#melody sakamata


So… Before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make your heart beat better?
If only I had known
You had a storm to weather

So… Before you go
Was there something I could’ve said
To make it all stop hurting
It kills me how your mind
Can make you feel so worthless

So… Before you go - ‘Before You Go’ by Lewis Capaldi

Sooo… eventually this happens…

When Umi and Chihiro were teenagers and attending Middle school, on top of the roof (where they would have lunch) was their declaration of their future. Chihiro wanted to become a Pro-Hero and Umi wanted to be on broadway. There they promised to support one another no matter what… but then…

When Umi was at practice (vocal training and dancing practice), he saw an ambulance in front of the school. Turns out a student had jumped off the roof and died on impact, what he wasn’t expecting was it was Chihiro. Her quirk can bring out the good in others, but it prevented her from seeing the good in herself and so she decided to take her own life.

Umi was helpless in the situation, he would go back on his memories and wondered if he missed any signals when they were together. He eventually started to blame himself for not being a better friend. At practice he danced his last steps and at her funeral, he sang his last song.

 I may not have played A Hat in Time, but I have been seeing gameplay of the game (Conductor is my f

I may not have played A Hat in Time, but I have been seeing gameplay of the game (Conductor is my favorite character) and I got to say; the Queen Vanessa portion of the game absolutely scares the heck out of me, and I’M not even playing! The tension is just so real. So I decided to draw the Sakamata kids playing that portion of the game.

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Ever since I heard the song “Last Ride of the Day” by Nightwish, I knew I wanted to draw

Ever since I heard the song “Last Ride of the Day” by Nightwish, I knew I wanted to draw a demonstration of Melody’s power. Her singing, should she want it, can make notes and columns appear and depending on their color can determine what they do. Red is mostly attack or extendable arms for her, blue is to sooth and lower defenses on foes, close enough to cause them to fall asleep.

If you’d like to listen to the song, click here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OJsPt…

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