

It’s me, Tyrone, again. –> @tyronerodriguez

I’ve taken over duties with today’s megapost, which was supposed to go live last week #sorry. We were busy updating the PC version and announcing the Nintendo Switch retail version of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+. Oh yeah, we also released Rebirth on iOS. It was a busy week.

If you’ve played Afterbirth+, you’ve probably seen the regular patches, bug fixes and tweaks since launch. It’s been just over two weeks since launch and we’re still working away at making sure the game is perfect, as-balanced-as-possible and as bug-free as possible. If you’re having issues getting the game running, I apologize and we’re probably either working on a fix and/or there might already be one available. Some of you put together a collective bug list, thank you for that–you’re really awesome: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AVAvmAgN_ioU-rrvTkTTmk4wRckAb4zXho_3V0Gb2T0/edit#heading=h.254nqn55vs0c

If you have anything to report please send it (and be as thorough as possible) to [email protected]

tl;dr We’re still fixing stuff, we’ll continue to fix stuff and we are still accepting/considering feedback that will improve the game experience

We’re still committed to providing updates as long as there’s new content created by the community. You’ve already been busy making really great items, weapons and mods for the game. We’ll will have an official method of submissions and accepting mods into monthly updates. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. Personally, I’d love to put in @ThatScayze’sPac-Man Mod, as a random bonus room.

When we started working on mod support and opening up the game to all of you, I was very hopeful that you’d make amazing things. As I mentioned previously, tomorrow will be two weeks since launch and you’ve already impressed the entire team with what you’ve created in such a short amount of time. I can’t imagine what you will be making a year from now.

Like the main portion of AB+, we’re still fixing bugs, updating the API and making improvements that will allow you to make more changes to the game. What you see now isn’t the final version of the mod tools, but just the beginning. If you do have feature requests, also send them to [email protected] with subject: Mod Tools Suggestion

Later this week/early next week we plan to do a quick Mod Tools Tutorial stream online with a few of the Afterbirth+ team members to help you get a better understanding on how to get started modding. Watch my Twitter @tyronerodriguez for more details as we get ready to confirm a final date and time. We’ll also be fielding questions from the chat during the tutorial stream.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is available on iOS as a universal binary. We’ll have AppleTV support at a later time, but right now it’s touch- and MFI-compatible. Requires iOS10, runs at 60fps xoxo

You can report iOS bugs to [email protected]; please put iOS Isaac Bugs in the subjectline.  We’re investigating a few things, including keyboard support. If you have any other feedback or reasonable requests, I’m listening. For unreasonable requests, please see Northernlion.

Other stuff..


By now you’ve hopefully heard that The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ is coming to Nintendo Switch in retail form. What does it mean?

It means that there is more than just The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on launch. Afterbirth+ will be available at retail as well as on the Nintendo eShop for $39.99 and will include Rebirth, Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ packed together as one game.

If you’re that excited about the game, it’s still available to pre-order at GameStop and Amazon. You might want to consider pre-ordering as the first few thousand copies may come backed in with something special

You can also get our other Switch game, Redout out, too:

Bye! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE NICOLO ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
