house-you experience your greatest fulfillment discovering truth, expanding your consciousness and your understanding of the Universe. You transcend the inner understanding of mundane reality. You can find optimism, meaning in everything if you want. You have a great need for identification with a deity, study, contemplation, meditation and spiritual search, the truth. It helps you find wisdom.

10th house- you feel better when you do what gives you self-respect. You also inspire this behavior in others. It helps you find respect for others, reputation, visibility, goal, vision, enthusiasm for career. You gain a great sense of integrity to understand and respond to life’s experiences. Your greatest happiness comes from feeling that you are capable of taking responsibility, carrying out social obligations, and possessing a force to create trust and respect from others.

‍♀️11th house- It can help you be more sociable and social. Finding friends can be easier for you. You show that is it the common ideas or projects that give the necessary confidence to others so that things are carried out with the greatest possible harmony and in an atmosphere of mutual trust and assistance. You attract people to your life who think the same way you do.

12th house- This helps you cope more easily with spirituality, the subconscious.You can figure out a lot of things sooner than others. It helps you isolate yourself more easily from others. You can spend a lot of time alone and you don’t care. You can do a lot on your own and it relaxes you. For ex.: go for coffee alone, go to the shopping alone. Your greatest fulfillment will come when you are attentive to your inner being.



Moon Harshly Aspecting Mercury


This creates a tension that is subtle but insidiously detrimental to the native and their loved ones. Any challenging aspect is surmountable and only part of a whole but this aspect always gives me the shiver. Moon represents emotions, needs, true feelings, and the inner experience of the individual, Mercury represents how one communicates, rationalization and logic skills, when these two planets do not have at least a neutral flow of energy what is said and what feels can be dichotomous. At worse this persons emotions if strong may adjust the reality to fit their narrative, lying to lovers’ and friends may become habit in order to preserve one’s mental wellbeing, avoid hurting of others’ or simply make their live’s easier even if momentarily. They may have a hard time verbally asserting their needs/feelings, knowing their true needs/feelings, or understanding their emotions and how it affects their understanding of events. This all can be amplified by Neptune/Pluto aspecting either planet or dominant in the chart. I’ve observed these natives to totally (and conveniently) misremembering happenings and occurring (when giving a benefit of doubt, when not perhaps simply just lying) and over time believing the records they have concocted as one would any neutral memory beyond a shadow of doubt. With maturity and positive influences in the charts of these natives these tendencies will (hopefully) subside.

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus has an innate simplicity and eloquence that makes even their most controversial jokes and statements palatable, at least in the moment, if negatively reacted to, it takes a reflection away from the Taurean Mercury, and this dissection rarely directly comes back to the subject. They are deeply intellectually involved with the sensual, most of the artists I know have this placements and their true intelligence lies in their ability to perceive concepts and subsequently portray them in their respective art forms.


Harsh Moon Pluto and Saturn Aspects
Square, Opposition, and Conjunct

Moon closely harshly aspecting Saturn and Pluto to me is the saddest thing to see in a natal chart, it operates like Capricorn or Scorpio moon (Moon’s place of Detriment and Fall) but simultaneously amplifies these planets’ qualities and power, I don’t know anyone who didn’t have an abusive, neglecting, and severe mother with this placement, and subsequently these natives have some incredible dark and self sabotaging coping mechanisms, difficulties with emotions and self esteem and attachment issues. Our mothers are our first human connection from the womb onward, their sadness, malice, and frustration can be so engrained within us, addressing and healing these complexes may take an entire lifetime. Whether their inner critic is simply the entirety of their inner monologue (Saturn) or the inner monologue is driven by paranoia, chaos, negative energy, sensitivity, and its worst residual trauma from sexual and emotional abuse (Pluto) this person is someone who will replicate the patterns of a cold and isolating childhood with their behavior and seek relationships that reaffirm their dark self concept.

Capricorn Moon

Capricorn Moons, even with extroverted, water or fire sun signs are very good at dismissing the experiences of others, often because they are from homes where their own emotional experiences were dismissed by their primary caretakers. (Gaslighting at its worst can take place) It is often the mother that is callus, cold and uninterested indulging the child in its needs or feelings.  There is a hardness they have internalized that prevents them from being vulnerable and uncomfortable in the face of others authentic vulnerability.  They can have dichotomous personalities that leave more intimate friends uneasy with them as their emotions can lead to unpredictable coldness based on their own internal struggles.

Virgo Moon

Virgo moons I have found are similar in this way but are more self aware, able to pivot and adapt to maintain harmony in their relationships, provided they are not feeling especially insecure or undergoing their own sort of crisis in which they can be even more cruel if prodded. Their mercurial nature gives them a more intellectual understanding of situations and they can verbally rationalize the reduction of others’ pain. Their upbringing may have been in a very Virgonian house hold that did this too. If they have a fire sun, they might use this knowledge only on others, but if it’s in  water or earth they will also disregard their own experiences with the same scrutinizing eye. Much of what they feel and think doesn’t leave their internal monologue but that monologue can be as cold and cutting as any they give out. If they have a fire sun people particularly underestimate their intelligence, cold and untethered judgement. Fire sun, Virgo moons may have a public and private face that can be extremely duplicitous, presenting as carefree and bubbly but underneath their emotions can be seething in a self righteous mental loop. 


Libra Rising Men

Libra rising men, at least the heterosexual ones I know, prefer the company of women, they defer to the social hierarchies of women, and although they have their own difficulties with them, are predominantly friends with women, the alternative being other men which they find unrefined, vulgar, and at some times truly just their competition in their female dominated world. They are good listeners, seldom perform any masculine chest pounding, and seek and generally receive the approval of women in the work place and friend groups. When they have Virgo placements, they are particularly concerned with beauty, order and presentation but do not project or need others to participate in these as rigidly as they do. They also struggle to refuse anyone anything, set high standards for themselves interpersonally, and are very unlikely to neglect anyone they have committed to romantically or platonically.

Pisces Moon

Pisces Moons can be tediously unconcerned with the real world, unable to assert themselves in meaningful ways to the detriment primarily of those around them. Because of their ability to peer into the collective conscious and pick and choose more vague terms to dwell on, their close friends and partners enable them in their pursuits and out of admiration more than pity, pick up their slack. Their empathy although driven to the more universal and spiritual realms rarely soothes or protects the consciousness of the people that love them and they may not notice the suffering of their children or family because it is too personal and ugly and often stem from negligence of their own selfish nature. They don’t see themselves as actors in a concrete world but sacred vessels for some higher vision, above more mortal and attainable concerns. When not involved in a structure that holds them accountable they see themselves as simply doing their best and perpetually victimized by the unfairness of what society values, reconciling issues with them will be a game of concession and disregard for one’s own issue if a relationship is desired to last.


Leo Moons

Leo moons just have “it.” Leo moons are the people that despite whatever they have going on insecurity or otherwise, live to be their friends hype guys. If a Leo moon decides to love you, consider yourself one of the lucky ones cause when a Leo moon is well developed, you’ve made the best friend you’ll ever have, they are loyal, devoted, and shine naturally and without effort, leaving them capable of truly appreciating the gifts and talents of others, empathizing without an agenda, and pride themselves in being good to their loved ones. They don’t need to be your best friend in public but they love to know in private that they are your favorite, and being the favorite is something that just comes naturally to them. Don’t take them for granted if you don’t feel understood by them because of their lack of jadedness, when you hit rock bottom or are in a crisis, you don’t want your friend that can’t get out of bed, you’re going to want this person to help you, and you’re in luck because they will with no expectations of you returning the favor, although you should, because if these people are ever in need, rest assured they are not crying wolf.

Leo Rising

Leo Risings have “it” too, but in a flashier more superficial way. They can love and adore others, and and they have the Leo way of making you feel loved in a way that you will feel in your bones, an attention that radiates and can be addictive. They are more prone to insecurities and attention seeking than the Moons or Suns, they attract the limelight consciously and subconsciously and are hyper aware of their influence in the world and social media. Want to dress well? Want to be have that “it” factor? Ask a Leo rising or rather just emulate them, they may not want to recognize their Leo nature or power especially if they have introverted sun or moon signs, but that won’t stop them from cultivating it and exuding it. Their flaw is insecurity which they eventually grow out of if the rest of their chart promotes this growth. Whatever parts of their chart that indicates a struggle will be something they find threatening in others. Mercury Square Chiron, Mercury in a slower or watery sign? Watch out if you’re witty and quick, even if they still have the stage in other departments they are going to be triggered and if Pluto is prominent or conjunct personal placements they’re going to seek to undermine you, more likely in a series of subtle manipulations and less than respectable tactics. If they’re not particularly Plutonic they might just avoid those that make them feel inferior, slow fading, not particularly interested in making you feel their presence or absence, but eager to avoid a feeling of ineptitude or lesser than. For the most part, once they recognize the deficits inside and out they will find ways to improve themselves, they may have blindspots to their innate talents and magnanimity or simply disregard them and focus on what they lack. Once they come into their own though, these people can shine and shine on others with abandon like their Moon and Sun counterparts. Their biggest weakness is insecurity, but their ability to improve and perfect is a strength that could give Virgos a serious run for their money


11th House Placements

11th house personal placements particularly the benefics, are the people with the plug for everything, especially if Leo is heavy in the chart. Their networks are BIG even if they are in a small city and people just seem to want to do them favors, be seen with them, they have “It.” The more Leo the more they are aware of this influence, they have a big head about it or relish in it, but it is only because they don’t need to fake humility, when people tell you are the shit so often, why would you have to? They’ll have friends all over the country and whatever size their pond they will be the biggest fish. On the flip side people won’t know their insecurities because ultimately this house is connected to the external, people just project the satisfaction they would imagine having being so liked and admired, and they might not have the closeness and intimacy us regular folks take for granted of being known behind closed doors.

Anecdotes on Libra Rising

Being raised by a Libra rising, and having dated 3, friends with 4, and having no actual Libra placements in my chart I can concede that they almost never look disheveled, always have a timeless elegance, regardless of their personal grooming habits or conscious desire to be this way. If their Venus is in a sign or Decan ruled by Jupiter, Neptune or Venus they will gain weight later in life, and most enviously they will still be regal and still make quite an entrance. They wear weight well so to speak either putting it on in the most flattering places or places easily disguised with their natural ability to dress themselves and some times weight gain will simply amplify their beautiful figures.

Chiron Conjunct Rising/Ascendant

in my experience does not result in an unpleasant appearance, quite the opposite, although childhood appearances may have undergone some transformation, ugly duckling features that in adulthood create stunning and unique beauties, or boys emerging muscular, chiseled jawed men from the confines of baby fat. (Forgive my gendered terms I’m old and that’s just how it was) Instead, something about them in their youth triggered the jealousy or disdain of their peers and they learned earlier than most the importance of presentation. This also applies to social media and curating an aesthetic that is signature in its vulnerable openness or alternatively, a mystique that enchants their social circles. Even in their openness there will be speculation into their authenticity, true identity and they will become notorious at some point in their young adulthood especially if Pluto is touching the angles. For whatever reason they were rejected by their peers for their distinctness or lack in some way and when they come into their own the effects of this creates a feedback loop of validation, online and in person. Especially in school, you’ll notice that people in your classes as they are in the same age group will have Chiron within a few degrees of you, that means that their wounding is right their in your rising, you are a constant reminder of their pain and especially in youth, people misunderstand, project, and condemn what makes them feel bad. The closer to the rising from the first or the twelfth the more conscious they are of the surface level effect one can have without even speaking and the more likely bullying and ugly duckling syndrome took place. This awareness is keenly connected to a desire to hone an impressive physique and an ability to dress oneself to provide a certain image they desire. By adulthood they have mastered their own bodies, perhaps going to extremes in fitness or dieting, and an abuse of stimulants is not uncommon to achieve these results without the necessary discipline that is required otherwise. I do not mean to glamorize this phase Chiron on the ascendant creates as it is seldom sustainable physically and rarely resolves in a healthy concept of identity and the burnout from the obsession of the vanity of others’ and self. Ultimately anyone can recover from the wound that Chiron leaves on us all but the themes and intensity of Chiron on the ascendant is visible to anyone that cares for one with this placement.


Chiron Sun/Chiron Moon/Chiron Venus/Chiron Aspects

Chiron is a wound but also a teacher, everything it touches will indicate suffering in some fashion, but this suffering is never without a wisdom that can be harnessed to better the world for the individual and those they connect with. I find these natives to have a more depth than the Chiron contacts to other planets and points in the chart, there is a beautiful compassion for the suffering of others. There will always be a underlying desire to make others feel safe- loved, understood, beautiful, and worthy. The wounding of the sun can make a native feel helpless and unworthy, their very identity rejected in their upbringing, directly or not. Their father may have been absent, or too preoccupied with his own suffering to provide the native with approval, encouragement or worse simply find the very nature of the child unsatisfactory. With the sun touching Chiron there is a more societal emphasis, they may be drawn to systemic or larger injustices, their means and abilities to shift these indicated by the resources in the rest of the chart. Moon and Chiron contacts are more subtle as the Sun shines so bright and is impossible to ignore, Moon is a less conscious and obvious part of one’s psyche, but it also represents the mother and these natives will often feel if not be actually outrightly rejected by their mothers. Their mother may be too wounded to provide the child with the love that was necessary for them to feel at ease with them, their emotions and needs never seem to be considered by their maternal figure or worse scorned and dismissed. Venus and Chiron often coincide with an unwillingness to allow the native child to experience joy, pride, parents and siblings may inadvertently and otherwise humiliate their appearance. With Moon and Venus contacts it is more interpersonal, how they connect to women and loved ones will be healing, softer, and more driven to privater side of improving the wellbeing of others. The result is a person who is familiar with suffering and being unfairly treated for unfair reasons, they recognize it when it occurs for others and they will provide unworldly insight, support, and reassurance that only these experiences could teach. They know the power of words and more mysteriously the cruelty of what is left unsaid when it was needed.
