


Thank you to @wordsofmyreality for participating in the Pitch Perfect Fandom Drive! This is a gift for @pleaseactsurprisedxx and the request I received was Mitchsen hurt/comfort.

I hope you enjoy!

For more information visit https://ppfandomdrive.tumblr.com/post/677587307639996416/ukraine-is-currently-being-invaded-by-russia


Side note - I may have used this prompt as an excuse to write about my own grief and try and deal with that, so I’m sorry about that

how long does it last? (1/1)

(I may write a part two…)

Summary: No one has heard from Beca in the days following a death in her family. Aubrey decides it’s time to go and check on her.


Trigger warning(s): Grief/mourning

Read on AO3

Aubrey picked up her phone for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour.

She tapped the screen, frowning when she saw no new messages in her list of notifications.

None from Beca, anyway.

The Bellas group chat was popping off like it always did, and there was a string of unanswered emails from work, but nothing from that infuriating brunette.

The infuriating brunette that she was actually quite fond of now.

Her phone lit up again, and Aubrey saw a message from Chloe, separate to the group chat.

She tapped it.

Chloe: Have you spoken to Beca yet? x

Keep reading
