#media consumption



follow me for more piping hot takes, like: 

Hey, Maybe If You Hate Something A Lot, You Should Just Not Engage With It

It’s Okay To Just Dislike Something, You Don’t Have To Make Your Loathing It Your Entire Identity

Fandom Should Be Fun But It Seems Like It’s Making You Miserable; Maybe You Should Step Away

or how about this banger:

Just Because I Think You’ve Gone Overboard With Your Frothing Hate Doesn’t Actually Mean I’m A Fan Of The Thing In Question


on one hand i get the “there’s always been bad movies this isn’t new” mentality because yeah, of course there’s always been bad art. that’s just how content creation works. but there is a huge difference between Bad Movies then and Bad Movies now. because if we’re going to define “bad movies” by stuff like poor storytelling, mediocre acting, lazy editing, shock and plot twists valued over a coherent narrative, etc etc…then like. let’s be honest with ourselves. the bad movies of today are the ones dominating the box office and making it near impossible for anything else to get made. bad movies are everywhere and are drowning out a lot of good movies and that’s the problem, combined with this mentality that we’re not even allowed to criticise shit anymore. you can’t call ANY movie bad without some clown being like “ummmm let people enjoy things” and film criticism has turned into a collection of people raised on fandom who think their personal opinion is an objective fact so bad movies get to keep being made and keep being shoved in our faces and keep sucking the soul out of the industry. bad movies back in the day were shit like “the toxic slime creature” which like five people have seen and was made on a budget of ten dollars and absolutely sucks but at least the creators had fun with it and could actually go out and make a movie and put it into the world. bad movies now are fucking dr strange. like it is absolutely not the same.
