#tony dalton





Me to myself as I catch up on Better Call Saul

My poster for Better Call Saul episode 606, Axe and Grind. How excited was I when BCS went full-on horror movie for a scene? (Very excited.)

You know a show is good when the most cruel, ruthless and senseless action makes you very nauseous and unwell after watching it.

Especially when you have been getting used to those type of elements in other stories and almost got desensitized to those sort of things. I know it be might be something weird (even creepy ) to say but I am glad I felt that way after seeing it because that’s the whole purpose of it, the whole purpose of that scene and how you should feel about it. At least I would hope that’s the case because I felt extremely nauseous and uncomfortable when it happened.

Like I don’t want to freak anybody out by saying this. X) It’s just about the way we are influenced by certain other stories sometimes and I’m glad BCS isn’t like that and has never been that way about that particular topic.

Sometimes certain stories makes you forget how impactful and shocking those types of things actually are to the point you don’t feel anything when it happens. You know it is wrong but you lack that shock and impact moment that really puts things into perspective. Plus makes you really realise what just happened or what’s going on.

Of course BrBa wasn’t shy about doing it in a gruesome way and sometimes with a dark comedy vibe to it but there was always that feeling of impact and shock when it still happened. And in BCS it’s even more apparent with the way they do certain things.

There’s not a lot of, (and I mean it), shows or stories like Better Call Saul; they are very rare. And tonight’s episode is an example of that to me.

I’m glad there’s this break until July 11th so we can really digest everything that’s been given, and done to us xD, in the past few weeks and tonight of course.

Only 6 episodes left, it’s almost the end guys. Let’s get ready because we’re not out of the woods yet.

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