#maya carina



So, I’ve been thinking about Marina’s relationship as a whole and I realised that there are a couple of things I wish we got to see.

1. The beginning of their relationship. I mean we know that they hooked up and exchanged numbers after meeting at the bar. But it would have been nice to see Maya processing the fact that Carina was actually someone she wanted in her life. I wonder what exactly made Carina different, maybe she felt lonely cuz her team was mad at her or she probably felt a pull to Carina that she couldn’t explain. Probably a combination of both.

2. Although I’m over it, I really wish we saw them having a proper conversation about the cheating. Particularly what led up to it, Maya coming to terms with her dad’s treatment of her, what led to her cutting her hair etc.

3. Maya finally being able to take Carina to the airport! But seriously, it must have been really sad to get engaged then separated just a couple days later for six weeks. They would’ve definitely killed that scene. Also the reunion would’ve been nice to see.

4. There were a lot of things we didn’t see during the wedding but I would’ve really loved to see them put their rings on for the first time as they’ve become a huge symbol of their love.

5. Flashbacks of the first 10 months of their marriage. There’re so many things we don’t know. Did Maya’s mom stay with them? Was Andy there too? Did they even have a honeymoon? So many questions

6. Their anniversary

If anyone fics these please tag me. Im highly interested in reading these.
