#matt jackson


Look I’m incredibly happy for Cody. You can tell he’s genuinely happy to be back. I honestly don’t think he returned to be malicious against AEW. He has said several times he still wants AEW to succeed. WWE stans are being insufferable on Twitter saying this is the end of AEW… Like where did you get that? I love Cody he’s a fantastic wrestler who truly loves this business but AEW is completely fine without him. They have their own big stars in Kenny Omega, The Bucks, Adam Cole, Hangman Page, MJF, CM Punk, Darby Allin to just name a few. All Elite Wrestling isn’t going anywhere.

Why can’t we all just enjoy the different awesome promotions without trying to drag or degrade anyone? Like live in the moment & just be happy.

Also worth remembering how the Good Brothers were on Kenny’s team before Omegas break… I wonder if that plays a factor into all this.

Man I really wish WWE would let their guys partake in this… Imagine how AJ & Finn would play into it. Bullet Club is slowly taking over the wrestling world again & I’m 100% here for it.

On another thought though I feel like I’m stuck between a rock & a hard place in terms of who I’m actually cheering for.. Bullet Club or The Elite?

I don’t care if it isn’t nda approved.. It’s still my favorite holiday!

Happy national cowboy shit day!

“AEW there is no dispute, it’s the era of the elite. It’s the era of the super kliq.”

Okay but I actually think that, out of kayfabe, Jeff actually did Nick’s face painting and Matt Hardy actually gave Matt Jackson one of his own shirts.


Matt (on the right) walked with Kenny to the back :((



G1 Climax 26!!!! (for anyone who doesn’t know, the g1 is a tournament that determines who gets a main event title match at Wrestle Kingdom)

it’s his first time participating and Kenny does tremendously, winning most of his matches until finally only one thing stands between him and the finals:

Tetsuya Naito [Aug 13, 2016 - Official LINK, Unofficial LINK


[ID: gif from the match, Naito is holding his shoulder and then begins to grin as he stands up, while Kenny looks distressed and in pain in the background. End ID]

kenny decides that this match is the right time to give us a little update on the condition of his heart and he debuts new gear!

these pants are a similar design to the old ones, but the wings have begun to change. the skeletal wing is now completely bare


and the other wing has become bleached white and is starting to lose its feathers. You can see them falling down his pant leg, like the loss is continual and steady


Keep reading


I thought that was a great show. Almost all the clashes were solid. Some great story lines were put in place too.

Proud & Powerful vs The Young Bucks: As expected, chaos ensued at the beginning of the match before it could properly kick off. We got to see some great combination offense from both teams especially Proud & Powerful. I especially loved that Camel Clutch, Boston Crab and Gory Special spot. Nick Jackson injured his right leg when he attempted to kick Ortiz. That proved to be costly when Nick Jackson slipped off the ropes while trying to execute the Meltzer Driver. Proud & Powerful capitalized this opportunity to hit Nick with Street Sweeper for the win. Accompanied by Sami Guevara, Santana and Ortiz then attacked the Bucks. Rock N’ Roll Express, who were in the crowd stepped in to aid the Bucks and cleared the ring. It was good to see Proud & Powerful to pick up the win and be portrayed as a huge threat in the tag team division. It was solid technical affair and it was the best way to go.

Adam ‘Hangman’ Page vs PAC: This was a match filled with some nasty spots. Page was looking for a much needed singles win while PAC aimed at securing a his spot for a future AEW title shot. Both men traded blows throughout the match and I thought it was evenly matched. That Brainbuster on Hangman through the chair by PAC was sweet. I thought it was over for Hangman when PAC locked in the Brutalizer. Hangman got out of hold and escaped a Black Arrow attempt from PAC. PAC looked for a low blow again but Hangman had it scouted and handed PAC his first singles loss in AEW using Deadeye. Hangman needed that win and I’m glad he got it. This defeat doesn’t hurt PAC so I think this was the right call.

Shawn Spears vs Joey Janela: It wasn’t as great as the previous two matches. It was still good though. Janela getting his hair tied was an interesting moment in the match. And that spiked Piledriver on Janela by Spears with the assist of Tully Blanchard looked brutal. Spears picked up the win the Death Valley Driver after that.

SCU © vs The Lucha Brothers vs Private Party, Triple Threat Tag Team Match for AEW Tag Team Championship: Before I begin, a standing ovation to Justin Roberts for his out of the world announcement (You know how he announces RRRRRRRReeeeyyy Feeeeenixxx). There were a lot of high flying action throughout the match. It was yet another day where Rey Fenix was defying the laws of physics and pulling off high flying spots. I thought Private Party had it won when Marq Quen hit that great Shooting Star Press on Kazarian. But in the end it was SCU who picked up the win with the SCU Later. It was a good match. I just expected a little bit more from it. After the match SCU was attacked by the Lucha Brothers only to be get attacked themselves in the hands of returning Christopher Daniels in Pertagon Jr. attire.

Riho © vs Emi Sakura, AEW Women’s Championship Match: I think it was Riho’s best singles match in AEW. Emi Sakura in tears before the bell added some emotion to this teacher vs student encounter. The speed of Riho and power of Sakura was clearly visible throughout the match. While Sakura stuck to power moves, Riho tried to win it using quick knee strikes. The end showed both of them quickly exchanging pinning maneuvers only for Riho to defeat Sakura using tilt-a-whirl into a pin. AEW will need more of these good women’s matches to elevate the division.

Chris Jericho © vs Cody, AEW World Championship: Cody was accompanied by MJF to the ring while Jericho was accompanied by Jake Hager. Dean Malenko, Arn Anderson and The Great Muta was at ringside as judges to decide the winner in case of a time limit draw. The match was slow paced from the beginning. Cody missed a dive, busted his head open hitting the steel ramp and injured his ribs. Jericho kept his focus on both these areas after that. An interesting spot happened when Cody’s mom yelled “fuck you” on Jericho’s face and slapped him. Later, Hager got involved in the match landing a right hand on Cody’s face in front of the referee Aubrey Edwards who sent Hager off from the ring side. Jericho used this opportunity to hit Cody with the championship belt but could not get the three count. Cody countered a Judas Effect with the Cross Rhodes but Jericho kicked out. Jericho whipped Cody with his belt. Cody escaped one Liontamer but the second one with stomps to the head made MJF throw in the towel for Cody handing Jericho the victory. And what transpired next was exciting. Cody was in despair. MJF was crying and apologizing. Cody decided to forgive MJF but to add fuel to the fire MJF gave a low blow to Cody completing his heel turn. A fan throwing bottle at MJF perfectly represented the situation and established MJF as the major heel in AEW. With the added stipulation that if Cody lost, he would never challenge for the AEW World Championship makes things even complicated in this compelling story line. Watch whole incident using the link below.


Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega, Unsanctioned Match: Well! I was left speechless at the end of the match. We don’t get to see this level of brutality often in pro wrestling these days. Omega and Moxley went to hell and then some in this match. No it was not a match, it was a fight. I’m just going to state the crazy spots. Omega delivers diving double foot stomp on Moxley through a trash can. Moxley attacked Omega’s back using barbed wire baseball bat. Omega Piledrivered Moxley through trash can. Omega attacked Moxley’s back using a barb wired broom making Moxley bleed significantly. Then Omega brought in a board with mousetraps stuck on it. Then Omega was slammed on it. Use the link to see the mouse trap board.


Moxley brought in chains slammed Omega on it repeatedly and tried to submit Omega wrenching back Omega with the chain. Moxley bough in an ice pick. Omega escaped an attempted stab on his head and hanged Moxley using the chains on the ropes. Omega brought in a bag of broken glass from the table which Moxley put him through and powerbombed Moxley on it. Then Moxley had to crawl though the glass to escape a Sharpshooter. Omega used the ice pick on Moxley’s head and made The Young Bucks and Hangman Page bring out a net of barbed wire. Moxley suplexed Omega, sending both men through the barbed wire net. Watch this insane post using the link below.


After they were assisted up, Omega V-Triggered Moxley through the Full Gear set. They made their way back to the ring. Moxley hit the Paradigm Shift on Omega on the glass but couldn’t get the pin. Moxley removed the padding on the ring revealing the wood below. Omega missed a Phoenix Splash and crashed into the wood. Moxley then won the war hitting an elevated Paradigm Shift on Omega on the exposed ring. It was bloody. It was brutal. I loved every second of it.

Ortiz selling that superkick tho!!!


“[…] Nick and I aren’t twins like many people think. Even today, when we’re traveling, TSA agents will look at us side by side, with our matching Elite backpacks and clothes, and say, ‘Twins?’ Sometimes we get tired of correcting them and just smile politely.”


How are you all doing???

I’m always sending the best vibes to you guys.

Thoughts? Concerns? Questions?
