


Hey followers, I’m gonna interrupt your regularly scheduled posts for a bit of a personal question. 

I’d like to know everyone’s opinions on grad school. Like, is it worth it as a materials scientist to further my education? I think I’d like to go, but I’m working full time at the moment and there are always monetary concerns to think about. 

So if you went - how hard was/is grad school for you? Would you do it again?

Or if you’re planning on it, or didn’t go, why?

Feel free to message me or start up a conversation, I’m planning to speak to some of my coworkers who have masters degrees but I’d really like to hear everyone’s thoughts. 


Thanks everyone for the awesome advice!

I just wanted to let everyone know I’m doing two more days of ten posts each day, then going back to my usual five posts a day. If you’re not interested in seeing the images, go ahead and blacklist SEM or Scanning Electron Microscopy. If you like that sort of thing though I recommend simply searching Scanning Electron Microscopy (or Microscope) here on tumblr, checking out nanofabrication, an entire blog dedicated to SEM images, visiting lewisandquarks‘s blog (I’m reblogging quite a few but not all of their images and they seem to know a thing or two about SEMs), or going to ZEISS Microscopy’s flickr, or FEI‘s image gallery.

So, way way back (all the way back to the end of June), @awakeners suggested that I make a masterpost of the basics for materials science and engineering. While it has taken me an embarrassingly long time to do so, I am (almost) done. 

I have it split right now into two posts: a masterpost of tumblr posts (aka things I’ve reblogged in the past), and a masterpost of other online resources for MSE. 

However, the tumblr posts masterpost itself is quite long, so: would you prefer it split into topics and posted separately, or one very long post?
