#moon sextile mars


astrology notes

-you are drawn to those with placements the sign your 8th house cusp falls on

-those with many 7th house placements are often thought to be ‘copiers’

-gemini risings are incredibly forgetful

-capricorn and aries placements can sometimes become enraged if somebody orders them around

-avirgo rising’s biggest pet peeve is feeling useless

-people with positive mars to saturn aspects take sex seriously and can be very cautious of who they sleep around with

-moon opposite saturn can feel like they’re a burden and/or extremely lonely

-moon sextile mars can make somebody extremely good at handling conflict  because of how well they can get their point across

-mars in the 11th house is the biggest humanitarian and will fight any injustice

-pisces venus people can sometimes have the highest expectations in relationships

-those with saturn in cancer will suppress their wants and emotions in fear they will seem needy or whiny to others

-people that have sun trine neptune constantly seem like they’re having an identity crisis

-those with sun to pluto aspects mainly just listen to themselves and their gut feelings

-mars square uranus may have explosive anger and sometimes the most random things can trigger it

✨Tuesday, November 3, 2020✨ GoVote!!⚖️

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Libra Mercury goes Direct- 1244 EST

We made it through Mercury retrograde! Clarity begins as the retrograde energy begins to fade away. We should begin to realize that any mistakes that were made the last few weeks, were just different paths to the same destination. Resolving differences and creating balance in relationships was the main focus of this past Mercury retrograde. Bringing up any past issues that needed to be resolved. Either seeing eye to eye and forming a stronger bond or be driven apart and seperated was the outcome. Now it’s time to focus on the present and future and realize no one’s to blame. Everything that happened was meant to happen.

  • Gemini Moon sextile Aries Mars rx- 1256 EST

It should be easy to go with the flow today as long as we don’t resist. We should be in tune with our desires and instincts. Expressing our feelings should come easily and honestly, even if it’s brutal.  We should feel more courageous and be able to take the lead. As long as we join in on the flow, our energy should sustain with any situation that occurs today.

  • Gemini Moon Square Pisces Neptune rx- 1842 EST

There is a sense of uncertainty and confusion which may cause some level of chaos. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives. At this time, there is difficulty in thinking clearly and feelings of escapism.  Deceptions could occur with others and ourselves.  We may feel out of sorts without knowing why. Focus on spirituality or even relax with some music to help sway this energy. 


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua
