


Hello studyblr community! I’m back again with another post to share, the t-shirt i am wearing in the photo says “Haynayan” in native filipino word which means “Biology” in english. Most of you know that i am taking a bachelor’s degree in Biology major in General Biology. I am posting this because i’ve never told it before but i am happy to announce that i just graduated last June 26, 2019!!! I passed all my subjects and thesis + i finished my four years studying at university! Yey! Right now i am on a break and planning to go to medschool next year, also i enrolled myself in a review center for NMAT (national medical admission test) this coming October. I’ll be posting another content about how to enter medschool here in Philippines. And also, thank you so much for the 11k followers!!! My heart is in so much joy (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) That’s it for now! Goodluck and ace your exams! You got this. ♡
