#matt talbot


My poster for Better Call Saul episode 606, Axe and Grind. How excited was I when BCS went full-on horror movie for a scene? (Very excited.)

My poster for Better Call Saul 605, Black and Blue. I watched the boxing scene at least 10 times and it just kept getting better. The storytelling in that scene is *chef’s kiss*

My poster for Better Call Saul 604, Hit and Run. In an episode full of amazing moments, I flipped out over this encounter.

My poster for Better Call Saul 603, Rock and Hard Place. Nacho forever

I am sooooo happy that those Kettlemans reappeared on @bettercallsaulamc so I could correct my giant mistake of never including them on a poster in season one. So, I’ve righted that wrong with this, my poster for episode 602, Carrot and Stick. #bettercallsaul

My poster for Better Call Saul episode 601, Wine and Roses.

Getting reacquainted with some old friends before the new season.

brokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arcbrokehorrorfan: Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Arc


Prints from Matt Talbot’s solo show are available at Gallery 1988. Most of these Archie Comics-inspired pieces are sold out, but they’re too good not to share.

The exhibit includes artwork inspired Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, The Thing, They Live, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Shining, Scream, The Witch,Midsommar, and It Follows(below).

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This is a Timothy Olyphant appreciation post. The guy is so good in everything. More shows and movies with Timothy Olyphant please!

‪A bit late, but here’s my poster for Better Call Saul 510, Something Unforgivable. I think I just didn’t want the season to be over. Remember, it’s Kim Wexler’s world—we’re just living in it!

My posers for the first 9 episodes of Better Call Saul season 5. I’m not ready for the finale tonight

‪I think this my last chance to draw that iconic red door, which is what kicked off this whole poster series. So, pour one out for Jimmy’s Esteem. My poster for the brilliant Better Call Saul episode 509, Bad Choice Road. @bettercallsaulamc

Well, that was an unbelievable hour of television. My poster for one of the best #bettercallsaul episodes yet, 508, Bagman.

Here’s my poster for Better Call Saul episode 507, JMM. Man—seven episodes into the season, and I hadn’t worked everyone’s favorite mustachioed Salamanca into a poster yet? Well, here’s Lalo! “Just make money,” “a friend of the cartel”—it seems like those moments of happiness after Jimmy and Kim’s city hall marriage aren’t going to be around for long. Hope you’re all having a good week and staying safe. Saul continues to be a bright spot for me and I’m looking forward to tonight’s episode.

My poster for Better Call Saul 506, Wexler v. Goodman. An absolute powerhouse of an episode! I’ve been waiting for tonight’s episode since the very moment this one ended.

Here’s my poster for Better Call Saul episode 505, Dedicado A Max. Every week, it’s a challenge to figure out what to draw for these posters. I have one image per week, and there are so many compelling plot lines and characters. Some weeks, an image jumps right out at me, and other weeks it’s much more difficult. This was one of those difficult weeks! Heather Marion wrote, in my opinion, one of the funniest episodes of the entire series. From Jimmy’s hi-jinx to Kim’s Kevin impression, to Mike’s interrupted battery montage, to the reappearance of Sobchak, this episode was an embarrassment of hilarious riches. But, it was the last scene that I kept going back to. When the episode begins, we see Mike sit down at a (nearly literal) crossroad. By the end, Gus appears to urge Mike along. A powerful scene in a beautiful setting—I just had to go with it! Hope you are all safe, and looking forward to tonight’s episode as much as I am.

My poster for Better Call Saul 504, Namaste! I have to say, it feels weird and frivolous making stuff and posting during this worldwide pandemic. But, I’m trying to make things as normal as they can be given the circumstances, and I’m looking so forward to the mental respite that tonight’s episode will bring. In fact, when I’m drawing is one of the only times my mind isn’t grinding away on The State Of The World Today. I hope you all are well and being kind to each other. And staying in as much as possible.

My poster for @bettercallsaulamc 503, The Guy For This. Hank and Gomey! Meeting Saul! How could I not draw this moment? This episode was again filled with amazing scenes and I feel like this season, more than ever, has so much great stuff that figuring out what to put in these posters is really hard. Kim in particular had a powerhouse episode, but I’m not sure how many episodes Hank and Steve will be in, so I went with that direction.

“You’re kidding me. You’re kidding me!” My poster for Better Call Saul episode 502, 50% Off. Another episode filled with great moments (of course), but Nacho’s rooftop leap really stood out to me. ”Find a way,” Gus said, and Nacho did.

My poster for Better Call Saul episode 501, Magic Man. An amazing episode full of memorable moments, but how could I say no to featuring an actual sideshow? Plus, I don’t think I’ve done a BCS poster with this color palette yet. Well, episode 2 has already aired so I better get back to it.
