#mdzs xxc x reader


mdzs characters reaction when you faint from exhaustion 

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Lan Xichen

  • you have always looked beautiful teaching, that to Xichen is undeniable,
  • but Xichen worriedly picks up on the small tell-tale signs of your exhaustion,
    • the slight tremor in your hand that you hide in your sleeves,
    • the way that your eyes close slightly in between the short breaks when your students are reading
  • Xichen barely waits for the student’s dismissals to come into the hall, almost barreling into you as you try to leave
      • “y/n,” Xichen calls you, catching your arms
      • “i need to stop by the library,” you tell him, 
      • and he knows that you’re using the work voice with him,
      • “y/n,” Xichen tries again, blocking your path
    • he knows how important that this new teaching position at Cloud Recess is to you,
    • but he can’t rest easy knowing (clearly seeing) that you have not been taking care of yourself
      • your eyes land on Xichen’s face, and he watches your face ease a few tense lines 
      • “i’m fine,” you reassure, 
        • and Xichen doesn’t buy it for one bit,
      • “let me accompany you then,” Xichen tries,
      • and you let out a sigh, about to retort to him
        • perhaps the sharp way that you had looked up had been too fast
    • but either way, your vision suddenly tunnels
  • Xichen’s arms wrap around your immediately, bringing your swaying form close to his chest
    • your hear his sigh above you as you get your bearings back, 
      • slowly notice the tight, scared way that you’re holding onto his robes, 
        • “come back with me,” Lan Xichen tells you as his arms wrap around his shoulder in a hug,
        • ‘time to rest, i won’t allow any more work,’ you know he means
          • and really you never knew your limits very well
          • so it’s a blessing to have someone like Xichen
          • how knows you better than yourself

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Song Lan

  • your sword wavers, ever so slightly as you bring it back to your side
    • you feel tired,
      • “it’s completely gone,” Song Lan reassures,
      •  you make to nod when your vision swims,
        • Song Lang notices immediately, 
          • reaches out to grab you, pull you close to him before he could second guess himself
        • your knees give in fast, and Song Lan holds you upright, surprised voice breaking out into the night
      • “y/n,” Song Lan breathes, the warmth from your body muted, almost as if you’d been suppressing it for a while
    • with you leaned against him, the pin pricks of close contact move their way up his arms and shoulders
    • but he ignores his own discomfort, lifting your robe sleeves to the sight of red, 
      • small but clearly dangerous,
      • poison scratched onto your hand
    • Song Lan looks down at you, hears your strained breathing and decides that this can’t wait,
  • he quickly maneuvers your arms around his neck, and lifts your legs up in a quick bridal carry
  • “try to hold on for a few minutes, we’ll go back to the inn” Song Lan says, a reassurance that only he himself hears
    • your eyes fully close and your arms draped around his shoulders loosen
    • this close he gets a clear scent of dew and dirt from the night hunt
    • and a clearer scent of something so distinctively you

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Xiao Xingchen

  • when your hand suddenly tightens in the crook of his elbow, 
  • Xingchen stops, worry churning in his stomach
    • perhaps he should have been more attentive to you during this long journey
    • had pushed to the back of his mind, 
      • the stumbling steps,
      • and late night talks
      • and days without a proper meal
    • all the days you had simply answered, “it’s okay,” to the hardships, because at the very least your didn’t have to endure it alone
  • Xingchen turns to you, having become much better at pinpointing exactly where you are
  • grabs your hand, to steady you,
  • steady himself
    • “y/n,” he calls to you 
    • he’s surprised by the sharp downward pull of your hand and realizes with a start that you are falling, 
  • Xingchen wraps his arms around you, lowering you to the ground 
    • the path that they are taking is deserted anyways, so he doesn’t believe many will mind that you both are stopped as you are in the middle,
    • “i’m sorry…just need a moment,” 
      • Xingchen’s brows furrow at your apology, and he reaches out to find you, hands patting slowly from your connected hands up to your shoulders,
      • his hand comes up to cup your face, startling slightly at the warmth there,
  • “why didn’t you tell me you had a fever,” Xingchen asks, later on when you both are sat in the shadow of a large tree a little ways up the path, 
    • “i didn’t want to delay you,” you respond honestly, voice breathy even though you are leaned in his arms 
      • i would wait for you, Xingchen finds himself thinking immediately,
      • but not yet quite saying