#men are plague



today i had lunch with a girl from my floor, and she was telling me this horrific story about when she was in fifth grade, she befriended this boy at a summer camp, and later when he confessed to her while they were swimming that he liked her, and she said she didn’t like him that way, he tried to drown her. it was horrifying to think that a boy as young as 10 yrs old could react so violently; although i can’t remember anything that horrible, it made me reflect on my own young encounters with boys: the ones who used to tease and intimidate me on the playground, throw their fists and pull my hair, grab at me and laugh. it’s scary to truly realize just how early boys/men absorb and act on their misogyny. 







the stereotype that women talk more than men is infinitely amusing to me because men are literally incapable of shutting the fuck up

i hope this post gets popular enough that i hurt a man’s feelings

It’s not a stereotype it’s a proven fact you femanazi piece of shit.

lmao there it is 

You wanna talk proven facts? This shit’s been done, son: researcher Dale Spender in Australia used audio and video tape to independently evaluate who talked the most in mixed-gender university classroom discussions. Regardless of the gender ratio of the students, whether the instructor was deliberately trying to encourage female participation or not, men always talked more–whether the metric was minutes of talking or number of words spoken. 

Moreover, men literally have no clue how much they talk. When Spender asked students to evaluate their perception of who talked more in a given discussion, women were pretty accurate; but men perceived the discussion as being “equal” when women talked only 15% of the time, and the discussion as being dominated by women if they talked only 30% of the time.

Spender’s conclusion, if I may parahprase: you only think we talk too much because you’d rather we were silent.

Don’t fuck with me, asshole, I’m a scientist.

Edit:I can’t believe I got her name wrong multiple times. The researcher in question is Dale Spender and the original publication of this research was called Man Made Language (1980).

yes, it is true. Dear anti-fems, GO READ A BOOK.

~ Love and Intimate Relationships; by Norman Brown & Ellen Amatea.

~ Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology; by Joan Chrisler & Donald McCreary.

for more research, see also:
Women in Business” by Martha Reeves.
