#matt murderdock


*slaps Spiderman NWH trailer*

“This bad boy can fit so many throwback characters in it”



Summary: Jake Lockley has gotten a video that you’ve been kidnapped by the cult of Ahipop. He knows he can’t do it by himself and he’s hesitant to call a certain person he hates but Matt Murdocks helps Jake save you while uncovering the plot of the cult.

: . .

Word count:13K+

Note: no smut this time but next chapter tho…
















I promise, no matter where you are. I will find you, I will continue to find you over and over again.

—JAKE DIDN’T WANT TO HAVE TO CALL MATT MURDOCK BUT WHAT CHOICE DID HE HAVE? The cult of Apophis was what brought him to you in the first place. The whole mission that started the partnership was because of the cult. But he thought he killed all of them months ago but he was wrong. Matt Murdock helped on the case because they were terrorizing and harming the people of New York, he helped destroy them with you and Jake but they were back. And they kidnapped you.

Jake told Matt to meet him at the old location where they use to meet up. He wasn’t fond of the devil of Hell’s Kitchen for many reasons. There were too many reasons why he hated Matt. The goody-two-shoes hero had a rule of not killing people and that everyone deserved a second chance, redemption. Jake never believed in redemption, he would see through the eyes of Marc how Marc desperately wanted to believe that his mother could change and love him. But not Jake, he knew that she would never change and knew that until her dying breath, she stayed the same.

She had the choice of a second chance after blaming Marc for his brother’s death but she kept going. She kept harming them. Why do people deserve a second chance? Jake wasn’t going to give people the satisfaction of continuing their horrendous actions, he didn’t care if they deserved a second chance.

Another reason he despises Matt Murdock was because of the history Matt had with you. There was too much history there that made Jake’s skin crawl. That burning sensation flooded through his veins every time he thought about it. He knew Matt was still and always will be in love with you.

Jake shook his head at the idea. His fingers curled around the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turned white as his hands shook from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. “Matt Murdock? The man from the photos?” Steven questioned from the reflection tilting his head.

“Isn’t he blind?” Marc questioned from the other side of the window shield, quirking an eyebrow at Jake.

“Yeah but he’s the devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Some consider him a hero. Others consider him a terrorizer for how he handles situations.” Jake spoke as he turned on the ignition to the limo and wiped away the crumbled-up tablet off his lap.

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Love this! Badass reader. Got Daredevil and Moon Knight?! Not to mention bestie Layla?

I am really really hopeful but also so scared. Why can’t they get the original Netflix writers…

 Murderdock x Reader x Steven/Mark/Jake :

Y/N dated Matt before, but because of his activities, the Hand, his bad temper (he was never violent, but he was moody, he had secrets, he was distant, angry, mean sometimes, refusing to talk about his feelings and problems) she leaves for London where she meets Steven.

Adorable Steven, who is not like Matt at all. He tells her about Marc and Jake after their second date, but not about Khonshu.

Of course Matt comes, looking for her, apologizing, saying he doesn’t want to lose the one good thing in his life, that he would leave her if she honestly tells him she doesn’t love him anymore. This is bad, but Y/N still loves him, will always love him, but he hurt her too much, and she loves Steven, who is a nice man. Matt asks her with a small smile if she’s sure her new lover not hiding anything from her.

The day before, Moon Knight fought with the Devil. (Moon Knight ? Haha, I’m the Western Sun of the Hand, nice to meet you !”)

Later, Steven meets Matt at the museum, offering to give him a tour, then without him knowing how they ended having a coffee together. Matt is a real charmer.

Jake doesn’t trust this guy, but Jake doesn’t trust anyone. Marc thinks Matt is flirting, asking all these questions. Steven therefore tells him that he has a girlfriend, and Matt replies that she is lucky to have him, because Steven is really handsome. (“How can you tell ? I mean, you’re… Sorry.” “Don’t be sorry, darling. And trust me, I can tell.”) Matt makes several subtle references to the moon, which bother Marc and Jake, but Steven wants to believe it’s a coincidence.

When Matt asks for Steven’s number, because he doesn’t have a friend in London, he doesn’t dare say no. He knows what it’s like to be alone.

When he tells Y/N about it, saying he met a man who dresses in red, blind, and named Matt, she tells him he’s her ex and he should beware, without telling him why. This does not please Marc and Jake at all, who feel that she is hiding something. Steven is worried. It pains them, because they all like her.

They are right, she also has some secrets, she knows how to fight, Matt taught her how to defend herself. And an army of ninjas follows her everywhere to check that she is not in danger.

If the Hand hears of Khonshu, the trio will be in trouble.

But Matt doesn’t tell them about it, as he guessed who Moon Knight was. He doesn’t want to hurt Y/N, and he loves her weird boyfriends who talks to himself, changing their accent and gait several times a day, and having almost as many problems and secrets as he does.

Khonshu is suspicious of Matt, he feels that he can be dangerous, that his scale is not well balanced, but at the same time he is powerful and could be useful.

Marc doesn’t know what to think, Jake likes him in the end, and Steven is surprised to be loved by two people at the same time.

Y/N is just tired.



  • Pairing: brother’s best friend!matt x reader
  • Word count:1.4k
  • Warnings:panic attack, mentions of being overwhelmed- it’s brief but it’s there
  • Summary:you feel yourself starting to have a panic attack at a party but matt talks you down and takes you home to take care of you
  • A/n: a self-indulgent fic? from me? never.

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What’s your fannish ID?
In most spaces (ao3, twitter, etc) you can find me under thelonebamf which is a handle I’ve had for //checks watch// over twenty years now and has a laughable origin that as far as I know predates the B.A.M.F. acronym, but guess who looked like a total d-bag on forums for years lol. Anyways, yeah, I’ve been lost in the Marvel sauce for literal decades now. Here on tumblr you can find me at @amazing-spiderling which is kind of a mishmash of one of the names Tony gives Peter in Civil War that I thought was funny.

What types of fanworks do you create?
I dabble in creating fanart, comics, fics, and have made one fanmix and would probably do more if my taste in music was better. I have also smooshed all those interests together to run a small ask blog! I have run zines and events in other fandoms and would probably like to take a stab at that when irl calms down a little for me. :)

What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating?
I consume a lot of fanfic, pretty much every night before bed. XD I’ve just started getting into listening to podfics more recently. I love fanmixes especially when I’m trying to get some inspiration for a ship and want to get a feel for how other people interpreted the pairing. Gives you a little perspective. And who doesn’t love some adorable fanart of their faves? Fan videos are great, but probably even better when you’re watching them with your fandom friends and yelling over the internet. XD Oh, and when I see a full fledged fan comic, I pretty much lose my mind.

What do you like in particular about this fandom?
I am pretty myopic when it comes to fandoms and ships. I’m usually there for one character/one ship only. In this case, I am here (the DD/Defenders fandom) for MattFoggy goodness exclusively. Of course since the two characters have SO much history, and are incapable of existing outside each other’s orbits, canon has presented us with so many delightful and entertaining versions of their partnership to play with. Goodness knows I’ve fallen deep down the Earth-65 (Spider-Gwen) hole with these two and am likely never to crawl out. Oops. I love a good regular canon story too, and I’m happy to devour any AU a fic throws at me.

Do you like participating in fan events?
I really enjoy doing fandom events and collaborations! I think I leaned into it pretty hard when I first started creating for the Daredevil fandom because it felt like if I was doing an exchange or a bang, then I was making something that at least one person was going to be into. Also, I have found that in most cases, it’s a great way to meet people and make friends. I am one of those people that loves to pick my partner’s brain, and likewise offer suggestions when needed. Sometimes you really hit that stride with each other and it makes you both that much more excited to work on the thing, and that’s awesome. FRENS!

What about your creating process?
If I’m writing, I find other words really distracting, but I also find it hard to work in silence. Coffee shop music is usually okay because it’s not right in my face, but if I’m at home (god, when was the last time I worked in a coffee shop…) I need to have a more chill ambient thing going on. I put on a lot of lo-fi and vaporwave mixes when I need to make words be go. TBH I am SUCH a Goldilocks when it comes to writing. The vibe needs to be right, I need to have a plan in mind, my chair needs to be comfy… etc etc. At least when I do get down to it, I can smash out the words pretty quickly, just getting to that point can take some finesse. XD

If I’m drawing, it’s another thing entirely. I tend to put on television, but it has to be something that I’ve either seen before (so I’m not worried about looking at the screen) or something that is really low stakes (youtube people reviewing snacks or something). I think I actually prefer people talking to music for art times… usually. It can just depend on what I’m working on.

Do you interact a lot with other fans?
I am on discord… way too much, and pretty much have one foot in the Avocados server during all of my waking hours- which is great. I’ve made some really good friends there! [get in touch with lonebamf for info about the Avocados server!] Other than that, I always make an effort to comment on people’s posts on other platforms where I feel like that kind of engagement is lacking (fanart on twitter/instagram) because I know how much I enjoy encouragement. Of course my inbox is always open here (and on the askblog, duh) in case anyone ever wants to pick my brain.

Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about?
I am VERY slow to shift fandoms/ships (and never really leave, tbh), so my list is not very long. The most relevant one to mention would be Spideypool (and Spider-Man as a whole). I even did a podcast about Spider-Man and some of his wilder exploits called “Was Spider-Man There?” where my non-comic reading friend would make up a wild situation and I would have to figure out if it ever happened in canon. Good times. I also spent a lot of time in the Metal Gear Solid Snake/Otacon fandom because I guess there’s just something in my DNA that makes me love “trained soldier who has the skillz to pay the billz and his dorky best friend and they make each other better people” as a ship dynamic.

Is there any particular piece you’d like to showcase for this post?
So I love my askblog and my comics but the thing I want to point at with big neon flashing arrows is this fanfic I did for a recent server exchange called “The Indictment of Sick Jan” which is an Earth-65 fic about DA Nelson attending a holiday party Matt has invited him to against his better judgement. I really love writing Murderdock and their interactions and hope to get some more fics like this out there, but this is what I have to share for now! I would love it if more people checked it out! https://archiveofourown.org/works/36828508

Also, just saying, but you can also find all of my askblog comics crossposted to my ao3, just in case you want to read the whole thing in chronological order, or leave a comment with real talky words for me. <3

Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
I have two very cute pups and every day is a struggle not to use that new tumblr blaze feature to force thousands of people to look at pictures of them being cute. [Puppy pics below]

[ID: A collage of two dog photos. On the right is a tan Pomeranian, lying on a wood floor with his paws in front of him, head slightly tilted and wearing a smile. The photo is decorated with a pink thought bubble with a bone in it. This is Bijou and he is a very good boy. On the left is a small mixed breed dog, standing in dry grass. Her coat is neatly trimmed and entirely black except for the tip of her muzzle and her toes. She is also smiling at the camera and has goofy triangle ears because she is a triangle head. The photo is decorated with a small blue word bubble that says “bow wow”. Her name is Vivi and she is a mischief (but still good).]

Where can your fanworks be found?
Well first and foremost, you should check out my Earth-65 askblog over at @ask-nelsonandmurderdock because that’s where the fun stuff is. (And give me a follow and throw an ask my way while you’re there!)

You can find the rest of my recent stuff at https://amazing-spiderling.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art (well most of it, there’s some stuff I didn’t tag during that weirdness this past December and I need to go back and fix that…)

And of course, you can find me over on ao3 at thelonebamf and Discord as thelonebamf#9897

I hope to interact with all you cool kids soon!

Thank you, @amazing-spiderling!

banner by @context-is-for-kingpins!

[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
