#mbc tomorrow


I need someone to clarify something for me that I must have missed through all the crying in previous episodes.

Reapers give up on reincarnation. This is what Ryung Gu told his mother. But I keep seeing people say things that imply reapers can reincarnate later if they choose to. So, can they? Or can’t they? And does anyone remember the episode this was explained (if at all?)


Opening the Door 

Koo Ryeon sat at her desk in the basement office and stared at her wrist. The Red Strand was still there and the loose end had long ago been tucked into the coil so that it did not stand out. She stared at it, silently, as she had every day for the last 200 years.

Even the surprise of meeting Joong Gil did keep from obsessing over her broken fate. Over her choice which had separated her from the man she loved. The man she saw being bent into a vengeful murder for her sake. Was it not doubly painful to bear the brutality of an unforgiving and judgmental people as well as the loss of your husband’s honor even as he thought he was protecting you?

Koo Ryeon stared at the cord and remember seeing Park Joon Gil enter the Jase Empress’s chamber. Her intake of breath at the sight of him. The surge in her heart which she quickly suppressed. The Jade Empress spoke over her, telling her of Park’s two subsequent reincarnations. The fact that he would not recognize her, thought she would recognize his formidable character.

Walking the endless corridors of Hell, agonizing over her choice, flagellating herself with the guilt and shame of an act she saw as both selfish and selfless. She could not see a way clear of that shame that was being heaped on her; the disdain of a mother in law who thought only of her reputation and that of her son, the vitriolic words of the town folk which turned to violence and murder. She also saw no other way to save her husband. She could not bear to see him descend into murder himself. His courageous and upright character could not be sullied because of her. Though she had done no wrong, she would go to Hell to save him.

Koo Ryeon stared at her wrist, at the red cord. What now? She had known all along. She had never forgotten. Now, he remembered. But who was he? Was he the angry, dogmatic reaper? Was he her husband? Or, was he something in between? Had she kept a love for him all this time? Had she hoped he would regain his memories? Did she have more to say to him? Was there still even an ember of their love left to stoke? She didn’t know. Was she still ashamed? Did she still blame him? Was she still bitter? OR was she simply resigned to being the leader of the RM team?

Was there room for love in Jumadeung? There was no rule forbidding it that she knew of. She shook her head dismissing the thought. But it would not be shaken.

Why do you wear the eyeshadow?

In remembrance of him.


Because our love was pure…once.

Has that purity of love needed to be on display every day?


Again, I ask: Why?

Perhaps there is a piece of me that still loves him.

A piece of you? I would say it is more than a piece. I would say that your love for him has never died. That you have kept hidden safely away under that sad, tough, yet passionate persona.

Have you forgotten what I did? Have you forgotten the cost? Do you not remember pain and helplessness in his eyes?

I remember very well. I also know he did his time in Hell for you as well. He protected you when you lost yourself again. He told you he understood his failure and apologized. His demeanor has softened in general and the attention he is paying you is not lace with disdain. In fact, it is laced with something else altogether.

You flatter yourself.

And you remain in denial. Park Joong Gil does not blame you. He has not shamed you. That man remembers loving you and that memory is growing stronger. Why are you resisting?

I don’t know.

Yes. You do. It’s the reason that you put that color over your eyes the very next day after learning that he remembered. You at once so completely obvious and yet remain almost completely closed. He has apologized. Perhaps it is time we apologize as well. Let go of our shame. We are no longer bound to him by the thread of fate, but does that have to matter in Jamdeung? He will forgive us. It is possible that love can grow again.

Us? You are me and I am you. Thankfully Ryung Gu is not hear to witness this.  

Koo Ryeon stood from her chair, letting the cuff of her sleeve fall to cover the thread wrapped around her wrist. She what Joong Gil was doing. It was time to find out.

One reblog only.

Opening the Door 

Koo Ryeon sat at her desk in the basement office and stared at her wrist. The Red Strand was still there and the loose end had long ago been tucked into the coil so that it did not stand out. She stared at it, silently, as she had every day for the last 200 years.

Even the surprise of meeting Joong Gil did keep from obsessing over her broken fate. Over her choice which had separated her from the man she loved. The man she saw being bent into a vengeful murder for her sake. Was it not doubly painful to bear the brutality of an unforgiving and judgmental people as well as the loss of your husband’s honor even as he thought he was protecting you?

Koo Ryeon stared at the cord and remember seeing Park Joon Gil enter the Jase Empress’s chamber. Her intake of breath at the sight of him. The surge in her heart which she quickly suppressed. The Jade Empress spoke over her, telling her of Park’s two subsequent reincarnations. The fact that he would not recognize her, thought she would recognize his formidable character.

Walking the endless corridors of Hell, agonizing over her choice, flagellating herself with the guilt and shame of an act she saw as both selfish and selfless. She could not see a way clear of that shame that was being heaped on her; the disdain of a mother in law who thought only of her reputation and that of her son, the vitriolic words of the town folk which turned to violence and murder. She also saw no other way to save her husband. She could not bear to see him descend into murder himself. His courageous and upright character could not be sullied because of her. Though she had done no wrong, she would go to Hell to save him.

Koo Ryeon stared at her wrist, at the red cord. What now? She had known all along. She had never forgotten. Now, he remembered. But who was he? Was he the angry, dogmatic reaper? Was he her husband? Or, was he something in between? Had she kept a love for him all this time? Had she hoped he would regain his memories? Did she have more to say to him? Was there still even an ember of their love left to stoke? She didn’t know. Was she still ashamed? Did she still blame him? Was she still bitter? OR was she simply resigned to being the leader of the RM team?

Was there room for love in Jumadeung? There was no rule forbidding it that she knew of. She shook her head dismissing the thought. But it would not be shaken.

Why do you wear the eyeshadow?

In remembrance of him.


Because our love was pure…once.

Has that purity of love needed to be on display every day?


Again, I ask: Why?

Perhaps there is a piece of me that still loves him.

A piece of you? I would say it is more than a piece. I would say that your love for him has never died. That you have kept hidden safely away under that sad, tough, yet passionate persona.

Have you forgotten what I did? Have you forgotten the cost? Do you not remember pain and helplessness in his eyes?

I remember very well. I also know he did his time in Hell for you as well. He protected you when you lost yourself again. He told you he understood his failure and apologized. His demeanor has softened in general and the attention he is paying you is not lace with disdain. In fact, it is laced with something else altogether.

You flatter yourself.

And you remain in denial. Park Joong Gil does not blame you. He has not shamed you. That man remembers loving you and that memory is growing stronger. Why are you resisting?

I don’t know.

Yes. You do. It’s the reason that you put that color over your eyes the very next day after learning that he remembered. You at once so completely obvious and yet remain almost completely closed. He has apologized. Perhaps it is time we apologize as well. Let go of our shame. We are no longer bound to him by the thread of fate, but does that have to matter in Jamdeung? He will forgive us. It is possible that love can grow again.

Us? You are me and I am you. Thankfully Ryung Gu is not hear to witness this.  

Koo Ryeon stood from her chair, letting the cuff of her sleeve fall to cover the thread wrapped around her wrist. She what Joong Gil was doing. It was time to find out.

Park Joong Gil and Koo Ryeon having coffee post Tomorrowfinale.

They really love each other omg. The way he cried when he find out she’s dead. Another day another river of tears. Are they going to be together at the end or what I need that.

Am I the only one who ships these bitches together?!?! Why I am like that
