

Yes, Commander

I’ve had this idea in my head for a good long while, and now I’m finally getting the chance to write a one-shot for one of my favorite ladies, Rook Kast. Part Two

Relationship(s): Rook Kast/F!Reader

Tags: Mandalorian Culture, Secret Crushes, Dom/Sub dynamics, Suggestive content, Fluff

You were cleaning your blasters when the alarm rang. Cleaning your blasters was something that was ingrained into your morning routine. And if you weren’t cleaning them, you were shooting at targets at the range. Blasters were a central part of your life, and not just because you were a Mandalorian. They brought you a sense of joy you couldn’t describe. A lot of the soldiers in your unit, and even outside of your unit, come to you when there’s issues with their blasters, and you can find the root cause every time. You know every blaster model name, their maker, their parts and how they work. Your knowledge is endless, and you love looking into all of the new blasters being manufactured every year.

However, your life cannot revolve around blasters, and shooting them or working on fixing them. Sometimes, you need to do other things. Like eat. Or train. Or make it to role on time. Which now, looking at that alarm, made you realize you were going to be late.

Shitshitshityour thoughts race as you hurriedly put your armor together, holstering the blasters you were just cleaning, and rushing out the door. You jammed your helmet on your head as you ran through the palace’s halls to the third training room, where you were due to report for your Commander’s instructions.

You were only three minutes late, thank the Ka'ra. And even more luckily, Commander Kast only gives you a quick glance while giving today’s orders.

Haran, she’s beautiful. It was so easy for you to get lost in her eyes, blue as a clear morning day. As powerful as a raging river. You wished there was a way to get her attention, to notice you in a way that wasn’t just being late to role again, or how you still definitely need more work on hand-to-hand combat, but you would never admit it because it’s embarrassing and you know you should be better, and she probably despises you for being so bad at it–

“Private L/N,” Commander Kast called your name sharply, “please stay behind, I would like to have a wordwith you.”

Your back straightened, the automatic “yes, commander” slipping out. Your anxious thoughts made you zone out, like usual, and you missed what her instructions for the unit were. Haar'chak.

As your fellow soldiers left the room, overwhelming panic ambushed your mind, filling it with what ifs and reminders of how terrible of a soldier you were, how she must hate you and that you were a horrible Mandalorian and that you weren’t worthy to even be a part of the Supercommandos.

Before Commander Kast could condemn you, words began falling out of your mouth as you took off your helmet, “Commander, I am so so sorry for being late today, I got distracted cleaning my blasters and I didn’t realize the time. I promise I’ll get better with keeping track of time, it’s still something I’ve been working on since I was a youngling, and–”

“Slow down Y/n,” Commander Kast touched your shoulder, “That’s not what I was going to talk about. I was going to ask why I haven’t seen you in the combat training room during the hours I assigned your squad there.”

Your breath hitched slightly, and you chuckled, rubbing your neck. “I… well, I was at the shooting range practicing with my new SHEVLA-22. It’s such a good rifle, the name fits really well. It could definitely be used for stealth missions if Lord Maul has CC mass produce them for The Collective…”

You stopped. You closed your eyes, cringing at how fast a sentence can turn into a ramble. Commander Kast doesn’t care about your affinity for blasters, you were blatantly caught not following orders. Opening your eyes again, you catch a small smirk on her definitely soft lips. Today, they were sunset colored, that’s the best way you could describe them. It looked like the color of the sky during a Mandalorian sunset. Stunning and regal, just like her.

“You know, you’re pretty cute when you ramble like that, sen'ika.”

If your face didn’t feel hot before, it was steaming now. You had to resist the urge to drop your helmet on the floor and cover your face with your hands. She called you cute, oh Ka'ra she called you cute. It’s over. You could get shot through your beskar and die right now and you would die happy. And sen'ika? Little Bird? You were right about to explode in this strange feeling of excitement, anxiety, and embarrassment.

“T-thank you, Commander,” you hardly managed to stutter out. You looked away from her, trying to regain any sense of control on your wildly beating heart.

But before your body could even relax, a gloved hand captured your chin. Commander Kast was still wearing that smirk on her lips, and you had to convince yourself that wasn’t a hint of lust in her stunning eyes. There was no way…

“You look at me when I speak to you. Is that understood, sen'ika?”

Your breath hitched, “Yes, Commander.”

She grinned at you, “Good girl, now put down your helmet and get on your knees for me.”

Your eyes widened and your body shivered. And without question, you followed her orders to the T.

“Good girl,” she repeated once you were kneeling at her feet. You shivered again. Those words slipping from her lips was your salvation. Commander Kast placed her helmet down next to yours. There was no doubt that there was lust sparkling in those icy eyes, and your heart was ready to burst out of your chest. This is real.She sees you.She wants you like how you want her.

“I wonder,” she thought aloud, cupping your face in her gloved hand, the rough bantha-leather caressing your cheeks grounding you to reality. “Why it is that you listen to me so eagerly now, sen'ika?”

Your face heats in embarrassment as she continues. “Is it because we’re alone, hm? Just the two of us in this grand room, no one to interrupt your longing?” she gives you a fond smile, “Oh, I see how you look at me Y/n, even with that helmet on your head, I see you.”

“I-I’m sorry Commander–” you could hardly get out any kind of coherent apology before a leather thumb slid into your mouth, silencing you.

“Hush,” she chides you as your eyes widen, “No apologizing. You are safe with me, sen’ika.”

You melt into her touch, “Thank you, Commander,” you whisper against her thumb.

“Good girl,” she removes her thumb from your mouth, “Unfortunately, I have a meeting with Lord Maul in fifteen minutes. Stand up.”

You rose to your feet. She turned away from you to grab her helmet, “Go to the training room and meet up with your unit, is that understood Y/n?”

“Yes Commander,” you stood straighter, your face set in your soldier gaze. Stern. Emotionless.

Which quickly broke when a set of lips met with yours. Your eyes were wide then closed and embraced the kiss. They were soft, just like you imagined they were.

“Come to my quarters at oh-four hundred, understood?” she ordered in a low rumble that made you feel hot in all the right places.

“Yes Commander,” you replied, breathless.

She smiled, cupping your face briefly before putting on her helmet once again and turned to leave the room. She halted right at the door, turning back around, “You can call me Rook, when it’s just the two of us, Y/n.”

You smiled, “Okay, Rook. Have a good day and see you later.”

You imagined she was smiling under her helmet as she nodded silently and exited the room, leaving you in a blissful stun. After a moment or two of just standing there like a decommissioned droid, your brain finally rebooted, and you grabbed your helmet and sprinted towards the training gym. Hopefully you won’t get too caught up in daydreaming. Oh-four hundred can’t come fast enough.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

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