#the young bucks


Look I’m incredibly happy for Cody. You can tell he’s genuinely happy to be back. I honestly don’t think he returned to be malicious against AEW. He has said several times he still wants AEW to succeed. WWE stans are being insufferable on Twitter saying this is the end of AEW… Like where did you get that? I love Cody he’s a fantastic wrestler who truly loves this business but AEW is completely fine without him. They have their own big stars in Kenny Omega, The Bucks, Adam Cole, Hangman Page, MJF, CM Punk, Darby Allin to just name a few. All Elite Wrestling isn’t going anywhere.

Why can’t we all just enjoy the different awesome promotions without trying to drag or degrade anyone? Like live in the moment & just be happy.

Also worth remembering how the Good Brothers were on Kenny’s team before Omegas break… I wonder if that plays a factor into all this.

Man I really wish WWE would let their guys partake in this… Imagine how AJ & Finn would play into it. Bullet Club is slowly taking over the wrestling world again & I’m 100% here for it.

On another thought though I feel like I’m stuck between a rock & a hard place in terms of who I’m actually cheering for.. Bullet Club or The Elite?

I don’t care if it isn’t nda approved.. It’s still my favorite holiday!

Happy national cowboy shit day!

“AEW there is no dispute, it’s the era of the elite. It’s the era of the super kliq.”



The Brood Young Xtreme

The Brood Young Xtreme

Post link


Matt (on the right) walked with Kenny to the back :((



G1 Climax 26!!!! (for anyone who doesn’t know, the g1 is a tournament that determines who gets a main event title match at Wrestle Kingdom)

it’s his first time participating and Kenny does tremendously, winning most of his matches until finally only one thing stands between him and the finals:

Tetsuya Naito [Aug 13, 2016 - Official LINK, Unofficial LINK


[ID: gif from the match, Naito is holding his shoulder and then begins to grin as he stands up, while Kenny looks distressed and in pain in the background. End ID]

kenny decides that this match is the right time to give us a little update on the condition of his heart and he debuts new gear!

these pants are a similar design to the old ones, but the wings have begun to change. the skeletal wing is now completely bare


and the other wing has become bleached white and is starting to lose its feathers. You can see them falling down his pant leg, like the loss is continual and steady


Keep reading


How are you all doing???

I’m always sending the best vibes to you guys.

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