#me right now



Stress having physical effects is so stupid your body’s just like “you’ve been having a real shit time and I’m about to make it worse” I hope you die I hope we both die

rabbits-and-bats-and-comics: rabbits-and-bats-and-comics: Job hunting is fun… I have experience of d



Job hunting is fun… I have experience of doing nothing for over a year.

I… I don’t … know how to answer this…

Post link


Worst part of Dracula Daily is I can’t email my friend Jonathan Harker back being like

Subject: ???

Dear Jonathan,



Selina: Are you having another depressive episode? 
Tim: A depressive episode? 
Tim: I’m having a depressive series and we’re just on season one.



you ever have so much shit to do that you just sit there, do nothing and internally scream

When you’re trying to not be so negative, but someone keeps trying your patience:


do u ever feel like ur pulling an academic icarus flying too close to your deadlines on wings of deeply flawed time management

omgdirtydd:hplessflirt:Unf!Fuck yes!!!!

Me: hi I’m an artist

Me: *aggressively avoids drawing*

in-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the storein-your-face-cake: I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the store


I wanna do this so bad when ever I see a brat a the store

Post link


Welcome back to its really hot and I’m going to murder someone


Me while not studying: “I love knowledge. Intelligence is power. I am always reading or writing”
Me while studying: “This is going to kill me. I will be dead soon. Dead from death.”

Have you ever been so mad at a big that you wrote a synopsis of a rewritten plot for it and then said, “fuck it, I’m making a book series based off this just for myself, a better version that didn’t suck” ? 


the best way to consume media is to make it your only personality trait for at least two months


me: *has a stuffy nose*




the BEST THING about America is that one of their timezones is called mountain time. i cannot tell you how funny that is to me. it sure is always time for mountains in one fourth of america

¼ of you guys live like this



Plounce on twitter

Just a reminder since they’re making it harder to get diagnosed with autism soon, if tools made for either autistic or ADHD people help you: use them. That simple. Don’t worry about taking away resources because most of the time if more people are using a thing the more accessible and normalized it becomes


Sometimes getting better means accepting that you can’t do something and not pushing yourself past your limits. There is lots of healing, growth and strength to be found in respecting and accommodating the limits of your body and brain, so don’t let anyone convince you that pushing yourself harder is the only valid way to move forward in life.
